android Programming Glossary: chat
Android Facebook chat example project Facebook chat example project I found sample Facebook Chat Project for iOS.. Chat Project for iOS here . also i got the facebook chat doc here Same way Did any one know facebook chat example app.. facebook chat doc here Same way Did any one know facebook chat example app or way to implement fb chat in android android..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? to create XMPP chat client for facebook I'm creating XMPP client for FACEBOOK ... .toString Message msg new Message to msg.setBody text m_connection.sendPacket msg m_discussionThread.add.. ConnectionConfiguration config new ConnectionConfiguration 5222 config.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled..
Android EditText ImeOptions “Done” track finish typing opted for the following code which I got from the Google chat clients public boolean onEditorAction TextView v int actionId..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android Activity.RESULT_OK Bluetooth is now enabled so set up a chat session else User did not enable Bluetooth or an error occured..
Difference between “@id/” and “@+id/” in Android you use @id .. More Info As per your clarifications in the chat you said you have a problem like this If we use android id @id.. created id in . More Info Again As you said in your chat note that android layout_below @id myTextView won't recognize..
Updating Android UI using threads Android UI using threads I am writing an android chat app i am listening for connections and i receive data and i.. my UI the application crash .. the code is private class chatReceiver implements Runnable @Override public void run try skt.. txt_display_name.setText b.getDisplay_name TextView txt_chat_body TextView itemView .findViewById txt_chat_body.setText..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM and received messages PM SENT 1132418216 stream stream to xmlns jabber client xmlns stream http 1132418216 xml version 1.0 stream stream id C62D0F43 from xmlns jabber client xmlns stream http of harism I've been able to connect to the Facebook chat. This code is the Mechanism for the Asmack library the Smack..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? is to reboot the phone during my tests I work on a video chat application and sometimes I need to reboot when everything goes..
Sending A string of lat and long from mobile to server here public void appendText View view Text.append n In chat try while true sentence inputfld.getText .toString String sentence1..
Android Facebook chat example project Facebook chat example project I found sample Facebook Chat Project for iOS here . also i got the facebook chat doc here..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? m_discussionThreadAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged filter ChatManager chatmanager m_connection.getChatManager chatmanager.addChatListener.. filter ChatManager chatmanager m_connection.getChatManager chatmanager.addChatListener new ChatManagerListener public.. chatmanager m_connection.getChatManager chatmanager.addChatListener new ChatManagerListener public void chatCreated final..
What APIs in Android is Facebook using to create Chat Heads? APIs in Android is Facebook using to create Chat Heads How does Facebook create the Chat Heads on Android What.. using to create Chat Heads How does Facebook create the Chat Heads on Android What is the API to create the floating views.. code http chatheads basics public class ChatHeadService extends Service private WindowManager windowManager..
Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin actual problem I want to replicate the Android Bluetooth Chat app in Phonegap. So it has to be asynchronous in nature. java..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android RS232 adapter in android I am trying to use the Bluetooth Chat sample API app that google provides to connect to a bluetooth.. http resources samples BluetoothChat index.html And here is the spec sheet for the RS232 connector.. 1018 Displayed activity .DeviceListActivity 326 ms total 326 ms E BluetoothService.cpp..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out UUID as well with no luck. I am using the BluetoothChat example and variations of that code to do all of my testing..... calling listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord in the BluetoothChat example this means never starting the AcceptThread the problem.. my supposedly unrelated issue. I can take the Bluetooth Chat program unedited and it will not be able to establish an outgoing..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android using the Android developer resource example Bluetooth Chat as my main reference point. My current code seems to work.... it. The code beneath is almost identical to the Bluetooth Chat App. public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode..
How can I place app icon on launcher home screen?
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions Android application I've started out from the Bluetooth Chat Example on the developer pages. So far I've replaced the UUID..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM X FACEBOOK PLATFORM I'm trying to make a Facebook Chat on Android with the Smack library. I've read the Chat API from.. Chat on Android with the Smack library. I've read the Chat API from Facebook but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate.. access_token yourAccessToken Despite of the Facebook Chat documentation says that it's needed to use your application..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack x jabber x event new MessageEventProvider Chat State pm.addExtensionProvider active http protocol.. active http protocol chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider pm.addExtensionProvider composing http.. composing http protocol chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider pm.addExtensionProvider paused http
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 OBEX server on an Android 2.3 device. Using the Bluetooth Chat Sample code I was able to setup an OBEX server. However the..
