android Programming Glossary: changes
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? as the activity is destroyed during screen orientation changes and such. I couldn't find really anything about when to use..
Android Endless List One solution is to implement an OnScrollListener and make changes like adding items etc. to the ListAdapter at a convenient state..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? This all works fine except when screen orientation changes while the dialog is up and the background thread is going ...
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] routePoints.clear Recalculate the path accounting for changes to the projection and routePoints. @param mv MapView the path..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) . That way you can detect when there are any changes to the content mms sms conversations Content Provider consequently..
How to disable orientation change in Android? works OK for the HTC magic phone and prevents orientation changes on other phones as well . But I have a problem with the HTC.. This tells the system what configuration changes you are going to handle yourself in this case by doing nothing... http guide topics resources runtime changes.html#HandlingTheChange Caution Beginning with Android 3.2 API..
Saving Activity state in Android super.onSaveInstanceState savedInstanceState Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState. This bundle will be passed to onCreate..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] but have not found any of the situations in which the changes to the project were NONE. So I am feeling quite frustrated now..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] ListAdapter Filter a filter request every time the text changes. Remember to remove the TextWatcher in OnDestroy Here is the..
Static Way to get Context on android? because i hate saving the context instance each time it changes. android share improve this question Do this In Android..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android http android 2010 02 service api changes starting with.html Now ActivityManager.getMemoryInfo is our..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating now. How can I generate one I'm using Win7 if that changes anything. From one of the comments Doing Project Clean is what..
Activity restart on rotation Android Activity restarts on orientation or keyboard visibility changes won't trigger it. It's good practice to expose the instance.. cause a restart like orientation and keyboard visibility changes and handle them within your Activity. Start by adding the android..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object wise This would be preferable as I also need to make some changes to the properties of the widgets elements in each row as I am..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds mTextResizeListener Flag for text and or size changes to force a resize private boolean mNeedsResize false Text size.. context attrs defStyle mTextSize getTextSize When text changes set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size. @Override..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view and design them that way that they can react on position changes when it is reused later on. So for example by setting the position..
Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)? Typeface.create Typeface.MONOSPACE Typeface.ITALIC Changes font but still no italic. mPaint.setTypeface Typeface.create..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? the destruction of an Activity by overriding Configuration Changes. However this does not stop other potential events from destroying..
Changes in code aren't reflected when I run Libgdx project on Android in code aren't reflected when I run Libgdx project on Android..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? row in ListView Contains Image Title and Message. Image Changes based on response from WebServer. Have a Look at the code. class..
How to listen for preference changes within a PreferenceFragment? on what you want to do you may not need to use a listener. Changes to the preferences are committed to SharedPreferences automatically...
Why isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game some animation. What happens is The game calls Changes the state so the view.onDraw function will draw the door half..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error vendors appear to use a modified version of the Dalvik VM. Changes made to the JIT compiler prevent thread suspension from occurring..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? i add one more Textview to the XML Layout File. Before the Changes it remains always 0. public class ViewNumber extends RelativeLayout.. it remains 0 ... @Sankar This is the Logcat after the Changes from Konstantin 12 16 09 24 23.606 DEBUG AndroidRuntime 8951..
Activity restart on rotation Android it to be registered and used. Reacting to Configuration Changes As a further alternative you can have your application listen.. within your Activity. Start by adding the android configChanges node to your Activity's manifest node android configChanges.. node to your Activity's manifest node android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation or for Android 3.2 API level 13 and..
Handle screen orientation changes when there are AsyncTasks running thread AsyncTask running Currently I have android configChanges orientation keyboard keyboardHidden in my AndroidManifest.xml.. used only as a last resort. Please read Handling Runtime Changes for more information about how to properly handle a restart.. back to portrait fails. Now the reason why I use configChanges is because when the user switches orientation I might have an..
Android TextWatcher.afterTextChanged vs TextWatcher.onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count . Changes have been made some characters have just been replaced. The..
SQLite or SharedPreferences for persistent data storage? all the data itself is ASCII too. SQLite Pro Scales nicely Changes don't require rewriting the entire data file from scratch Powerful..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown?
Android display another dialog from a dialog .toString getAppVerName 1 displayRecentChanges true appPrefs.saveAppVer getAppVerName appPrefs.saveAcceptedUsageAggrement.. appPrefs.saveAcceptedUsageAggrement true Display Recent Changes on 1st use of new version if displayRecentChanges tracker.trackPageView.. Recent Changes on 1st use of new version if displayRecentChanges tracker.trackPageView RecentChangesDialog recentChanges_alertDialog..
Android onConfigurationChanged not being called when the orientation changes. I have added android configChanges orientation to my manifest but still when the orientation changes.. theme @android style Theme.NoTitleBar android configChanges orientation activity public void onCreate.. 23 12 33 20.327 DEBUG APP 2905 onCreate Called Orientation Changes 06 23 12 33 23.842 DEBUG APP 2905 onCreate Called Does anyone..
