android Programming Glossary: cflags
openSSL using Android's NDK problems android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home..
Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone CC NDK_PATH usr lib crtbegin_dynamic.o hello.c o hello CFLAGS NDK_PATH usr lib crtend_android.o For static binaries use crtbegin_static.o... true LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_CFLAGS Wall endif LOCAL_LDLIBS L LOCAL_PATH lib llog g LOCAL_C_INCLUDES..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno exceptions Wno multichar mthumb mthumb interwork nostdlib.. android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home..
How to compile GCC for android? docs very carefully. It also contains various values for CFLAGS LDFLAGS etc. that you will need to customize and use when configuring..
Android valgrind build fails platforms android 18 arch arm DANDROID_HARDWARE_ HWKIND CFLAGS sysroot NDKROOT platforms android 18 arch arm . configure prefix..
unicode support in android ndk like this for passed in to step #4 CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS CFLAGS I NDK_ROOT build platforms android 8 arch arm usr include O3..
Android build system, NEON and non-NEON builds use the existing tag mechanism of NDK to specify special CFLAGS for a bunch of files. This is how you do it First list the neon.. LOCAL_SRC_FILES LOCAL_NEON_SRC_FILES Now define the CFLAGS for NEON LOCAL_NEON_CFLAGS mfloat abi softfp mfpu neon march.. Now define the CFLAGS for NEON LOCAL_NEON_CFLAGS mfloat abi softfp mfpu neon march armv7 Finally add the following..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems export LDFLAGS lssl lcrypto L home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8..
Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone to GCC's command line. It works something like this CC NDK_PATH usr lib crtbegin_dynamic.o hello.c o hello CFLAGS NDK_PATH usr lib crtend_android.o For static binaries use crtbegin_static.o. This is explained in the crtbegin_dynamic.S.. instead of a JNI .lib ifneq TARGET_SIMULATOR true LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_CFLAGS Wall endif LOCAL_LDLIBS L LOCAL_PATH lib llog g LOCAL_C_INCLUDES bionic LOCAL_C_INCLUDES LOCAL_PATH include LOCAL_SRC_FILES..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno exceptions Wno multichar mthumb mthumb interwork nostdlib lc ldl lm march armv5te mtune xscale msoft float mandroid.. export LDFLAGS lssl lcrypto L home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8..
How to compile GCC for android? really is a non trivial task and I recommend you read the docs very carefully. It also contains various values for CFLAGS LDFLAGS etc. that you will need to customize and use when configuring and compiling your programs. As for compiling gcc..
Android valgrind build fails arm linux androideabi gcc make clean CPPFLAGS sysroot NDKROOT platforms android 18 arch arm DANDROID_HARDWARE_ HWKIND CFLAGS sysroot NDKROOT platforms android 18 arch arm . configure prefix data local Inst host armv7 unknown linux target armv7 unknown..
unicode support in android ndk and host arm eabi is required. make I use something like this for passed in to step #4 CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS CFLAGS I NDK_ROOT build platforms android 8 arch arm usr include O3 fno short wchar DU_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE 0 DU_GNUC_UTF16_STRING..
Android build system, NEON and non-NEON builds but for you the same hack could do the job. The trick is to use the existing tag mechanism of NDK to specify special CFLAGS for a bunch of files. This is how you do it First list the neon specific sources. You cannot use the .neon suffix as described.. LOCAL_SRC_FILES main.c imgproc img.c videoproc video.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES LOCAL_NEON_SRC_FILES Now define the CFLAGS for NEON LOCAL_NEON_CFLAGS mfloat abi softfp mfpu neon march armv7 Finally add the following magical line to your imgproc img.c videoproc video.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES LOCAL_NEON_SRC_FILES Now define the CFLAGS for NEON LOCAL_NEON_CFLAGS mfloat abi softfp mfpu neon march armv7 Finally add the following magical line to your TARGET process src files..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices gcc cross prefix PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi # nm PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi nm sysroot PLATFORM extra cflags O3 fpic DANDROID DHAVE_SYS_UIO_H 1 Dipv6mr_interface ipv6mr_ifindex fasm Wno psabi fno short enums fno strict aliasing finline..
How to use precompiled headers in Android NDK project? before # Build the sources to object files #precompiled helper ifeq TARGET_ARCH_ABI x86 call set src files target cflags LOCAL_PCH else call set src files target cflags LOCAL_PCH mthumb endif # Build PCH # get pch name strip subst .. __ eval.. #precompiled helper ifeq TARGET_ARCH_ABI x86 call set src files target cflags LOCAL_PCH else call set src files target cflags LOCAL_PCH mthumb endif # Build PCH # get pch name strip subst .. __ eval __pch 1 eval __pch __pch .h .precompiled.h __pch..
Android build system, NEON and non-NEON builds Finally add the following magical line to your TARGET process src files tags call add src files target cflags LOCAL_NEON_SRC_FILES LOCAL_NEON_CFLAGS If you have more than one binary to build you will probably want LOCAL_NEON_SRC_FILES..
Building FFMPEG with librtmp for android symver enable small disable devices disable avdevice enable gpl enable librtmp prefix .. build ffmpeg armeabi extra cflags I.. rtmpdump librtmp extra ldflags L.. rtmpdump librtmp and rtmpdump directory lays on the same level as ffmpeg. As i understand.. Comment that out put a '#' at the front of the line . Now re run configure only with these modifications extra cflags I full path to rtmpdump It may help to have an absolute path here. Also omit librtmp at the end since the #include directives..