android Programming Glossary: clip
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor.. 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners.. 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor..
Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip? recognition on android with recorded sound clip I've used the voice recognition feature on Android and I love.. recording the audio within my app and then sending the clip to google for transcription. Is there any way I can send an.. for transcription. Is there any way I can send an audio clip to be processed with speech to text android speech recognition..
How to copy text programmatically in my Android app? Use ClipBoardManager's setText method ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE ClipData.. getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE ClipData clip ClipData.newPlainText label Text to copy clipboard.setPrimaryClip..
How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners by default. How can I make it a rounded rectangle clip off all 4 corners of my Bitmap to be rounded rectangles in the..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape gradient android startColor #234 android centerColor.. 0.75 android endColor #a24 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape gradient.. 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape gradient android startColor #144281 android centerColor..
Seek bar, change path color from yellow to white background_fill item android id @android id progress clip android drawable @drawable progress_fill item layer list and..
Play an audio clip onto an ongoing call an audio clip onto an ongoing call Is it possible to modify an active call.. feasibility of playing a previously recorded call audio clip onto an ongoing call. Thanks in advance. android share improve..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows the addition and removal of UITableView rows here's a clip from a youtube video showing the default animation. Note how..
Android phone orientation overview including compass hand. Your inner ear has gravitational sensors youtube clip which allow you to detect if you are falling forward back or..
Android ProgressBar UI custom layout than background stupid me . Also for progress drawable a clip xml was needed. Something like progressbar_progress_clip.xml.. a clip xml was needed. Something like progressbar_progress_clip.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 clip xmlns android http xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 clip xmlns android http apk res android android..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY.. #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start.. centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start android endColor @color progress_end..
Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip? recognition on android with recorded sound clip I've used the voice recognition feature on Android and I love it. It's one of my customers' most praised features. However.. and wait for the text back. Some of my ideas would require recording the audio within my app and then sending the clip to google for transcription. Is there any way I can send an audio clip to be processed with speech to text android speech.. the audio within my app and then sending the clip to google for transcription. Is there any way I can send an audio clip to be processed with speech to text android speech recognition voice voice recognition share improve this question ..
How to copy text programmatically in my Android app? reference android content ClipboardManager.html Use ClipBoardManager's setText method ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE ClipData clip ClipData.newPlainText label Text to copy clipboard.setPrimaryClip..
How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners to have rounded corners In android an ImageView is a rectangle by default. How can I make it a rounded rectangle clip off all 4 corners of my Bitmap to be rounded rectangles in the ImageView android layout imageview rounded corners share..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog centerY 0.75 android endColor #0d1522 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape gradient android startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a24 android.. startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a24 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape gradient android startColor #144281 android centerColor #0b1f3c.. android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a24 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape gradient android startColor #144281 android centerColor #0b1f3c android centerY 0.75 android endColor #06101d..
Seek bar, change path color from yellow to white item android id @android id background android drawable @drawable background_fill item android id @android id progress clip android drawable @drawable progress_fill item layer list and thumb is xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android..
Play an audio clip onto an ongoing call an audio clip onto an ongoing call Is it possible to modify an active call by overlaying a sound track during the call I looked up the.. do this in the documentation. I am trying to investigate the feasibility of playing a previously recorded call audio clip onto an ongoing call. Thanks in advance. android share improve this question Is it possible to modify an active call..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows In iOS there is a very easy and powerful facility to animate the addition and removal of UITableView rows here's a clip from a youtube video showing the default animation. Note how the surrounding rows collapse onto the deleted row. This animation..
Android phone orientation overview including compass shoves you left shoulder you will fall over on your right hand. Your inner ear has gravitational sensors youtube clip which allow you to detect if you are falling forward back or falling left right or falling down or up . Therefore humans..
Android ProgressBar UI custom layout one problem was that progress drawable had a different size than background stupid me . Also for progress drawable a clip xml was needed. Something like progressbar_progress_clip.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 clip xmlns android http size than background stupid me . Also for progress drawable a clip xml was needed. Something like progressbar_progress_clip.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 clip xmlns android http apk res android android drawable @drawable.. progress drawable a clip xml was needed. Something like progressbar_progress_clip.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 clip xmlns android http apk res android android drawable @drawable progressbar_progressing android clipOrientation..