Android: Radio group question has changed in check state is now checked... if isChecked Changes the textview's text to Checked example radiobutton text tv.setText..
Using Eclipse for androidSDK, when I go to run, I get WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist! I go to run I get WARNING Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist I am completely new to Java and Android and.. get the following WARNING Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist WARNING Cache partition already in use. Changes.. will not persist WARNING Cache partition already in use. Changes will not persist java android eclipse share improve this..
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? with the activity and could possibly be destroyed many times as the activity is destroyed during screen orientation changes and such. I couldn't find really anything about when to use getBaseContext other than a post from Dianne Hackborn one of..
Android Endless List list listview load endless share improve this question One solution is to implement an OnScrollListener and make changes like adding items etc. to the ListAdapter at a convenient state in its onScroll method. The following ListActivity shows..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler. This all works fine except when screen orientation changes while the dialog is up and the background thread is going . At this point the app either crashes or deadlocks or gets into..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] colour c Clear the route overlay. public final void clear routePoints.clear Recalculate the path accounting for changes to the projection and routePoints. @param mv MapView the path is drawn to. private void redrawPath final MapView mv final..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) more research I saw some suggestions of registering a ContentObserver . That way you can detect when there are any changes to the content mms sms conversations Content Provider consequently allowing you to detect incoming MMS. Here is the closest..
How to disable orientation change in Android? android screenOrientation portrait in the manifest XML. This works OK for the HTC magic phone and prevents orientation changes on other phones as well . But I have a problem with the HTC G1 phone as i open the hardware qwerty keyboard not the virtual.. android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation to your AndroidManifest.xml. This tells the system what configuration changes you are going to handle yourself in this case by doing nothing. activity android name MainActivity android configChanges.. configChanges keyboardHidden orientation screenSize From http guide topics resources runtime changes.html#HandlingTheChange Caution Beginning with Android 3.2 API level 13 the screen size also changes when the device switches..
Saving Activity state in Android public void onSaveInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onSaveInstanceState savedInstanceState Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState. This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is killed and restarted. savedInstanceState.putBoolean..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] I have searched through StackOverflow's already asked questions but have not found any of the situations in which the changes to the project were NONE. So I am feeling quite frustrated now because I have actually changed NOTHING and my project has..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] create and add a TextWatcher to the EditText and pass the ListAdapter Filter a filter request every time the text changes. Remember to remove the TextWatcher in OnDestroy Here is the final solution private EditText filterText null ArrayAdapter..
Static Way to get Context on android? instance by using a static method I'm looking for that way because i hate saving the context instance each time it changes. android share improve this question Do this In Android Manifest file declare following application android name
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android which has some discussion of how memory is managed on Android http android 2010 02 service api changes starting with.html Now ActivityManager.getMemoryInfo is our highest level API for looking at overall memory usage. This..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating generate a new one. But that didn't happen and I don't have now. How can I generate one I'm using Win7 if that changes anything. From one of the comments Doing Project Clean is what caused the problem for me. Cleaning deletes
Activity restart on rotation Android is only called when the entire application is created so the Activity restarts on orientation or keyboard visibility changes won't trigger it. It's good practice to expose the instance of this class as a singleton and exposing the application variables.. you can have your application listen for events that would cause a restart like orientation and keyboard visibility changes and handle them within your Activity. Start by adding the android configChanges node to your Activity's manifest node android..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object adapter easily row by row where I can resize on the fly bit wise This would be preferable as I also need to make some changes to the properties of the widgets elements in each row as I am unable to select a row with touch screen because of focus..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds mEllipsis ... Registered resize listener private OnTextResizeListener mTextResizeListener Flag for text and or size changes to force a resize private boolean mNeedsResize false Text size that is set from code. This acts as a starting point for.. Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle mTextSize getTextSize When text changes set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size. @Override protected void onTextChanged final CharSequence text..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view by all items. If you have listeners you have add them here and design them that way that they can react on position changes when it is reused later on. So for example by setting the position as tag on the corresponding view so the listener can..
Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)? Typeface.SANS_SERIF Typeface.ITALIC Nothing mPaint.setTypeface Typeface.create Typeface.MONOSPACE Typeface.ITALIC Changes font but still no italic. mPaint.setTypeface Typeface.create Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC Bold but no italic EDIT..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? not keep references implicitly. Alternatively you may limit the destruction of an Activity by overriding Configuration Changes. However this does not stop other potential events from destroying the Activity. While you can do this you may still want..
Changes in code aren't reflected when I run Libgdx project on Android in code aren't reflected when I run Libgdx project on Android I've been following the Libgdx tutorial here and I'm running..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? I need to implement search based on input from EditText. Each row in ListView Contains Image Title and Message. Image Changes based on response from WebServer. Have a Look at the code. class CustomListView extends ArrayAdapter Context context LayoutInflater..
