android Programming Glossary: checkbox
Android custom ListView unable to click on items minHeight 10dip android maxHeight 10dip LinearLayout CheckBox android text android id @ id UpdateCheckBox android layout_width.. LinearLayout CheckBox android text android id @ id UpdateCheckBox android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. lower TextView row.findViewById CheckBox cb CheckBox row.findViewById upper.setText..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works TextView row.findViewById holder.cbCheck CheckBox row.findViewById row.setTag holder else holder..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView I'm trying to bind data from my SQLiteDatabase.. . Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work with setting a CheckBox's checked attribute. This is how I do it now instead of changing.. attribute. This is how I do it now instead of changing the CheckBox's checked status the adapter is filling in the value to the..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android Independent Romance Sci Fi Television Thriller private CheckBoxAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. Sci Fi Television Thriller private CheckBoxAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. true listView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new CheckBoxAdapter this GENRES listView.setAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button import import android.widget.CheckBox public class AppInfoAdapter extends ArrayAdapter AppInfo Context.. row.findViewById holder.chkSelect CheckBox row.findViewById row.setTag holder else holder.. import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.CheckBox public class AppInfoHolder ImageView imgIcon TextView txtTitle..
ListView with clickable/editable widget has a clickable editable widget RadioButton EditText or CheckBox android android widget share improve this question You..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox CursorAdapter ListView and CheckBox I have ListView with my own layout and CustomCursorAdapter...
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.CheckBox import android.widget.CompoundButton import android.widget.TextView.. android.widget.Toast import public class DemoAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String private.. ViewHolder protected TextView text CItv COtv protected CheckBox checkbox @Override public View getView final int position View..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items until I actually do something. To the far right is a checkbox that I only want to display when the user needs to download.. download updates to their database s . When I disable the checkbox by setting the visibility to Visibility.GONE I am able to click.. I am able to click on the list items. When the checkbox is visible I am unable to click on anything in the list except..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works state for example the TextView text and as in mine case if checkbox is checked it will also be associated with the view and store.. 8 and you can observe that as in mine code if you had a checkbox and if you check it at position 0 let say item1 has also a checkbox.. and if you check it at position 0 let say item1 has also a checkbox and you checked it so when you scroll down you will see item..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Datenbank.DB_STATE Datenbank.DB_NAME new int mylist.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout.. apk res android CheckBox android text android id @ id list_checkbox android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. the checked field to fill the value in. android listview checkbox cursor share improve this question I'm not sure how you would..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project it to . Click OK then click the directory name not the checkbox in the left pane then check the relevant JAR in the right pane...
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker it on automatically with the typical remember my decision checkbox and if he answers yes enable it. Does anybody have any idea..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed]
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view I know that this question is already asked.. which will display the dynamic listview with list items a checkbox and three textviews one is for candidate name and other two.. time picker .Now my problem is that when i check the first checkbox i have 15 candidate name with checkboxs automatically 10th checkbox..
custom checkbox difficulty in android imageCheckBoxAdapter code in order to maintain status of checkBox when scrolled that is all the checkboxes which are checked should.. wrap_content android padding 5dp CheckBox android id @ id checkBox1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. CheckBox chk CheckBox rowView.findViewById textView.setText values.get position ImageView imageView ImageView..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view EditText number3 String contact1 String contact2 CheckBox checkBox String contact_name static final String TAG In AddContacts @SuppressWarnings.. android attr textAppearanceMedium CheckBox android id @ id checkBox_id android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. cb CheckBox vi.findViewById tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get..
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list mInflater TextView phoneView contactView CheckBox checkBox MyAdapter mCheckStates new SparseBooleanArray contactName.size.. phoneView TextView vi.findViewById checkBox CheckBox vi.findViewById contactView.setText.. checkBox CheckBox vi.findViewById contactView.setText contactName.get position phoneView.setText..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter TextView name public ImageView image public CheckBox checkBox public FriendAdapter Context context int layout Cursor c String.. convertView.findViewById viewHolder.checkBox CheckBox convertView.findViewById convertView.setTag.. name viewHolder.image.setImageDrawable drawable viewHolder.checkBox.setTag fb_id viewHolder.checkBox.setChecked isChecked return..