Create a Chat Bubble In Android a Chat Bubble In Android I am trying to create a chat bubble with..
Android Facebook chat example project Facebook chat example project I found sample Facebook Chat Project for iOS here . also i got the facebook chat doc here Same way Did.. Facebook chat example project I found sample Facebook Chat Project for iOS here . also i got the facebook chat doc here Same way Did any one know facebook chat example app or way to implement fb chat in android android facebook facebook.. sample Facebook Chat Project for iOS here . also i got the facebook chat doc here Same way Did any one know facebook chat example app or way to implement fb chat in android android facebook facebook graph api facebook chat share improve this..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? to create XMPP chat client for facebook I'm creating XMPP client for FACEBOOK . i did this for gmail now i have to create same for FaceBook... String to recipient.getText .toString String text message.getText .toString Message msg new Message to msg.setBody text m_connection.sendPacket msg m_discussionThread.add Me m_discussionThread.add text m_discussionThreadAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged.. private void initConnection throws XMPPException ConnectionConfiguration config new ConnectionConfiguration 5222 config.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled true m_connection new XMPPConnection config try..
Android EditText ImeOptions “Done” track finish typing would some times activate the callback twice. Instead I've opted for the following code which I got from the Google chat clients public boolean onEditorAction TextView v int actionId KeyEvent event if event null if shift key is down then we..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android When the request to enable Bluetooth returns if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Bluetooth is now enabled so set up a chat session else User did not enable Bluetooth or an error occured Toast.makeText this Bluetooth not enabled Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Difference between “@id/” and “@+id/” in Android resources that you have defined created in your project you use @id .. More Info As per your clarifications in the chat you said you have a problem like this If we use android id @id layout_item_id it doesn't work. Instead @ id works so what's.. already been created so parser links this to the already created id in . More Info Again As you said in your chat note that android layout_below @id myTextView won't recognize an element with id myTextView if it is written after the element..
Updating Android UI using threads Android UI using threads I am writing an android chat app i am listening for connections and i receive data and i can see it in the Log.d but whenever i try to update my UI the.. and i can see it in the Log.d but whenever i try to update my UI the application crash .. the code is private class chatReceiver implements Runnable @Override public void run try skt new DatagramSocket Integer.parseInt Main.prefs.getString port_number.. TextView itemView .findViewById txt_display_name.setText b.getDisplay_name TextView txt_chat_body TextView itemView .findViewById txt_chat_body.setText b.getChat_body TextView txt_creation_date TextView..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM And this is the communication with the server with the sent and received messages PM SENT 1132418216 stream stream to xmlns jabber client xmlns stream http streams version 1.0 PM RCV 1132418216 xml version 1.0.. stream http streams version 1.0 PM RCV 1132418216 xml version 1.0 stream stream id C62D0F43 from xmlns jabber client xmlns stream http streams version 1.0 xml lang en stream features mechanisms.. Finally thanks to the code and the suggestion of harism I've been able to connect to the Facebook chat. This code is the Mechanism for the Asmack library the Smack port for Android . For the Smack library is necessary to use..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? here and it's not really for an application. The main purpose is to reboot the phone during my tests I work on a video chat application and sometimes I need to reboot when everything goes south I observed that rebooting a phone is far far quicker..
Sending A string of lat and long from mobile to server python what need to be modified in this android code enter code here public void appendText View view Text.append n In chat try while true sentence inputfld.getText .toString String sentence1 hohohoh Text.append n DataStream creating outToServer.writeBytes..