How to listen for preference changes within a PreferenceFragment?
Why isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game on the screen. When the user clicks on a door I want to add some animation. What happens is The game calls Changes the state so the view.onDraw function will draw the door half open. The game calls view.invalidate which should redraw the..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error 58726 . The bug has full details in short some vendors appear to use a modified version of the Dalvik VM. Changes made to the JIT compiler prevent thread suspension from occurring in certain situations. The litmus test for this issue..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? getting the number of children. It remains always 1 even i add one more Textview to the XML Layout File. Before the Changes it remains always 0. public class ViewNumber extends RelativeLayout ... private void initView Context context inflater LayoutInflater.. ViewNumber Number of Child this.getChildCount output is 1 before it remains 0 ... @Sankar This is the Logcat after the Changes from Konstantin 12 16 09 24 23.606 DEBUG AndroidRuntime 8951 AndroidRuntime START 12 16 09 24 23.606 DEBUG AndroidRuntime..
Activity restart on rotation Android the name of your new Application class in the manifest for it to be registered and used. Reacting to Configuration Changes As a further alternative you can have your application listen for events that would cause a restart like orientation and.. orientation and keyboard visibility changes and handle them within your Activity. Start by adding the android configChanges node to your Activity's manifest node android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation or for Android 3.2 API level 13 and.. within your Activity. Start by adding the android configChanges node to your Activity's manifest node android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation or for Android 3.2 API level 13 and newer android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation screenSize..
Handle screen orientation changes when there are AsyncTasks running handle screen orientation changes while I have a separate thread AsyncTask running Currently I have android configChanges orientation keyboard keyboardHidden in my AndroidManifest.xml but that is not really encouraged Note Using this attribute.. encouraged Note Using this attribute should be avoided and used only as a last resort. Please read Handling Runtime Changes for more information about how to properly handle a restart due to a configuration change. Also in the 2.3 emulator it works.. 2.3 emulator it works when switching to landscape but switching back to portrait fails. Now the reason why I use configChanges is because when the user switches orientation I might have an AsyncTask running doing some network traffic and I don't want..
Android TextWatcher.afterTextChanged vs TextWatcher.onTextChanged to take a look at the old text which is about to change. onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count . Changes have been made some characters have just been replaced. The text is uneditable. Use when you need to see which characters..
SQLite or SharedPreferences for persistent data storage? entry has a considerable amount of ASCII data around it and all the data itself is ASCII too. SQLite Pro Scales nicely Changes don't require rewriting the entire data file from scratch Powerful queries Con More code to write More heavyweight code..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown?
Android display another dialog from a dialog 1 else tracker.trackEvent Application Upgrade appPrefs.getAppVer .toString getAppVerName 1 displayRecentChanges true appPrefs.saveAppVer getAppVerName appPrefs.saveAcceptedUsageAggrement true Display Recent Changes on 1st use of.. displayRecentChanges true appPrefs.saveAppVer getAppVerName appPrefs.saveAcceptedUsageAggrement true Display Recent Changes on 1st use of new version if displayRecentChanges tracker.trackPageView RecentChangesDialog recentChanges_alertDialog.. appPrefs.saveAcceptedUsageAggrement true Display Recent Changes on 1st use of new version if displayRecentChanges tracker.trackPageView RecentChangesDialog recentChanges_alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder BroadcastSMSActivity.this..
Android onConfigurationChanged not being called I am having trouble with telling Android to not call onCreate when the orientation changes. I have added android configChanges orientation to my manifest but still when the orientation changes onCreate is called. Here is my code. AndroidManifest.xml.. activity android name SearchMenuActivity android theme @android style Theme.NoTitleBar android configChanges orientation activity public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. newConfig And my LogCat Output 06 23 12 33 20.327 DEBUG APP 2905 onCreate Called Orientation Changes 06 23 12 33 23.842 DEBUG APP 2905 onCreate Called Does anyone know what I am doing wrong Thanks. java android configuration..
Android: Radio group question checkedRadioButton.isChecked If the radiobutton that has changed in check state is now checked... if isChecked Changes the textview's text to Checked example radiobutton text tv.setText Checked checkedRadioButton.getText share improve this..
Using Eclipse for androidSDK, when I go to run, I get WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist! Eclipse for androidSDK when I go to run I get WARNING Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist I am completely new to Java and Android and eclipse. When doing the initial Hello Android tutorial I go.. When doing the initial Hello Android tutorial I go to run and get the following WARNING Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist WARNING Cache partition already in use. Changes will not persist java android eclipse share improve.. the following WARNING Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist WARNING Cache partition already in use. Changes will not persist java android eclipse share improve this question Goto DDMS perspective click on the down arrow next..