android Programming Glossary: change
Saving Activity state in Android and write the application state values you want to change to the Bundle parameter like this @Override public void onSaveInstanceState.. super.onSaveInstanceState savedInstanceState Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState. This bundle will be passed to onCreate..
Standard Android Button with a different color Android Button with a different color I'd like to change the color of a standard Android button slightly in order to.. The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following drawable located in..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android that can fill the memory. Sometimes the drawables can change. Some are android resources and some are files saved in a folder..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? pixel on a 160 dpi screen. The ratio of dp to pixel will change with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion...
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? tools in the app itself therefore either had to change their model or limit themselves to environments where their..
Changing Locale within the app itself Locale within the app itself My users can change the Locale within the app they may want to keep their phone.. sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks every time you change the locale as I want to keep my application accessible for users.. exactly correct. It works but only until any configuration change e.g. screen rotation and only in that particular Activity. Playing..
Focusable EditText inside ListView if any given position contains a focusable view I can change descendant focusability and set focus on the EditText. And when.. on the EditText. And when I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public void onItemSelected AdapterView listView.. jumping focus was distracting. Removing the ItemsCanFocus change and just toggling descendant focusability got me the desired..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR but none of the possible solutions work. I even tried to change to Android 1.6 instead of 1.5 the current version I use . android..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog and onPreExecute run on the UI thread so there you can change the progress bar @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android flag. This is the only change in service. @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Toast.makeText..
How to support Arabic text in Android? 3.x forget all of the above solutions . But you can change the font if you do not like the 3.x Arabic font. so do the following.. i arr.length if charIsLTR arr i state ST_LTR state changed to LTR state ST_LTR strOut prevWord strOut prevWord prevWord.. arr i else if charIsRTL arr i state ST_RTL state changed to RTL state ST_RTL strOut prevWord strOut prevWord prevWord..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] mDbHelper.close EDIT Thanks to JDx For Jellybean 4.2 change DB_PATH data data context.getPackageName databases to DB_PATH..
AsyncTask Android example void onProgressUpdate Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is.. txt.setText Executed txt.setText result might want to change executed for the returned string passed into onPostExecute..
upload video to facebook in android Facebook SDK in your project and do changes as below Change from facebook sdk as below public static String openUrl..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android addNewItem mEntries.add new item mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged private void removeCurrentItem int position mPager.getCurrentItem.. mEntries.remove position mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged @Override public String getTextForPosition int position return.. the effect you want you need to do a couple of things. Change the FragmentPagerAdapter to a FragmentStatePagerAdapter. The..
Error importing HoloEverywhere Android Add add both ActionBarSherlock and HoloEverywhere Change the Android Manifest to following application android icon.. Edit you main.xml to include Holo theme widgets. Change your activity as follows public class ChkActionBarSherlock extends..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock themes have in fact been removed. Source Version 4.2.0 Changelog Extract of the Change Log Add SearchView widget for standard.. removed. Source Version 4.2.0 Changelog Extract of the Change Log Add SearchView widget for standard search interaction API..
Android - how to set the wallpaper image the developer site public void setStream InputStream data Change the current system wallpaper to a specific byte stream. The..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? 4029 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez 4121 hci0 dev_00_1C_4D_02_A6_55 04 19 22 27.. 4029 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez 4121 hci0 dev_00_1C_4D_02_A6_55 Test application.. 4029 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez 4121 hci0 dev_00_1C_4D_02_A6_55 04 19 22 06..
Change language programatically in Android language programatically in Android Is it possible to change.. i don't recommend that Resources res context.getResources Change locale settings in the app. DisplayMetrics dm res.getDisplayMetrics..
Change the background color of the options menu the background color of the options menu I'm trying to change.. ideas from these very closely related questions Change background color of android menu Change the background color.. related questions Change background color of android menu Change the background color of the options menu Android customize application's..
Change title bar text in Android title bar text in Android How do I change the text of the title.. can help you out. Old Earlier days Normal way you can Change the Title of each screen i.e. Activity by setting their Android..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour ListView background strange behaviour I have a problem with.. the background of a view in a ListView. What I need Change the background image of a row onClick What actually happens.. EfficientAdapter listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void..
How to Resize a Bitmap in Android? android bitmap base64 share improve this question Change profileImage.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageAsBytes..
