android Programming Glossary: checkboxpreference
Android Alarm Clock UI apk res android android title @string set_alarm CheckBoxPreference android key on android title @string enable Preference android.. alarm android showDefault false android showSilent false CheckBoxPreference android key vibrate android title @string alarm_vibrate
PreferenceActivity and theme not applying res android PreferenceScreen android title @string account CheckBoxPreference android key enable_account android title @string account_use..
Black screen in inner preferenceScreen prefs.xml PreferenceCategory android title @string hello CheckBoxPreference key pref_update_key android title @string hello android summaryOn.. android title @string hello CheckBoxPreference key pref_update_key android title @string hello android summaryOn..
change background color of Preference seekbardrawable android title Seconds delay until drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable state_normal android defaultValue.. @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable state_normal android defaultValue..
customize check box preference res drawable folder. Checkbox preference.xml file is CheckBoxPreference android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call.. Then you need to specify this layout for the preference CheckBoxPreference android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value CheckBoxPreference Default Value I have the following XML code for my CheckBoxPreference.. Default Value I have the following XML code for my CheckBoxPreference CheckBoxPreference android key pref_boot_startup android title.. I have the following XML code for my CheckBoxPreference CheckBoxPreference android key pref_boot_startup android title Auto start android..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen android title First Category android textSize 20px CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false.. android textSize 20px android layout @layout mylayout CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false..
Custom preference, targetSdkVersion=“11”: missing indent? sort_clauses android dialogTitle Choose a sort order CheckBoxPreference android key alarm android title Sound a Lunch Alarm android.. desired time for the lunch alarm android dependency alarm CheckBoxPreference android key use_notification android title Use a Notification..
Custom PreferenceCategory Headings apk res android PreferenceCategory android title Security CheckBoxPreference android title Require Pin on Start android summary Require pin..
How to fill ListPreference dynamically when onPreferenceClick is triggered? android PreferenceCategory android title General Settings CheckBoxPreference android key enabled android title Application Status android..
How to add a “long click listener” to a Preference? for long clicks 1 public class BlahBlahPreference extends CheckBoxPreference implements View.OnLongClickListener 2 3 @Override 4 public boolean..
Auto start application after boot completed in Android which is derived from PreferenceActivity and give CheckBoxPreference for auto start option. If auto start option is enabled my application..
Android: Using Switch Preference pre API level 14 file that replaces the SwitchPreference with a CheckBoxPreference . Android will load the right preferences.xml file edition based..
Android Alarm Clock UI encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android android title @string set_alarm CheckBoxPreference android key on android title @string enable Preference android key time android title @string time key alarm android title @string alert android ringtoneType alarm android showDefault false android showSilent false CheckBoxPreference android key vibrate android title @string alarm_vibrate android key setRepeat android..
PreferenceActivity and theme not applying PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceScreen android title @string account CheckBoxPreference android key enable_account android title @string account_use android summary @string account_summ EditTextPreference android..
Black screen in inner preferenceScreen I found a way to do it but it quite a hack. This is my prefs.xml PreferenceCategory android title @string hello CheckBoxPreference key pref_update_key android title @string hello android summaryOn @string hello android summaryOff @string hello android.. http apk res android android key pref_second_preferencescreen_key android title @string hello CheckBoxPreference key pref_update_key android title @string hello android summaryOn @string hello android summaryOff @string hello android..
change background color of Preference key @string Drop_Delay android progressDrawable @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds delay until drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable state_normal android defaultValue true android key @string Drop_Option android title Close.. @drawable state_normal android defaultValue true android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable state_normal android defaultValue true android key @string Timer_Option android title Start..
customize check box preference state_normal and android_pressed are two .png images in res drawable folder. Checkbox preference.xml file is CheckBoxPreference android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop android defaultValue true android background @drawable.. clickable false android button @drawable android_button Then you need to specify this layout for the preference CheckBoxPreference android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop android defaultValue true android widgetLayout @layout..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value CheckBoxPreference Default Value I have the following XML code for my CheckBoxPreference CheckBoxPreference android key pref_boot_startup.. CheckBoxPreference Default Value I have the following XML code for my CheckBoxPreference CheckBoxPreference android key pref_boot_startup android title Auto start android defaultValue true But when I retrieve.. CheckBoxPreference Default Value I have the following XML code for my CheckBoxPreference CheckBoxPreference android key pref_boot_startup android title Auto start android defaultValue true But when I retrieve the preference in code..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title First Category android textSize 20px CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference can be true or false android.. apk res android PreferenceCategory android title First Category android textSize 20px android layout @layout mylayout CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference can be true or false android..
Custom preference, targetSdkVersion=“11”: missing indent? uses android entries @array sort_names android entryValues @array sort_clauses android dialogTitle Choose a sort order CheckBoxPreference android key alarm android title Sound a Lunch Alarm android summary Check if you want to know when it is time for lunch.. Time android defaultValue 12 00 android summary Set your desired time for the lunch alarm android dependency alarm CheckBoxPreference android key use_notification android title Use a Notification android defaultValue true android summary Check if you want..
Custom PreferenceCategory Headings this PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title Security CheckBoxPreference android title Require Pin on Start android summary Require pin to run the application android key @string pref_require_pin..
How to fill ListPreference dynamically when onPreferenceClick is triggered? xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title General Settings CheckBoxPreference android key enabled android title Application Status android summary Enable or disable the application ListPreference android..
How to add a “long click listener” to a Preference? View.OnLongClickListener which is automatically invoked for long clicks 1 public class BlahBlahPreference extends CheckBoxPreference implements View.OnLongClickListener 2 3 @Override 4 public boolean onLongClick View v 5 Do something for long click 6 return..
Auto start application after boot completed in Android in its settings. I have made Settings activity in my application which is derived from PreferenceActivity and give CheckBoxPreference for auto start option. If auto start option is enabled my application should start when booting of phone is completed. And..
Android: Using Switch Preference pre API level 14 . Create a res xml directory that contains a preferences.xml file that replaces the SwitchPreference with a CheckBoxPreference . Android will load the right preferences.xml file edition based on the device version the app is running on. share improve..