android Programming Glossary: channels
Merging two or more .wav files in android 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8.. channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 byte data new byte bufferSize try in1 new FileInputStream.. out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data while
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8.. channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new byte bufferSize try in new.. out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data in.close out.close..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? pixel bmpOriginal.getPixel y x retrieve color of all channels R pixel G pixel B pixel..
Send SMS until it is successful delivered as fast as possible sending messages using both channels at the same time. Edit2 Oh well might as well address the questions..
Progressbar togther with asyncTask R.string.splash_load_genres R.string.splash_load_channels R.string.splash_load_content private static final int progr.. Get more free memory. ... publishProgress Load channels map. ... publishProgress Load genre names. ... publishProgress..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour it continues jumping... What i'm dong in the Code I have channels and onClick I toggle an attribute of channel boolean selected..
How to use camera flash/led as torch on a Samsung Galaxy Tab?
Android video streaming example [closed] mp4v vb 400 fps 10 width 176 height 144 acodec mp4a ab 32 channels 1 samplerate 22050 rtp sdp rtsp YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR..
how to get RGB values of bitmap in android pixel as just 2 bytes with varying precision for the RGB channels. So you should check the model that your bitmap is using before..
How to merge two mp3 files into one (combine/join) files a Files with same sampling frequency and number of channels In this case we can just append the second file to end of first.. b Files with different sampling frequency or number of channels. In this case one of the clips has to be re encoded to ensure.. both files have same sampling frequency and number of channels. To do this we would need to decode MP3 get PCM samples process..
Voice Detection in Android Application 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8.. channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36.. 20 1 format 1 finalBuffer 21 0 finalBuffer 22 byte channels finalBuffer 23 0 finalBuffer 24 byte longSampleRate 0xff finalBuffer..
Merging two or more .wav files in android out null long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 byte data new byte bufferSize try in1 new FileInputStream file1.. totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 byte data new byte bufferSize try in1 new FileInputStream file1 in2 new FileInputStream file2 out new FileOutputStream.. in2.getChannel .size totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 WriteWaveFileHeader out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data while data 1 out.write data out.close in1.close in2.close Toast.makeText..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? null FileOutputStream out null long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new byte bufferSize try in new FileInputStream.. totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new byte bufferSize try in new FileInputStream inFilename out new FileOutputStream outFilename.. 36 AppLog.logString File size totalDataLen WriteWaveFileHeader out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data in.close out.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? int x 0 x height x for int y 0 y width y get one pixel color pixel bmpOriginal.getPixel y x retrieve color of all channels R pixel G pixel B pixel take conversion up to one single value by calculating pixel..
Send SMS until it is successful reason. I also used GCM together with SMS to get the message delivered as fast as possible sending messages using both channels at the same time. Edit2 Oh well might as well address the questions we are almost there anyway Question 1 Since using IntentService..
Progressbar togther with asyncTask R.string.splash_load_timezone R.string.splash_load_memory R.string.splash_load_genres R.string.splash_load_channels R.string.splash_load_content private static final int progr 30 15 20 25 20 private int index private final Activity parent.. this is very slow may take up to 3 seconds. ... publishProgress Get more free memory. ... publishProgress Load channels map. ... publishProgress Load genre names. ... publishProgress Preload the 1st screen's content. ... publishProgress return..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour The second entry is selected now. Continue scrolling and it continues jumping... What i'm dong in the Code I have channels and onClick I toggle an attribute of channel boolean selected and then I change the background. I'm doing this only onClick..
How to use camera flash/led as torch on a Samsung Galaxy Tab?
Android video streaming example [closed] tab and paste the following command sout #transcode vcodec mp4v vb 400 fps 10 width 176 height 144 acodec mp4a ab 32 channels 1 samplerate 22050 rtp sdp rtsp YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR 5544 NOTE Replace YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR with your computer..
how to get RGB values of bitmap in android colour models may be used such as RGB_555 which stores each pixel as just 2 bytes with varying precision for the RGB channels. So you should check the model that your bitmap is using before you perform the extraction because the colours may be stored..
How to merge two mp3 files into one (combine/join) share improve this question Consider two cases for MP3 files a Files with same sampling frequency and number of channels In this case we can just append the second file to end of first file. This can be achieved using File classes available.. This can be achieved using File classes available on Android. b Files with different sampling frequency or number of channels. In this case one of the clips has to be re encoded to ensure both files have same sampling frequency and number of channels... In this case one of the clips has to be re encoded to ensure both files have same sampling frequency and number of channels. To do this we would need to decode MP3 get PCM samples process it to change sampling frequency and then re encode to MP3...
Voice Detection in Android Application .wav long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 byte.. totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 byte finalBuffer new byte totalReadBytes 44 finalBuffer 0 'R'.. finalBuffer 17 0 finalBuffer 18 0 finalBuffer 19 0 finalBuffer 20 1 format 1 finalBuffer 21 0 finalBuffer 22 byte channels finalBuffer 23 0 finalBuffer 24 byte longSampleRate 0xff finalBuffer 25 byte longSampleRate 8 0xff finalBuffer 26 byte longSampleRate..