Android Facebook chat example project Facebook chat example project I found sample Facebook Chat Project for iOS here . also i got the facebook chat doc here Same way Did any one know facebook chat example app or way..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? new Runnable public void run m_discussionThreadAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged filter ChatManager chatmanager m_connection.getChatManager chatmanager.addChatListener new ChatManagerListener public void chatCreated.. public void run m_discussionThreadAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged filter ChatManager chatmanager m_connection.getChatManager chatmanager.addChatListener new ChatManagerListener public void chatCreated final Chat chat final boolean createdLocally.. filter ChatManager chatmanager m_connection.getChatManager chatmanager.addChatListener new ChatManagerListener public void chatCreated final Chat chat final boolean createdLocally chat.addMessageListener..
What APIs in Android is Facebook using to create Chat Heads? APIs in Android is Facebook using to create Chat Heads How does Facebook create the Chat Heads on Android What is the API to create the floating views on top of all other.. APIs in Android is Facebook using to create Chat Heads How does Facebook create the Chat Heads on Android What is the API to create the floating views on top of all other views android facebook share improve.. Value android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW EDIT The full code http chatheads basics public class ChatHeadService extends Service private WindowManager windowManager private ImageView chatHead @Override public IBinder onBind..
Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin isn't sent to the JS. PS Listening to WiFi events isn't my actual problem I want to replicate the Android Bluetooth Chat app in Phonegap. So it has to be asynchronous in nature. java android cordova phonegap plugins share improve this question..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android RFCOMM SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android I am trying to use the Bluetooth Chat sample API app that google provides to connect to a bluetooth RS232 adapter hooked up to another device. Here is the app.. hooked up to another device. Here is the app for reference http resources samples BluetoothChat index.html And here is the spec sheet for the RS232 connector just for reference http download Docs BlueSnap.. Here is the logcat output for more reference I ActivityManager 1018 Displayed activity .DeviceListActivity 326 ms total 326 ms E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out 1 method instead of device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID as well with no luck. I am using the BluetoothChat example and variations of that code to do all of my testing... Solutions or suggestions would be great...or even a better.. By only using createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord and never calling listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord in the BluetoothChat example this means never starting the AcceptThread the problem was fixed. Even though these two calls are supposed to be.. simply commenting out listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord fixed my supposedly unrelated issue. I can take the Bluetooth Chat program unedited and it will not be able to establish an outgoing connection to ANY bluetooth device I have tested laptops..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android of something similar and haven't had any luck. I have been using the Android developer resource example Bluetooth Chat as my main reference point. My current code seems to work.. Then it throws a Service Discovery Failed exception at the point.. waits for it to handle that and then does the connect to it. The code beneath is almost identical to the Bluetooth Chat App. public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if m_BluetoothAdapter.isEnabled m_BluetoothAdapter.enable..
How can I place app icon on launcher home screen?
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions await the procedure described above after a measurement . The Android application I've started out from the Bluetooth Chat Example on the developer pages. So far I've replaced the UUID with the 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb to use SPP and..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM with Java Asmack library supporting X FACEBOOK PLATFORM I'm trying to make a Facebook Chat on Android with the Smack library. I've read the Chat API from Facebook but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate.. supporting X FACEBOOK PLATFORM I'm trying to make a Facebook Chat on Android with the Smack library. I've read the Chat API from Facebook but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate with Facebook using this library. Can anyone point.. get to this url https method auth.promoteSession access_token yourAccessToken Despite of the Facebook Chat documentation says that it's needed to use your application secret key only when I used the key that returned that REST..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack x roster new RosterExchangeProvider Message Events pm.addExtensionProvider x jabber x event new MessageEventProvider Chat State pm.addExtensionProvider active http protocol chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider pm.addExtensionProvider.. x event new MessageEventProvider Chat State pm.addExtensionProvider active http protocol chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider pm.addExtensionProvider composing http protocol chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider.. chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider pm.addExtensionProvider composing http protocol chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider pm.addExtensionProvider paused http protocol chatstates new ChatStateExtension.Provider..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 I need to setup an in app OBEX server on an Android 2.3 device. Using the Bluetooth Chat Sample code I was able to setup an OBEX server. However the server needs to use a custom UUID so the service is not registered..
Create a Chat Bubble In Android a Chat Bubble In Android I am trying to create a chat bubble with some text.For this I am create Three Layoutouts Inside of main..