android Programming Glossary: channel
Getting started with Android [closed] android. Apart from the official google groups and the irc channel at #android on they're probably the best place..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache I know the WebView must be caching somewhere. On the IRC channel I was pointed to a fix to remove caching from a URL Connection..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? that 'adb bugreport' reports neither UUID nor RFCOMM channel for Zeemote while it does so for all other devices including.. 4D 02 A6 55 Connected dev rfcomm0 to 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 on channel 1 Press CTRL C for hangup # rfcomm show dev tty10 rfcomm0 00.. show dev tty10 rfcomm0 00 1F 3A E4 C8 40 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 channel 1 connected reuse dlc release on hup tty attached # cat dev..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow Thanks. EDIT So I spoke with RomainGuy some in the IRC channel and I have it working now for plain rectangular images with..
How to set text color of TextView in code? myTextView.setTextColor 0xAARRGGBB Where you have an alpha channel first then the color value. Check out the complete manual ofcourse..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser parser to parse a RSS feed like this one. rss version 0.92 channel title MyTitle title link http link description MyDescription.. description link http link item channel rss Now you have two SAX implementations you can work with... class Example extends DefaultHandler private Channel channel private Items items private Item item public Example items new..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java import import java.nio.channels.FileChannel Globals private WebView wv private int ViewSize.. raf new RandomAccessFile file r FileChannel channel raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY.. channel raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY 0 channel.size raf.close..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 1 Language Base Attr List code_ISO639 0x656e encoding 0x6a base_offset..
phonegap.js crashes android app com.phonegap.sample com.phonegap.sample.sample server ' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed 12 17 11 13 23.323..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour clickable attribute in XML v.setOnClickListener new ChannelListAdapter.OnClickListener mvh public void onClick View v ViewHolder.. the background MyViewHolder mvh MyViewHolder viewHolder Channel ch Channel ch.setSelected ch.getSelected toggle if.. MyViewHolder mvh MyViewHolder viewHolder Channel ch Channel ch.setSelected ch.getSelected toggle if ch.getSelected..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser would hold your data. Here would be the POJOs needed. public class Channel implements Serializable private Items.. Here would be the POJOs needed. public class Channel implements Serializable private Items items private String title.. private String docs private String language public Channel setItems null setTitle null set every field to null in the constructor..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 13 ´ Seaching for SP on 00 07 80 88 XX XX . . . Service Name.. 0x1101 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 12 Language Base Attr List code_ISO639 0x656e enconding 0x6a..
Activity restarts on Force Close server ' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed 05 25 08 26 02.990..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 18 So when I receive data it looks like I am receiving a raw..
Getting started with Android [closed] the development and the interactive community around android. Apart from the official google groups and the irc channel at #android on they're probably the best place to go or ask questions. http Development..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache html code to the web page produced in the WebView so I know the WebView must be caching somewhere. On the IRC channel I was pointed to a fix to remove caching from a URL Connection but can't see how to apply it to a WebView yet. http
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? a driver service so maybe it uses lower level API . I noticed that 'adb bugreport' reports neither UUID nor RFCOMM channel for Zeemote while it does so for all other devices including Moto HS815 headset another dumb device for which 'sdp browse'.. 0x6a base_offset 0x100 rfcomm connect dev tty10 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 Connected dev rfcomm0 to 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 on channel 1 Press CTRL C for hangup # rfcomm show dev tty10 rfcomm0 00 1F 3A E4 C8 40 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 channel 1 connected reuse.. 4D 02 A6 55 on channel 1 Press CTRL C for hangup # rfcomm show dev tty10 rfcomm0 00 1F 3A E4 C8 40 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 channel 1 connected reuse dlc release on hup tty attached # cat dev tty10 nothing here # hcidump HCI sniffer Bluetooth packet analyzer..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow just a normal ImageView when I run the program. Any thoughts Thanks. EDIT So I spoke with RomainGuy some in the IRC channel and I have it working now for plain rectangular images with the below code. It still won't draw the shadow directly to my..
How to set text color of TextView in code? has this in an answer pavko_a just added it here as well myTextView.setTextColor 0xAARRGGBB Where you have an alpha channel first then the color value. Check out the complete manual ofcourse http reference android graphics..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser share improve this question So you want to build a XML parser to parse a RSS feed like this one. rss version 0.92 channel title MyTitle title link http link description MyDescription description lastBuildDate SomeDate lastBuildDate.. item title TitleTwo title description CDATA Some other text. description link http link item channel rss Now you have two SAX implementations you can work with. Either you use the org.xml.sax or the android.sax implementation... String getTitle return title same as above. Example public class Example extends DefaultHandler private Channel channel private Items items private Item item public Example items new Items public Channel parse InputStream is RootElement root..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java import import import import java.nio.channels.FileChannel Globals private WebView wv private int ViewSize 0 OnCreate Method @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. .getPath randompdf.pdf RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile file r FileChannel channel raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY 0 channel.size raf.close create.. RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile file r FileChannel channel raf.getChannel ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.NEW FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY 0 channel.size raf.close create a pdf doc PDFFile pdf new PDFFile bb Get the first..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? Class ID List UUID 128 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c fbb67fd34812 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 1 Language Base Attr List code_ISO639 0x656e encoding 0x6a base_offset 0x100 rfcomm connect dev tty10 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55..
phonegap.js crashes android app 17 11 13 23.253 ERROR InputDispatcher 62 channel '406defc8 com.phonegap.sample com.phonegap.sample.sample server ' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed 12 17 11 13 23.323 DEBUG dalvikvm 62 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 134K 47 free 4376K..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour views become clickable so it is not necessary to use the android clickable attribute in XML v.setOnClickListener new ChannelListAdapter.OnClickListener mvh public void onClick View v ViewHolder viewHolder we toggle the enabled state and also switch.. viewHolder we toggle the enabled state and also switch the the background MyViewHolder mvh MyViewHolder viewHolder Channel ch Channel ch.setSelected ch.getSelected toggle if ch.getSelected v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected.. we toggle the enabled state and also switch the the background MyViewHolder mvh MyViewHolder viewHolder Channel ch Channel ch.setSelected ch.getSelected toggle if ch.getSelected v.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.row_blue_selected..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser In any case I would work with POJOs Plain Old Java Objects which would hold your data. Here would be the POJOs needed. public class Channel implements Serializable private Items items private String title private String link private String.. POJOs Plain Old Java Objects which would hold your data. Here would be the POJOs needed. public class Channel implements Serializable private Items items private String title private String link private String description private.. String link private String description private String lastBuildDate private String docs private String language public Channel setItems null setTitle null set every field to null in the constructor public void setItems Items items this.items items..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions Class ID List UUID 128 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 13 ´ Seaching for SP on 00 07 80 88 XX XX . . . Service Name 1808130054 Service Description 1808130054 Service RecHandle.. Service RecHandle 0x10005 Service Class ID List Serial Port 0x1101 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 12 Language Base Attr List code_ISO639 0x656e enconding 0x6a base_offset 0x100 The first device found is the phone mac 8C..
Activity restarts on Force Close InputDispatcher 18449 channel '40a16ec8 server ' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed 05 25 08 26 02.990 INFO WindowManager 18449 WINDOW DIED Window 40a16ec8
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 Class ID List UUID 128 ab123abc 1a2b 3c4d 5d7f 1234567890ab Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 18 So when I receive data it looks like I am receiving a raw OBEX connection request 80 00 07 10 00 04 00 00 00 00 ... snip..