android Programming Glossary: clickspan
How to create TextView that will act as a link Spannable spans Spannable location.getText ClickableSpan clickSpan new ClickableSpan @Override public void onClick View widget.. dialog builder.create spans.setSpan clickSpan 0 spans.length Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE share improve..
Using Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet API's for Android
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start.. clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan.. for int i 0 i indices.length i ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan to cater last only word end i indices.length..
How to create TextView that will act as a link location.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Spannable spans Spannable location.getText ClickableSpan clickSpan new ClickableSpan @Override public void onClick View widget put whatever you like here below is an example AlertDialog.Builder..
Using Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet API's for Android
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText String possibleWord definition.substring start end if Character.isLetterOrDigit possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan.. Character.isLetterOrDigit possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan getClickableSpan final String word return new ClickableSpan.. cater last only word loop will run equal to the length of indices.length for int i 0 i indices.length i ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan to cater last only word end i indices.length indices i spans.length spans.setSpan clickSpan start end ..