How to select/deselect all checkBox? to select deselect all checkBox I have an adapter with an imageview a textView and a Checkbox..
How to change default images of CheckBox wrap_content RelativeLayout How to change that checkBox use another custom_1 image when is checked and another custom_2..
Android: checkbox listener checkbox listener I want to put a Listener over a checkBox. I looked for info and it is like this satView CheckBox findViewById..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) android orientation horizontal CheckBox android id @ id checkBox android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. on how to set up the listeners for the two Views @ id checkBox and @ id linearLayout1 . I have looked at the List16 API demo..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts nameCheckBox CheckBox convertView .findViewById nameCheckBox.setChecked mSelectedContacts.get position for.. private static class ContactViewHolder private CheckBox checkBox private TextView textView public ContactViewHolder public ContactViewHolder.. public ContactViewHolder TextView textView CheckBox checkBox this.checkBox checkBox this.textView textView public CheckBox..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button I am creating a android application.. Listview is customized it is contains a Icon Textview and Checkbox the use of the icon is to display the icon of the application.. Assumption based on your title Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button . Try the below. Make only..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter I cant find a way to..
Change icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android Instead of having a check mark for the icon I want.. Or must I declare a custom widget that derives from Checkbox java android checkbox icons share improve this question ..
customize check box preference are two .png images in res drawable folder. Checkbox preference.xml file is CheckBoxPreference android key @string..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox The result is IMAGE CheckedTextView Text Checkbox . When I long click an Item everything works fine I get the..
Android Checkbox listview select all (disable/enable) Checkbox listview select all disable enable I want to disable enable..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox loose their states. The only stuff I found is Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter but there is no answer..
Android ExpandableListView with Checkbox, Controlling checked state ExpandableListView with Checkbox Controlling checked state Friends I am trying to write a application.. @Override public void onClick View v Log.e Checkbox Onclick Listener Integer.toString groupPosition Integer.toString.. CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked Log.e Checkbox check change Listener Integer.toString groupPosition Integer.toString..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen android textSize 20px CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference.. to change android title font size of PrefereceCategory CheckboxPreference and android summary size. These tags don't have any.. layout @layout mylayout CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference..
adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events? end BaseActivityForList So how do I arrange for the Checkbox to pick up the onClick and the rest of the list item to pick..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] ListView with Checkbox and all clickable duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Binding..
Checkbox auto call onCheckedChange when listview scroll? auto call onCheckedChange when listview scroll I have a problem.. flag TODO Auto generated method stub if flag Log.d TAG Checkbox checked else Log.d TAG Checkbox un checked return convertView.. stub if flag Log.d TAG Checkbox checked else Log.d TAG Checkbox un checked return convertView android listview checkbox..