How to support Arabic text in Android? j Out ArabicReverse Out Out Out.replace char 0x200c ' ' Change NO SPACE to SPACE Out Out.replace szLamAndAlef szLa Join 'Lam'..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result findViewById filterEditText.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher public void onTextChanged CharSequence.. new TextWatcher public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count adapter.getFilter.. .filter s.toString public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after public void..
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer test program TODO TEST THIS PROGRAM WITH ANDROID CHANGE PINS TO RX AND TX THO ON THE ARDUINO int counter 0 int incomingByte..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS TO PREVENT DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE.. SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADINGMORE STATUS TO PERMIT FETCHING MORE DATA loadingMore..
Lazy download images into gridView Void @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... arg0 CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS TO PREVENT DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE.. ADAPTER TO THE GRIDVIEW gridOfPhotos.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false This is to detect..
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? @Override public void onResume setTimer super.onResume CHANGE setTimer should be changed as follows public void setTimer long..
Why do I get an error while trying to set the content of a tabspec in android? fill_parent android id @ id unit_data NOTE THE CHANGE ... ScrollView and update your source public class UnitActivity.. Control spec.setContent NOTE THE CHANGE tabHost.addTab spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec data spec.setIndicator.. Data spec.setContent NOTE THE CHANGE tabHost.addTab spec For more information see the tab examples..
Android: Detect SMS Outgoing, Incorrect Count selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.v SMSTEST HIT ON CHANGE Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur getContentResolver..
Return data from AsyncTask Android http stockquote.aspx id rsym i CURRENT VALUE and CHANGE which should be returned from ASyncTask class rcmp i valuearr..
OnLocationChanged callback is never called location.getLongitude Log.v TAG IN ON LOCATION CHANGE if waitingForLocationUpdate getNearbyStores waitingForLocationUpdate.. in onLocationChanged just have Log.v TAG IN ON LOCATION CHANGE lat latitude lon longitude Comment out the rest so that you..
Saving Activity state in Android You need to override onSaveInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState and write the application state values you want to change to the Bundle parameter like this @Override public void onSaveInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onSaveInstanceState.. public void onSaveInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onSaveInstanceState savedInstanceState Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState. This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is killed and restarted. savedInstanceState.putBoolean..
Standard Android Button with a different color Android Button with a different color I'd like to change the color of a standard Android button slightly in order to better match a client's branding. For example see the Find a.. For example see the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following drawable located in res drawable red_button.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android There is no animation no special effects or anything that can fill the memory. Sometimes the drawables can change. Some are android resources and some are files saved in a folder in the SDCARD. Then the user quits the onDestroy method..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? These units are relative to a 160 dpi screen so one dp is one pixel on a 160 dpi screen. The ratio of dp to pixel will change with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? came up with mental models that presumed the existence of development tools in the app itself therefore either had to change their model or limit themselves to environments where their model would hold true. So when you write Along with other messy..
Changing Locale within the app itself Locale within the app itself My users can change the Locale within the app they may want to keep their phone settings in English but read the content of my app in French.. uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks every time you change the locale as I want to keep my application accessible for users on 1.5 what should I do android menu locale share improve.. locale switching code and found out that the method is not exactly correct. It works but only until any configuration change e.g. screen rotation and only in that particular Activity. Playing with a code for a while I have ended up with the following..
Focusable EditText inside ListView the selector would take more work to dynamically determine if any given position contains a focusable view I can change descendant focusability and set focus on the EditText. And when I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public.. view I can change descendant focusability and set focus on the EditText. And when I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public void onItemSelected AdapterView listView View view int position long id if position 1 listView.setItemsCanFocus.. displayed the selector on the next selected item and that jumping focus was distracting. Removing the ItemsCanFocus change and just toggling descendant focusability got me the desired behavior. All items draw the selector as normal but when getting..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR project. I searched for a long time for the possible solution but none of the possible solutions work. I even tried to change to Android 1.6 instead of 1.5 the current version I use . android dalvik android sdk 1.6 share improve this question..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog do any UI tasks there. On the other hand the onProgressUpdate and onPreExecute run on the UI thread so there you can change the progress bar @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute @Override protected void..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android know. OnCreate of your Service I have used WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH flag. This is the only change in service. @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Toast.makeText getBaseContext onCreate Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show..
