android Programming Glossary: cheap
How to get the rotation between accelerometer's axis and motion vector? the acceleration even once as the error is abyssal on cheap accelerometers otherwise it would be pretty easy to perform..
Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection function e e.preventDefault return to no avail. And the cheap tricks like selection rgba 0 0 0 0 won't work either as hiding..
Issue with tablet detection Synchro Digital INOSOP10 4.0 RES 10 with ICS less than 100 the really cheap one. Our problem my PC doesn't recognize the tablet WIN7 unable..
Same serial number on several android devices. Adb is useless. How can I change the serial number? How can I change the serial number I bought a lot 500 cheap China tablet with AllWinner processor and Android 4.0.3. All..
Is there a minimal heap size for Android versions? that I could start assuming a larger one and stop being so cheap on memory Is there also a requirement about the flag of the.. improved so much over the years yet we still need to be so cheap on memory even though devices now have more than 1GB of ram...
Android: how to start a service at boot based on user-settings? at boot if said setting is enabled. I can think of a few cheap ways to do this such as messing with onCreate in the service..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked been through this several times now we release a game for cheap and someone hacks it and puts it up on a mirror. We setup Google..
Remote Test Laboratory (RTL) for Android because it was comunity based. And if you're looking for cheap testing TestingAndroid claims to test for 19. These are just.. claims to test for 19. These are just some free cheap options mostly where you do your own testing. Obviously there..
Android Performance - 'Avoid Internal Getters/Setters' getter. With the JIT where direct field access is as cheap as accessing a local direct field access is about 7x faster..
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] distance Then suppose your camera is 480px tall cheap webcam and the view angle is 20°. If you have an object onscreen..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? The GPS altitude is terribly inaccurate for relatively cheap GPS receivers. Here is an article on that http
How to get the rotation between accelerometer's axis and motion vector? angles or a matrix . Such a method has to avoid integrating the acceleration even once as the error is abyssal on cheap accelerometers otherwise it would be pretty easy to perform I think . EDIT Magnetometer and Gyroscope help you to find the..
Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection to no avail and even tried things like 'body' .on 'select' function e e.preventDefault return to no avail. And the cheap tricks like selection rgba 0 0 0 0 won't work either as hiding these won't help selection still happens and it disrupts..
Issue with tablet detection Synchro Digital which the application must be installed the model SynchroDigital INOSOP10 4.0 RES 10 with ICS less than 100 the really cheap one. Our problem my PC doesn't recognize the tablet WIN7 unable to install drivers when connecting although I've already..
Same serial number on several android devices. Adb is useless. How can I change the serial number? serial number on several android devices. Adb is useless. How can I change the serial number I bought a lot 500 cheap China tablet with AllWinner processor and Android 4.0.3. All tablets expose the same serial number. I can't deploy my application..
Is there a minimal heap size for Android versions? requirement from the devices to have a larger heap size so that I could start assuming a larger one and stop being so cheap on memory Is there also a requirement about the flag of the large heap from API 11 honeycomb inside the manifest or is it.. even ignore it It's just that the Android hardware has improved so much over the years yet we still need to be so cheap on memory even though devices now have more than 1GB of ram. And it's weird that we can't ask from the OS to get us a specific..
Android: how to start a service at boot based on user-settings? to implement a setting so that the service is only started at boot if said setting is enabled. I can think of a few cheap ways to do this such as messing with onCreate in the service or creating checking for a file on SD card but I want to follow..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked Game Keeps Getting Hacked So we've been through this several times now we release a game for cheap and someone hacks it and puts it up on a mirror. We setup Google Alerts for all our apps so we get told daily who's doing..
Remote Test Laboratory (RTL) for Android will test your apps for you but I thought Duarlander was neat because it was comunity based. And if you're looking for cheap testing TestingAndroid claims to test for 19. These are just some free cheap options mostly where you do your own testing... comunity based. And if you're looking for cheap testing TestingAndroid claims to test for 19. These are just some free cheap options mostly where you do your own testing. Obviously there are many big companies out there that would love to work with..
Android Performance - 'Avoid Internal Getters/Setters' direct field access is about 3x faster than invoking a trivial getter. With the JIT where direct field access is as cheap as accessing a local direct field access is about 7x faster than invoking a trivial getter. This is true in Froyo but will..
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] and then your total viewport angle is viewportAngle tan ruler_length distance Then suppose your camera is 480px tall cheap webcam and the view angle is 20°. If you have an object onscreen which is 240px tall then its angle is 10°. If you know..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? if there is also a web service available for this computation. The GPS altitude is terribly inaccurate for relatively cheap GPS receivers. Here is an article on that http main altitude.htm . One method to cope with this kind..