android Programming Glossary: chain
Android: How to bind spinner to custom object list? need a value do something like this no you don't have to chain it String selectedVal getResources .getStringArray R.array.values..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android exception null cert chain error. So it looks like I'm not setting up the certificate chain.. error. So it looks like I'm not setting up the certificate chain correctly. I've posted another question asking how to create.. keystore in the BKS format with the proper certificate chain How to create a BKS BouncyCastle format Java Keystore that contains..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain I'm writing an Android app that requires SSL client authentication... exception null cert chain So it looks like the client is never sending a proper certificate.. like the client is never sending a proper certificate chain probably because I'm not creating the keystore properly. I'm..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) throws CertificateException Clean up the certificates chain and build a new one. Theoretically we shouldn't have to do this.. certificates or expired self issued root certificate. int chainLength certificates.length if certificates.length 1 1. we clean.. 1 1. we clean the received certificates chain. We start from the end entity certificate tracing down by matching..
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore the package signature but the signer X509 certificate chain. Note that most of the time this chain seems to be limited to.. X509 certificate chain. Note that most of the time this chain seems to be limited to one single self signed certificate. According..
Android signing with ANT Warning This jar contains entries whose certificate chain is not validated. When I try to install this apk into an emulator..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? standard FLASH_MODE_TORCH flash mode torch startPreview chain. Kind of disappointing that this seemingly standard API doesn't..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 581 1019 Here is the chain order from openssl command The chain looks good I think... i.. 1019 Here is the chain order from openssl command The chain looks good I think... i C US O Thawte Inc. OU Domain Validated.. the certificates you're expecting. Do you have certificate chain on the server installed and is it ordered correctly Most browsers..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell there any way to compile this file with Android NDK tool chain and we can run this file's executable I found one thing here..
Android: How to bind spinner to custom object list? with android entries @array labels 4. In your code when you need a value do something like this no you don't have to chain it String selectedVal getResources .getStringArray R.array.values spinner .getSelectedItemPosition share improve this..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android without issue. When I leave it enabled I get a handling exception null cert chain error. So it looks like I'm not setting up the certificate chain correctly. I've posted another question asking how to create.. null cert chain error. So it looks like I'm not setting up the certificate chain correctly. I've posted another question asking how to create a client keystore in the BKS format with the proper certificate.. I've posted another question asking how to create a client keystore in the BKS format with the proper certificate chain How to create a BKS BouncyCastle format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain java android ssl share..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain to create a BKS BouncyCastle format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain I'm writing an Android app that requires SSL client authentication. I know how to create a JKS keystore for a desktop Java.. to create the keystore results in the following error handling exception null cert chain So it looks like the client is never sending a proper certificate chain probably because I'm not creating the keystore properly... null cert chain So it looks like the client is never sending a proper certificate chain probably because I'm not creating the keystore properly. I'm unable to enable SSL debugging like I can on the dekstop so..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) checkServerTrusted X509Certificate certificates String authType throws CertificateException Clean up the certificates chain and build a new one. Theoretically we shouldn't have to do this but various web servers in practice are mis configured to.. servers in practice are mis configured to have out of order certificates or expired self issued root certificate. int chainLength certificates.length if certificates.length 1 1. we clean the received certificates chain. We start from the end entity.. root certificate. int chainLength certificates.length if certificates.length 1 1. we clean the received certificates chain. We start from the end entity certificate tracing down by matching the issuer field and subject field until we can't continue...
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore does not seem to be well named since tha field does not contain the package signature but the signer X509 certificate chain. Note that most of the time this chain seems to be limited to one single self signed certificate. According to the Android.. field does not contain the package signature but the signer X509 certificate chain. Note that most of the time this chain seems to be limited to one single self signed certificate. According to the Android developer page Signing Your Applications..
Android signing with ANT files have sm tags. This is the tail of the output jar verified. Warning This jar contains entries whose certificate chain is not validated. When I try to install this apk into an emulator or device I get the following Failure INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? Nexus How do I find a reference to program it I am doing the standard FLASH_MODE_TORCH flash mode torch startPreview chain. Kind of disappointing that this seemingly standard API doesn't appear to be so universal after all. android led flashlight..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 581 1019 Here is the chain order from openssl command The chain looks good I think... i C US O Thawte Inc. OU Domain Validated SSL CN Thawte DV SSL.. 581 1019 Here is the chain order from openssl command The chain looks good I think... i C US O Thawte Inc. OU Domain Validated SSL CN Thawte DV SSL CA 1 s C US O Thawte Inc. OU Domain.. on it for SSL handshaking Android may not be getting the certificates you're expecting. Do you have certificate chain on the server installed and is it ordered correctly Most browsers handle out of order certificate chains but Android 2.3..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell ... int main Do something when this is executed return 0 Is there any way to compile this file with Android NDK tool chain and we can run this file's executable I found one thing here but this is not working for me i am using Android NDK Revision..