How to support Arabic text in Android? need setting font but must use Farsi.Convert س ا And for Android 3.x forget all of the above solutions . But you can change the font if you do not like the 3.x Arabic font. so do the following steps 1 At first add TAHOMA.TTF in assets folder 2.. int state ST_RTL char arr strIn.toCharArray int i 0 while i arr.length if charIsLTR arr i state ST_LTR state changed to LTR state ST_LTR strOut prevWord strOut prevWord prevWord arr i else if charIsRTL arr i state ST_RTL state changed.. to LTR state ST_LTR strOut prevWord strOut prevWord prevWord arr i else if charIsRTL arr i state ST_RTL state changed to RTL state ST_RTL strOut prevWord strOut prevWord prevWord arr i else state is not changed prevWord arr i i..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] Cursor testdata mDbHelper.getTestData mDbHelper.close EDIT Thanks to JDx For Jellybean 4.2 change DB_PATH data data context.getPackageName databases to DB_PATH context.getApplicationInfo .dataDir databases in the DataHelper..
AsyncTask Android example @Override protected void onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns.. String result TextView txt TextView findViewById txt.setText Executed txt.setText result might want to change executed for the returned string passed into onPostExecute but that is upto you @Override protected void onPreExecute..
upload video to facebook in android e Object state TODO Auto generated method stub Now Integrate Facebook SDK in your project and do changes as below Change from facebook sdk as below public static String openUrl String url String method Bundle params throws MalformedURLException..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android this mPager.setAdapter mAdapter private void addNewItem mEntries.add new item mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged private void removeCurrentItem int position mPager.getCurrentItem mEntries.remove position mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged.. private void removeCurrentItem int position mPager.getCurrentItem mEntries.remove position mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged @Override public String getTextForPosition int position return mEntries.get position @Override public int getCount return.. from view to view that makes the ViewPager so cool. To achieve the effect you want you need to do a couple of things. Change the FragmentPagerAdapter to a FragmentStatePagerAdapter. The reason for this is that the FragmentPagerAdapter will keep..
Error importing HoloEverywhere a new Android project Right Click on project Properties Android Add add both ActionBarSherlock and HoloEverywhere Change the Android Manifest to following application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android.. android label @string app_name android theme @style Holo.Theme Edit you main.xml to include Holo theme widgets. Change your activity as follows public class ChkActionBarSherlock extends SherlockActivity @Override public void onCreate Bundle..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock question If you are using Version 4.2.0 then .ForceOverflow themes have in fact been removed. Source Version 4.2.0 Changelog Extract of the Change Log Add SearchView widget for standard search interaction API 8 only Fix ShareActionProvider in.. Version 4.2.0 then .ForceOverflow themes have in fact been removed. Source Version 4.2.0 Changelog Extract of the Change Log Add SearchView widget for standard search interaction API 8 only Fix ShareActionProvider in the split action bar no..
Android - how to set the wallpaper image wallpaper share improve this question From this page on the developer site public void setStream InputStream data Change the current system wallpaper to a specific byte stream. The give InputStream is copied into persistent storage and will..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? select ... 04 19 22 27 04.327 ERROR BluetoothEventLoop.cpp 4029 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez 4121 hci0 dev_00_1C_4D_02_A6_55 04 19 22 27 04.491 VERBOSE BluetoothEventRedirector 7499 Received android.bleutooth.device.action.UUID.. select ... 04 19 22 27 09.139 ERROR BluetoothEventLoop.cpp 4029 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez 4121 hci0 dev_00_1C_4D_02_A6_55 Test application No. 2 This test connects and waits useful for displaying.. select ... 04 19 22 06 38.217 ERROR BluetoothEventLoop.cpp 4029 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez 4121 hci0 dev_00_1C_4D_02_A6_55 04 19 22 06 38.428 VERBOSE BluetoothEventRedirector 7499 Received android.bleutooth.device.action.UUID..
Change language programatically in Android language programatically in Android Is it possible to change the language of an app programmatically while still using.. my experience. here is a code if you still need this again i don't recommend that Resources res context.getResources Change locale settings in the app. DisplayMetrics dm res.getDisplayMetrics android.content.res.Configuration conf res.getConfiguration..
