android Programming Glossary: charts
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? to use dumped CPU RAM Battery storage stats for a pretty charts which will allow you to check how your application affects the..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? it reasonable to expect to be able to repaint 4 or 6 linecharts tablet app on realtime sub 200ms refresh rate with ACE or is.. things quite a bit for small data sets. 2.000 points 4 charts 100 msec refresh rate is doable and smooth. Logs still see GC_CONCURRENT.. It is definitely reasonable to paint the 5 or so line charts if they have up to a few 1000s points. share improve this answer..
How to draw charts in Android? [duplicate] to draw charts in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Any good graphing packages.. Any good graphing packages for Android I want to draw charts like pie charts to display stats in my Android app. As Android.. packages for Android I want to draw charts like pie charts to display stats in my Android app. As Android doesn't support..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns constraint unique on multiple columns I can find syntax charts on this on the sqlite website but no examples and my code is..
Is there a good charting library for Android? library for Android I have a need to render and display charts bar charts for now but more types may be needed later in an.. Android I have a need to render and display charts bar charts for now but more types may be needed later in an Android app.. add some details of requirements Bar Charts Horizontal bar charts Double stacked bar charts Axis labels including rotated 90 degrees..
Display stock performance in android in charting There are a bunch of options for producing charts for Android apps Graphview A custom View for creating graphs..
I'm looking for fancy charts library for Android looking for fancy charts library for Android i would like to build a native app note.. wiki Home very active development http p charts4j aiChart as linked above is quite 'fancy' you can download..
Bar chart using achartengine Type.DEFAULT layout.addView mChartView 350 500 android charts bar chart achartengine share improve this question Can be..
FusionCharts in Android? Charts on the Android device emulator before Can Fusion charts run on Android itself Edit I have try to load the chart in default.. Browser version is Webkit 3.1 android htc fusioncharts android browser share improve this question FusionCharts.. version of HighCharts in order to render JavaScript based charts. HighCharts uses 'SVG' as a technology to render the visualizations...
click event on pie chart in android [closed] values this.values values Thanks in advance.. android charts pie chart share improve this question I solved my question..
Charts for android for android I am working on a project which have some charts graphs tick chart candlestick chart and range chart. But the.. chart. But the problem is there is no library for that charts. I have got google chart api for candlestick chart. but I don't.. candlestick chart with google.html . android graph charts share improve this question To make reading of this page..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? information in a simple string representation. Possibility to use dumped CPU RAM Battery storage stats for a pretty charts which will allow you to check how your application affects the overall device What information can we retrieve from dumpsys..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? like a stop motion movie. The real question though is Is it reasonable to expect to be able to repaint 4 or 6 linecharts tablet app on realtime sub 200ms refresh rate with ACE or is it simply not prepared for that kind of abuse If the answer.. there you'd recommend EDIT 20130109 Revision 471 improves things quite a bit for small data sets. 2.000 points 4 charts 100 msec refresh rate is doable and smooth. Logs still see GC_CONCURRENT freed like crazy around 10 sec but no WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC..
How to draw charts in Android? [duplicate] to draw charts in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Any good graphing packages for Android I want to draw charts like pie charts to.. to draw charts in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Any good graphing packages for Android I want to draw charts like pie charts to display stats in my Android app. As Android doesn't support Swing and AWT i wonder how can i draw charts.. charts in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Any good graphing packages for Android I want to draw charts like pie charts to display stats in my Android app. As Android doesn't support Swing and AWT i wonder how can i draw charts in Android Please..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns table constraint unique on multiple columns I can find syntax charts on this on the sqlite website but no examples and my code is crashing. I have other tables with unique constraints on a..