CheckBox gets unchecked on scroll in a custom listview View convertView ViewGroup parent simplified to just a Checkbox ViewHolder and OnCheckedChangeListener stuff left out CheckBox..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number 1. Put setOnCheckedChangeListener to your checkbox. 2. If Checkbox is Checked then add that contact to arraylist . 3. If CheckBox..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items @android drawable progress_indeterminate_horizontal android minHeight 10dip android maxHeight 10dip LinearLayout CheckBox android text android id @ id UpdateCheckBox android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout.. android minHeight 10dip android maxHeight 10dip LinearLayout CheckBox android text android id @ id UpdateCheckBox android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout And here's the class that extends the.. upper TextView row.findViewById TextView lower TextView row.findViewById CheckBox cb CheckBox row.findViewById upper.setText item.getName lower.setText item.getStatusText if item.getStatusCode..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works parent false holder new PakistaniDrama holder.tvDramaName TextView row.findViewById holder.cbCheck CheckBox row.findViewById row.setTag holder else holder PakistaniDrama row.getTag holder.tvDramaName.setText dramaList.get..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView I'm trying to bind data from my SQLiteDatabase to a ListView . I'm currently using a SimpleCursorAdapter.. currently using a SimpleCursorAdapter to fill in my ListView . Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work with setting a CheckBox's checked attribute. This is how I do it now instead of changing the CheckBox's checked status the adapter is filling in.. this doesn't seem to work with setting a CheckBox's checked attribute. This is how I do it now instead of changing the CheckBox's checked status the adapter is filling in the value to the text argument so the value is displayed right of the CheckBox..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android Animation Children Comedy Documentary Drama Foreign History Independent Romance Sci Fi Television Thriller private CheckBoxAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. Comedy Documentary Drama Foreign History Independent Romance Sci Fi Television Thriller private CheckBoxAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main.. listView.setItemsCanFocus false listView.setTextFilterEnabled true listView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new CheckBoxAdapter this GENRES listView.setAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter Button b Button findViewById b.setOnClickListener..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import import android.widget.CheckBox public class AppInfoAdapter extends ArrayAdapter AppInfo Context context int layoutResourceId AppInfo data null public AppInfoAdapter.. holder.txtTitle TextView row.findViewById holder.chkSelect CheckBox row.findViewById row.setTag holder else holder AppInfoHolder row.getTag AppInfo appinfo data position holder.txtTitle.setText.. true return row import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.CheckBox public class AppInfoHolder ImageView imgIcon TextView txtTitle CheckBox chkSelect import import
ListView with clickable/editable widget use a OnItemClickListener on a ListView when the Items layout has a clickable editable widget RadioButton EditText or CheckBox android android widget share improve this question You might want to take a look at this issue . Having a focusable..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox CursorAdapter ListView and CheckBox I have ListView with my own layout and CustomCursorAdapter. Every row has it's own checkbox. So... it's absolutely clear..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.CheckBox import android.widget.CompoundButton import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.Toast import import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.Toast import public class DemoAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String private final List String list private final Activity context LayoutInflater.. stub this.context context this.list list static class ViewHolder protected TextView text CItv COtv protected CheckBox checkbox @Override public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent view null final ArrayList Integer..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items other plus a horizontal progress bar that I want to remain hidden until I actually do something. To the far right is a checkbox that I only want to display when the user needs to download updates to their database s . When I disable the checkbox by.. checkbox that I only want to display when the user needs to download updates to their database s . When I disable the checkbox by setting the visibility to Visibility.GONE I am able to click on the list items. When the checkbox is visible I am unable.. I disable the checkbox by setting the visibility to Visibility.GONE I am able to click on the list items. When the checkbox is visible I am unable to click on anything in the list except the checkboxes. I've done some searching but haven't found..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works you scroll up your item 1 will send to the Recycler with it state for example the TextView text and as in mine case if checkbox is checked it will also be associated with the view and store in recycler . Now when you scroll up down your listview is.. the item1 view from the recycler and inflater in place of item 8 and you can observe that as in mine code if you had a checkbox and if you check it at position 0 let say item1 has also a checkbox and you checked it so when you scroll down you will.. you can observe that as in mine code if you had a checkbox and if you check it at position 0 let say item1 has also a checkbox and you checked it so when you scroll down you will see item 8 checkbox is already checked this is why listview is re using..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.mylist data new String Datenbank.DB_STATE Datenbank.DB_NAME new int mylist.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout android id @ id LinearLayout01 android layout_width.. fill_parent xmlns android http apk res android CheckBox android text android id @ id list_checkbox android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android checked false CheckBox TextView android text.. of type boolean and I've also tried to assign an id to the checked field to fill the value in. android listview checkbox cursor share improve this question I'm not sure how you would do this aside from creating a custom Adapter that overrode..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project find the library's parent directory i.e. where you downloaded it to . Click OK then click the directory name not the checkbox in the left pane then check the relevant JAR in the right pane. This puts the library into your project physically . Right..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker privacy so I would first ask the user if he wants to turn it on automatically with the typical remember my decision checkbox and if he answers yes enable it. Does anybody have any idea or clue on how Tasker achieves this android gps share improve..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed]
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view I know that this question is already asked by other members and solution is also given by some members.. for my app. I am creating a app in which i have a screen which will display the dynamic listview with list items a checkbox and three textviews one is for candidate name and other two are for clockIn and clockOut time which will display after picking.. which will display after picking the date and time by date time picker .Now my problem is that when i check the first checkbox i have 15 candidate name with checkboxs automatically 10th checkbox checks itself and this also happens with 2nd 11th 3rd..
