android Programming Glossary: client.getparams
ClassDefNotFound error in android HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout client.getParams 10000 Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json..
http post method passing null values to the server HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout client.getParams 10000 Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json new..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient.. DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G exceptions HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue client.getParams false HttpRequestRetryHandler retryHandler new HttpRequestRetryHandler..
Android HTTP User Agent add this header parameter to each request. Something like client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT Custom user agent..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android referrer try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1.. CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET UTF 8.. IOException try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1..
Retrieving JSON from URL on Android in null try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT android HttpGet..
How to send a http request by JSON in Android? HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout client.getParams 10000 HttpEntity entity HttpResponse response null HttpURLConnection..
Send HTTP GET request with header DefaultHttpClient client HTTPClientFactory.newClient client.getParams .setParameter HttpProtocolParams.USER_AGENT mUserAgent add user..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android mgr client.getConnectionManager HttpParams params client.getParams client new DefaultHttpClient new ThreadSafeClientConnManager..
Android: Making Https Request new Scheme https ssf 443 return new DefaultHttpClient ccm client.getParams catch Exception ex return null Because the Android org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method param SOCKET_TIMEOUT client.setState state client.getParams .setCookiePolicy CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 HttpClientParams.setCookiePolicy..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient.. DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier..
ClassDefNotFound error in android new Runnable public void run HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout client.getParams 10000 Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json new JSONObject try HttpPost post new HttpPost URL post.setHeader..
http post method passing null values to the server 2 Send JSON Encode string to server HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout client.getParams 10000 Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json new JSONObject try HttpPost post new HttpPost URL json.put user_name..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android registry.register new Scheme https socketFactory 443 SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier.. mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier Example send http request final String url https..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G was to add a retry handler that would retry the request on specific exceptions HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue client.getParams false HttpRequestRetryHandler retryHandler new HttpRequestRetryHandler public boolean retryRequest IOException exception..
Android HTTP User Agent . After doing this HTTP client will automatically add this header parameter to each request. Something like client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT Custom user agent when you create your HttpClient . share improve this answer..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android static HttpResponse doHttpGet String url String cookie String referrer try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET.. client new DefaultHttpClient client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET UTF 8 HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet url httpGet.getParams .setParameter.. String cookie String token throws ClientProtocolException IOException try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET..
Retrieving JSON from URL on Android String executeHttpGet String URL throws Exception BufferedReader in null try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient client.getParams .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT android HttpGet request new HttpGet request.setHeader Content Type text plain..
How to send a http request by JSON in Android? 255 services services.php id 9 HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout client.getParams 10000 HttpEntity entity HttpResponse response null HttpURLConnection urlconn my_json_obj new JSONObject try urlconn HttpURLConnection..
Send HTTP GET request with header Map String String params final int requestType throws IOException DefaultHttpClient client HTTPClientFactory.newClient client.getParams .setParameter HttpProtocolParams.USER_AGENT mUserAgent add user and pass to client credentials if present if user null pass..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android client client new DefaultHttpClient ClientConnectionManager mgr client.getConnectionManager HttpParams params client.getParams client new DefaultHttpClient new ThreadSafeClientConnManager params mgr.getSchemeRegistry params return client share..
Android: Making Https Request SchemeRegistry sr ccm.getSchemeRegistry sr.register new Scheme https ssf 443 return new DefaultHttpClient ccm client.getParams catch Exception ex return null Because the Android org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory does not have the SSLSocketFactory..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method SOCKET_TIMEOUT HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout param SOCKET_TIMEOUT client.setState state client.getParams .setCookiePolicy CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 HttpClientParams.setCookiePolicy param CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 PostMethod post PostMethod..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android registry.register new Scheme https socketFactory 443 SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier.. mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier Example send http request final String url https..