Is there a good charting library for Android? there a good charting library for Android I have a need to render and display charts bar charts for now but more types may be needed later in an Android app I'm working on. I've done some looking around and.. there a good charting library for Android I have a need to render and display charts bar charts for now but more types may be needed later in an Android app I'm working on. I've done some looking around and it doesn't.. charting libraries for Android yet. Do you know any Edit to add some details of requirements Bar Charts Horizontal bar charts Double stacked bar charts Axis labels including rotated 90 degrees on the y axis Labels above each bar on the chart Shaded..
Display stock performance in android with stock information but I am assuming you are interested in charting There are a bunch of options for producing charts for Android apps Graphview A custom View for creating graphs in Android Flot A jQuery library for creating graphs. There..
I'm looking for fancy charts library for Android looking for fancy charts library for Android i would like to build a native app note not a Webkit App using some fancy chart gauges and so on libraries.. does its job quite well. Other options http wiki Home very active development http p charts4j aiChart as linked above is quite 'fancy' you can download the trial and give it a go. It has no limitations just watermarking...
Bar chart using achartengine context buildBarDataset titles values renderer Type.DEFAULT layout.addView mChartView 350 500 android charts bar chart achartengine share improve this question Can be achieved by extending the SimpleSeriesRenderer and BarChart..
FusionCharts in Android? anything . i can see only blank screen. Has anyone run Fusion Charts on the Android device emulator before Can Fusion charts run on Android itself Edit I have try to load the chart in default browser of android. In that also its not loading. But.. running in Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Any Idea Additional Information Browser version is Webkit 3.1 android htc fusioncharts android browser share improve this question FusionCharts Flash version loads fine on devices supporting Flash Glaxy.. a section of my notes here FusionCharts uses an enhanced version of HighCharts in order to render JavaScript based charts. HighCharts uses 'SVG' as a technology to render the visualizations. Though considered part of HTML5 certain mobile platforms..
click event on pie chart in android [closed] getValues return values public void setValues ArrayList Integer values this.values values Thanks in advance.. android charts pie chart share improve this question I solved my question myself... public class MyView extends View private..
Charts for android for android I am working on a project which have some charts graphs tick chart candlestick chart and range chart. But the problem is there is no library for that charts. I have got.. have some charts graphs tick chart candlestick chart and range chart. But the problem is there is no library for that charts. I have got google chart api for candlestick chart. but I don't want graph chart in a webview. this is the link for example.. on Google chart api http 2011 03 android candlestick chart with google.html . android graph charts share improve this question To make reading of this page more valuable for future search results I made list of to me..
Is there a good charting library for Android? really good mature charting libraries for Android yet. Do you know any Edit to add some details of requirements Bar Charts Horizontal bar charts Double stacked bar charts Axis labels including rotated 90 degrees on the y axis Labels above each..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] linked to his solution along with several others that exist now. rapidandroid question creator solution GraphView Java Charts for Android Just to summarize his solution involved using a JavaScript library flot built on top of jQuery. This library..
FusionCharts in Android? in Android I have been trying to get the Fusion Charts to work on Android 2.2 emulator . But its not loading anything ... in Android I have been trying to get the Fusion Charts to work on Android 2.2 emulator . But its not loading anything . i can see only blank screen. Has anyone run Fusion Charts.. to work on Android 2.2 emulator . But its not loading anything . i can see only blank screen. Has anyone run Fusion Charts on the Android device emulator before Can Fusion charts run on Android itself Edit I have try to load the chart in default..
Charts for android for android I am working on a project which have some charts graphs tick chart candlestick chart and range chart. But the.. are Open Source Holo Graph Library aChartEngine ChartView aFreeChart ChartDroid charts4j GraphView AndroidPlot Paid aiCharts RChart pre Honeycomb Api 11 UI ShinobiControls Steema TeeChart means I didn't tried those so I can't really recommend it..
Out of Memory Error in android due to Heap Size Increasing Purpose Tools category by clicking the plus sign next to it and select Memory Analyzer and also Memory Analyzer Charts optional . Install these tools. Next select Window Preferences and then Android DDMS and select the HPROF action as Open..