custom checkbox difficulty in android checkbox difficulty in android how to modify this imageCheckBoxAdapter code in order to maintain status of checkBox when scrolled that is all the checkboxes which are checked should remain checked even after scrolling. Also the checked.. android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android padding 5dp CheckBox android id @ id checkBox1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android checked false ImageView android id @ id icon_image_check.. false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById CheckBox chk CheckBox rowView.findViewById textView.setText values.get position ImageView imageView ImageView rowView.findViewById try if obj.get..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view Button AddNumber EditText number1 EditText number2 EditText number3 String contact1 String contact2 CheckBox checkBox String contact_name static final String TAG In AddContacts @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override protected void onCreate.. android text 999 999 9999 android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceMedium CheckBox android id @ id checkBox_id android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignParentRight true android layout_alignParentTop.. TextView vi.findViewById tv1 TextView vi.findViewById cb CheckBox vi.findViewById tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get..
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates LayoutInflater mInflater TextView phoneView contactView CheckBox checkBox MyAdapter mCheckStates new SparseBooleanArray contactName.size mInflater LayoutInflater contacts.this .getSystemService.. null contactView TextView vi.findViewById phoneView TextView vi.findViewById checkBox CheckBox vi.findViewById contactView.setText contactName.get position phoneView.setText contactNumber.get.. phoneView TextView vi.findViewById checkBox CheckBox vi.findViewById contactView.setText contactName.get position phoneView.setText contactNumber.get position checkBox.setTag position..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter mLayoutInflater private final class ViewHolder public TextView name public ImageView image public CheckBox checkBox public FriendAdapter Context context int layout Cursor c String from int to super context layout c from to this.mContext.. viewHolder.image ImageView convertView.findViewById viewHolder.checkBox CheckBox convertView.findViewById convertView.setTag viewHolder else viewHolder ViewHolder convertView.getTag..
How to select/deselect all checkBox? to select deselect all checkBox I have an adapter with an imageview a textView and a Checkbox and a button Select all for selecting all the checkbox. I..
How to change default images of CheckBox @id chk android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content RelativeLayout How to change that checkBox use another custom_1 image when is checked and another custom_2 image when is unchecked android android layout android..
Android: checkbox listener checkbox listener I want to put a Listener over a checkBox. I looked for info and it is like this satView CheckBox findViewById satView.setOnCheckedChangeListener..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android orientation horizontal CheckBox android id @ id checkBox android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_gravity center_vertical center_horizontal.. This displays everything properly but I need pointers on how to set up the listeners for the two Views @ id checkBox and @ id linearLayout1 . I have looked at the List16 API demo but they're using the simple_list_item_activated_1 layout..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts isChecked new int items.size if contacts null final CheckBox nameCheckBox CheckBox convertView .findViewById nameCheckBox.setChecked mSelectedContacts.get position for int i 0 i isChecked.length i if nameCheckBox null nameCheckBox.setText.. Holds child views for one row. @SuppressWarnings unused private static class ContactViewHolder private CheckBox checkBox private TextView textView public ContactViewHolder public ContactViewHolder TextView textView CheckBox checkBox this.checkBox.. checkBox private TextView textView public ContactViewHolder public ContactViewHolder TextView textView CheckBox checkBox this.checkBox checkBox this.textView textView public CheckBox getCheckBox return checkBox public void setCheckBox CheckBox..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button I am creating a android application where I have a listview and I display there all of.. of the application that was installed in my mobile phone my Listview is customized it is contains a Icon Textview and Checkbox the use of the icon is to display the icon of the application Textview is to display the name of the application the use.. of row whose check boxes are checked at the click of a button. Assumption based on your title Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button . Try the below. Make only changes as below. Keep the rest the same. Explanation and discussion..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter I cant find a way to save the checkbox state when using a Cursor adapter. Everything..
