android Programming Glossary: checkeditems
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? all our checked indexes go here private HashSet Integer checkedItems multi selection mode flag private boolean multiMode public LibraryAdapter.. LayoutInflater.from context this.items items this.checkedItems new HashSet Integer public LibraryAdapter Context context .. this.notifyDataSetChanged public void exitMultiMode this.checkedItems.clear this.multiMode false this.notifyDataSetChanged public..
Highlight custom listview item when long click arg3 Change Title bar to number of selection int checkedItems getListView .getCheckedItemCount actionMode.setTitle String.valueOf.. .getCheckedItemCount actionMode.setTitle String.valueOf checkedItems Selected package mohd.itcs.safewallet..
Android checkable submenu options CharSequence items boolean checkedItems DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener listener Pass an..
Toggling check boxes in MultiChoice AlertDialog in android the showDialog DIALOG_MULTIPLE_CHOICE by updating boolean checkedItems to recreate the Dialog But I am unable to achieve it. If you.. One thing to watch for you must specify null for the checkedItems parameter in your setMultiChoiceItems call otherwise the setItemChecked..
Why is ListView.getCheckedItemPositions() not returning correct values? use valueAt the working code should be SparseBooleanArray checkedItems categorySelector.getCheckedItemPositions if checkedItems null.. checkedItems categorySelector.getCheckedItemPositions if checkedItems null for int i 0 i checkedItems.size i if checkedItems.valueAt.. if checkedItems null for int i 0 i checkedItems.size i if checkedItems.valueAt i String item categorySelector.getAdapter..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view ViewGroup parent view null final ArrayList Integer checkedItems new ArrayList Integer if convertView null inflater context.getLayoutInflater..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? private LayoutInflater inflater private List LibraryItem items all our checked indexes go here private HashSet Integer checkedItems multi selection mode flag private boolean multiMode public LibraryAdapter Context context List LibraryItem items this.inflater.. LibraryAdapter Context context List LibraryItem items this.inflater LayoutInflater.from context this.items items this.checkedItems new HashSet Integer public LibraryAdapter Context context this context new ArrayList LibraryItem public void enterMultiMode.. LibraryItem public void enterMultiMode this.multiMode true this.notifyDataSetChanged public void exitMultiMode this.checkedItems.clear this.multiMode false this.notifyDataSetChanged public void setChecked int pos boolean checked if checked this.checkedItems.add..
Highlight custom listview item when long click ActionMode actionMode int position long id boolean arg3 Change Title bar to number of selection int checkedItems getListView .getCheckedItemCount actionMode.setTitle String.valueOf checkedItems Selected package.. bar to number of selection int checkedItems getListView .getCheckedItemCount actionMode.setTitle String.valueOf checkedItems Selected package mohd.itcs.safewallet import android.content.Context import android.view.LayoutInflater..
Android checkable submenu options Builder. The method you should pay attention to is AlertDialog.Builder.setMultiChoiceItems CharSequence items boolean checkedItems DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener listener Pass an array to this method and put your submenu selection code in..
Toggling check boxes in MultiChoice AlertDialog in android the onClick method of OnMultiChoiceClickListener and calling the showDialog DIALOG_MULTIPLE_CHOICE by updating boolean checkedItems to recreate the Dialog But I am unable to achieve it. If you any suggestions please direct me to right way. Is there any.. message Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show One thing to watch for you must specify null for the checkedItems parameter in your setMultiChoiceItems call otherwise the setItemChecked calls won't work as expected. It would end up using..
Why is ListView.getCheckedItemPositions() not returning correct values? share improve this question kcoppock is right you need to use valueAt the working code should be SparseBooleanArray checkedItems categorySelector.getCheckedItemPositions if checkedItems null for int i 0 i checkedItems.size i if checkedItems.valueAt.. to use valueAt the working code should be SparseBooleanArray checkedItems categorySelector.getCheckedItemPositions if checkedItems null for int i 0 i checkedItems.size i if checkedItems.valueAt i String item categorySelector.getAdapter .getItem checkedItems.keyAt.. should be SparseBooleanArray checkedItems categorySelector.getCheckedItemPositions if checkedItems null for int i 0 i checkedItems.size i if checkedItems.valueAt i String item categorySelector.getAdapter .getItem checkedItems.keyAt i .toString Log.i..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view @Override public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent view null final ArrayList Integer checkedItems new ArrayList Integer if convertView null inflater context.getLayoutInflater view inflater.inflate R.layout.test_listitems..