android Programming Glossary: charm
How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android? [closed] from a project I am working on right now. Working like a charm. If you still have problems please ask. share improve this..
AccessibilityService is started but does not receive AccessibilityEvents on JellyBean As said before it does work on all preJB Devices like a charm however on JB the service starts I get the We are connected..
Launch android application from a browser link exported false . When I set it to true it worked like a charm. Funny because I put it there in the first play to avoid the..
How to use Roboto font in android Project the solution. I have used it before and it works like a charm EDIT Think of your_namespace as a marker for you to give it..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment map share improve this question It all works like a charm mainly thanks to Jake's great work on ActionBarSherlock Here..
Failed to import new Gradle project: Could not fetch model of type 'IdeaProject' [duplicate]
ActionBar with support library and Fragments overlay content support ActionBar from API level 7 above. It works like a charm on android 4.0 and also on android 2.3 with a normal Activity..
How to open new browser from WebViewClient? Right now i am using the code below it works like a charm Thank you very much for responding site.setWebViewClient new..
How to create a slider screen (As in Tweetdeck) in Android?
http connection timeout issues runs forever after i cancel it and try again it works like charm everytime. But that one time that doesn't work it creates a..
Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android will use the default ones and it works like a charm. You can also put some more effort into this make it much safer..
Using webdav on Android which seems it's a promising solution. It runs like a charm in a Java Apps but I encountered problems importing in Android..
How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android an existing library. I used this one and it worked like a charm http p android multitouch controller You can..
Wake locks android service recurring
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor files DCMDraft2.pdf Rotation matrices work like a charm. Quaternions are also very popular and said to be the most stable...
Failed to install HelloAndroid.apk on device 'emulator-5554!
List View Footer Background on Android 2.3.3 attribute to wrap_content and it worked like a charm. Following the changed line. android layout_height wrap_content..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” LG Optimus Black and LG Optimus Me and it works like charm not problem no force close. Now when i test this app in Samsung..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? using the same exact steps described above. Works like a charm What is this Voodoo What happened to the days in which the IDE.. got ADT 16.0.0.v201112150204 238534 as well. Works like a charm The root cause and explanation for the odd behavior of the combination..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB Go to left upper or lower corner of screen to open charms bar and click settings charm. choose Change PC settings choose.. corner of screen to open charms bar and click settings charm. choose Change PC settings choose General Scroll down and click..
How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android? [closed]
AccessibilityService is started but does not receive AccessibilityEvents on JellyBean setServiceInfo info isInit true As said before it does work on all preJB Devices like a charm however on JB the service starts I get the We are connected but not a single event is fired. Is there anything wrong with..
Launch android application from a browser link setting the exported to false caused all the problem android exported false . When I set it to true it worked like a charm. Funny because I put it there in the first play to avoid the Exported activity does not require permission warning. Setting..
How to use Roboto font in android Project a 9199258 450534 full props to leocadiotine for the solution. I have used it before and it works like a charm EDIT Think of your_namespace as a marker for you to give it a name of your choice. For example when integrating Admob in..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment android android actionbar actionbarsherlock actionbarsherlock map share improve this question It all works like a charm mainly thanks to Jake's great work on ActionBarSherlock Here are the steps I followed Create a SherlockMapFragment class..
Failed to import new Gradle project: Could not fetch model of type 'IdeaProject' [duplicate]
ActionBar with support library and Fragments overlay content the android support library v7 appcompat to my project to support ActionBar from API level 7 above. It works like a charm on android 4.0 and also on android 2.3 with a normal Activity that has setContentView in onCreate but when the activity..
How to open new browser from WebViewClient? I think i found out around the time you wrote the second response Right now i am using the code below it works like a charm Thank you very much for responding site.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView..
How to create a slider screen (As in Tweetdeck) in Android?
http connection timeout issues the http connection ignores the setconnectiontimeout and runs forever after i cancel it and try again it works like charm everytime. But that one time that doesn't work it creates a threadtimeout error i tried using a different thread it works..
Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android and TrustManager. ksoap2 when doing its SSL communication will use the default ones and it works like a charm. You can also put some more effort into this make it much safer and install certificates in an application local trust manager..
Using webdav on Android and I found different Java APIs Slide Jakrabbit and Sardine which seems it's a promising solution. It runs like a charm in a Java Apps but I encountered problems importing in Android Apps with Jaxb API. Does any body know any solutions or suggestions..
How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android in order to make it work nicely. I suggest you to use an existing library. I used this one and it worked like a charm http p android multitouch controller You can see in the sample provided http p android multitouch..
Wake locks android service recurring
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor sensing application. Rotation matrices http files DCMDraft2.pdf Rotation matrices work like a charm. Quaternions are also very popular and said to be the most stable. This answer was copied from here . share improve this..
Failed to install HelloAndroid.apk on device 'emulator-5554!
List View Footer Background on Android 2.3.3 I have found the solution to this problem Changed the layout_height attribute to wrap_content and it worked like a charm. Following the changed line. android layout_height wrap_content android android layout android widget android listview..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” Now the problem is I have tested this app in my 2 devices LG Optimus Black and LG Optimus Me and it works like charm not problem no force close. Now when i test this app in Samsung Fascinate 2.1 the video view shows the message Can't Play..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? of R9 in the problematic system . Then I tried to export it using the same exact steps described above. Works like a charm What is this Voodoo What happened to the days in which the IDE behaved more predictably than the software I was trying to.. reasons for example . So with the new Eclipse 3.6.2 I got ADT 16.0.0.v201112150204 238534 as well. Works like a charm The root cause and explanation for the odd behavior of the combination Eclipse 3.6.1 ADT 9.0.1.v201101191456 93220 will..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB verification either temporarily or permanently temporarily Go to left upper or lower corner of screen to open charms bar and click settings charm. choose Change PC settings choose General Scroll down and click ˜Restart now under ˜Advanced.. or permanently temporarily Go to left upper or lower corner of screen to open charms bar and click settings charm. choose Change PC settings choose General Scroll down and click ˜Restart now under ˜Advanced startup Click ˜Troubleshoot Click..