Change icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android icons of checked and unchecked for Checkbox for Android Instead of having a check mark for the icon I want a custom star I have checked and unchecked icons . Can this.. checked and unchecked icons . Can this be done through a property Or must I declare a custom widget that derives from Checkbox java android checkbox icons share improve this question Kind of a mix CheckBox android layout_width wrap_content android..
customize check box preference state_normal default selector state_normal and android_pressed are two .png images in res drawable folder. Checkbox preference.xml file is CheckBoxPreference android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop android defaultValue..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox checkbox I've created a custom ListView by extending SimpleCursorAdapter. The result is IMAGE CheckedTextView Text Checkbox . When I long click an Item everything works fine I get the right ID and details of the clicked Item. The problem occurs..
Android Checkbox listview select all (disable/enable) Checkbox listview select all disable enable I want to disable enable all checkboxes in listview. infact want to get select all behaviour..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox it's absolutely clear that during sroll the checkboxes loose their states. The only stuff I found is Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter but there is no answer there. And one more question. I had the same problem with my..
Android ExpandableListView with Checkbox, Controlling checked state ExpandableListView with Checkbox Controlling checked state Friends I am trying to write a application which use checkbox in ExpandableListView I got a problem.. false chkColor.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v Log.e Checkbox Onclick Listener Integer.toString groupPosition Integer.toString childPosition chkColor.setOnCheckedChangeListener new.. OnCheckedChangeListener @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked Log.e Checkbox check change Listener Integer.toString groupPosition Integer.toString childPosition if chkColor.isChecked chkState.add..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen apk res android PreferenceCategory android title First Category android textSize 20px CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference can be true or false android key checkboxPref PreferenceCategory.. key checkboxPref PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen I need to change android title font size of PrefereceCategory CheckboxPreference and android summary size. These tags don't have any android textSize attribute. Can any one help me how to get.. android title First Category android textSize 20px android layout @layout mylayout CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference can be true or false android key checkboxPref android..
adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events? end setOnClickListener end onItemClick end QAListener end BaseActivityForList So how do I arrange for the Checkbox to pick up the onClick and the rest of the list item to pick up the onItemClick android android widget android layout ..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] ListView with Checkbox and all clickable duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView i want..
Checkbox auto call onCheckedChange when listview scroll? auto call onCheckedChange when listview scroll I have a problem with listview which list item contain a checkbox. When.. public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton cb boolean flag TODO Auto generated method stub if flag Log.d TAG Checkbox checked else Log.d TAG Checkbox un checked return convertView android listview checkbox share improve this question.. CompoundButton cb boolean flag TODO Auto generated method stub if flag Log.d TAG Checkbox checked else Log.d TAG Checkbox un checked return convertView android listview checkbox share improve this question The ListView recycles the view..
CheckBox gets unchecked on scroll in a custom listview mContext context @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent simplified to just a Checkbox ViewHolder and OnCheckedChangeListener stuff left out CheckBox result CheckBox convertView if result null result new CheckBox..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number at your code but here is the mechanism which worked for me 1. Put setOnCheckedChangeListener to your checkbox. 2. If Checkbox is Checked then add that contact to arraylist . 3. If CheckBox is unchecked then remove that contact from arraylist . 4...