Change the background color of the options menu the background color of the options menu I'm trying to change the default color for the options menu which is white. I.. version of the hack from other answers on this page also incorporating ideas from these very closely related questions Change background color of android menu Change the background color of the options menu Android customize application's menu e.g.. this page also incorporating ideas from these very closely related questions Change background color of android menu Change the background color of the options menu Android customize application's menu e.g background color http
Change title bar text in Android title bar text in Android How do I change the text of the title bar as of now it just displays the title of the program.. styles for Action Bar then this Style Generator tool can help you out. Old Earlier days Normal way you can Change the Title of each screen i.e. Activity by setting their Android label activity android name .Hello_World android label..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour ListView background strange behaviour I have a problem with changing the background of a view in a ListView. What I need.. background strange behaviour I have a problem with changing the background of a view in a ListView. What I need Change the background image of a row onClick What actually happens The background gets changed selected after pressing e.g. the.. parent View view int position long id selectedListItem position EfficientAdapter listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run call any new activity here or do any thing you want here..
How to Resize a Bitmap in Android? could not be applied to a base64 string obtained bitmap. Thanks android bitmap base64 share improve this question Change profileImage.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageAsBytes 0 imageAsBytes.length To Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
How to support Arabic text in Android? chOut i chIn i Out for int j 0 j chOut.length j Out chOut j Out ArabicReverse Out Out Out.replace char 0x200c ' ' Change NO SPACE to SPACE Out Out.replace szLamAndAlef szLa Join 'Lam' and 'Alef' and make 'La' Out Out.replace szLamStickAndAlef..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result getModel setListAdapter adapter EditText filterEditText EditText findViewById filterEditText.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count adapter.getFilter .filter.. EditText findViewById filterEditText.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count adapter.getFilter .filter s.toString public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence.. CharSequence s int start int before int count adapter.getFilter .filter s.toString public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after public void afterTextChanged Editable s private ArrayList String getModel..
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer also seems that 9600 is a good baud instead of 115200. Bluetooth test program TODO TEST THIS PROGRAM WITH ANDROID CHANGE PINS TO RX AND TX THO ON THE ARDUINO int counter 0 int incomingByte void setup pinMode 53 OUTPUT Serial.begin 9600 void..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS TO PREVENT DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL.. return null @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data the ListView @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADINGMORE STATUS TO PERMIT FETCHING MORE DATA loadingMore false HIDE THE SPINNER AFTER LOADING FEEDS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility..
Lazy download images into gridView private class getPhotosData extends AsyncTask Void Void Void @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... arg0 CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS TO PREVENT DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL.. @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE GRIDVIEW gridOfPhotos.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false This is to detect when the user has scrolled to the end and fetch new set of..
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? private CountDownTimer counterTimer NEW implement onResume @Override public void onResume setTimer super.onResume CHANGE setTimer should be changed as follows public void setTimer long finishTime 5 NOTE use the member instead of a local counterTimer..
Why do I get an error while trying to set the content of a tabspec in android? apk res android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android id @ id unit_data NOTE THE CHANGE ... ScrollView and update your source public class UnitActivity extends TabActivity @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. TabSpec spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec controls spec.setIndicator Control spec.setContent NOTE THE CHANGE tabHost.addTab spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec data spec.setIndicator Data spec.setContent NOTE THE CHANGE tabHost.addTab..
Android: Detect SMS Outgoing, Incorrect Count Handler handler super handler public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.v SMSTEST HIT ON CHANGE Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String..
Return data from AsyncTask Android new DownloadRecentQuote recentquotetask .execute new String http stockquote.aspx id rsym i CURRENT VALUE and CHANGE which should be returned from ASyncTask class rcmp i valuearr 0 rchg i valuearr 1 list1 new ArrayList HashMap String String..
OnLocationChanged callback is never called latitude Double.toString location.getLatitude longitude Double.toString location.getLongitude Log.v TAG IN ON LOCATION CHANGE if waitingForLocationUpdate getNearbyStores waitingForLocationUpdate false locationManager.removeUpdates this public.. getting the last known location. It's not needed yet. Then in onLocationChanged just have Log.v TAG IN ON LOCATION CHANGE lat latitude lon longitude Comment out the rest so that you keep your listener active. This should give you a stream of..