android Programming Glossary: central
Android remote code loading library for Android that requires frequent updates from a central server. I was thinking how nice it would be if my library could..
How do you install m2e-android-plugin in Eclipse? will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error Could not.. android maven plugin jar 3.1.1 from to central http maven2 No response received after 60000..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations The activity can't be garbage collected and that's a central mechanism for Android to preserve resources on the device. It..
Options for Client Server Communication in Android the need for a client server architecture with a central server and so am currently looking at how Android could communicate..
Android Library Gradle release JAR http blog 2013 08 27 pushing aars to maven central apply plugin 'maven' apply plugin 'signing' configurations archives..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] SyncAdapter ContentProvider AccountManager gives users a central point Settings Accounts to define their credentials Android..
Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android? time and resources unless the cross platform capability is central to the apps functioning. That is especially true for platforms..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) in radius meter of the north west east and south of your central point in your java code and then check easily by less than and.. p4.y So you have some data that are near your central point with a good approximation. 2 Now you can loop on these..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port the web could be an option although there'd have to be a central server that I own as a middle man I believe . But i'd prefer..
Android: How can i use the layer-list and shape elements to draw a horizontal rule when set as background? to draw two horizontal lines across the bottom leaving the central part transparent empty . The following draws the horizontal.. to the dimenstions of the parent but the lines are still centrally aligned . xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 layer list xmlns..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? latitude the latitude of the central point of the alert region longitude the longitude of the central.. point of the alert region longitude the longitude of the central point of the alert region POINT_RADIUS the radius of the central.. point of the alert region POINT_RADIUS the radius of the central point of the alert region in meters PROX_ALERT_EXPIRATION time..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 a way that we can connect an Android application to a central database server e.g. MSSQLServer 2008 I have a MySQL database..
How to find Location near by my Current location? Hear you should call the method find nearst place near to central park new delhi then we pass the lat and lang of central park... to central park new delhi then we pass the lat and lang of central park. hear you can be pass you current location lat and lang.The..
how can meteor be coupled to an android app? It's on github and includes Maven artifacts in Maven Central my version of the java ddp client also is in Maven Central https.. Central my version of the java ddp client also is in Maven Central https kenyee android ddp client share improve this..
Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on Android (device/OS specific) in EOCD long cde_offset readInt r read offset of first Central Directory Entry long lfh_offset 0 long fskip dskip while true.. 7 r.write realFlagsHi calculate offset of next Central Directory Entry cde_offset 28 offset of variable CDE.. int EOCD_SIGNATURE 0x06054b50 Find an offset of End Of Central Directory record in file private static long findEOCDRecord..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically sitecode DHLTXUSA 2 siteaddress 11311 N Central Expy Dallas USA companyname sitecode DHLNYUSA 7..
How can I create tests in Android Studio? class. You'll need to Update build.gradle to list Maven Central as a repo Update build.gradle add JUnit 3.8 as a instrumentTestCompile..
Layout_width of a ListView Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile @Override public void onCreate Bundle..
Message text in android dialog box this TextView myMsg new TextView this myMsg.setText Central myMsg.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL popupBuilder.setView..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Keeling..
Central sources of NinePatche Images? sources of NinePatche Images Are there any central spots or..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market information. I have registered my company from El Salvador Central America and then a company from USA on the Android Market and..
Android remote code loading remote code loading I am developing a library for Android that requires frequent updates from a central server. I was thinking how nice it would be if my library could update itself or if I could just release a bootstrap library..
How do you install m2e-android-plugin in Eclipse? maven2 was cached in the local repository resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error Could not transfer artifact error Could not transfer artifact android maven plugin jar 3.1.1 from to central http maven2 No response received after 60000 along with Project build error Unknown packaging apk on the..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations would like to get rid of it as it can no longer be displayed. The activity can't be garbage collected and that's a central mechanism for Android to preserve resources on the device. It is really a very very bad idea to use AsyncTasks for long..
Options for Client Server Communication in Android for a mobile device and I have chosen to target Android. I anticipate the need for a client server architecture with a central server and so am currently looking at how Android could communicate with such a server. The server would grant the client..
Android Library Gradle release JAR AAR package. So JAR with signature md5 manifest ... based on http blog 2013 08 27 pushing aars to maven central apply plugin 'maven' apply plugin 'signing' configurations archives extendsFrom configurations.default def sonatypeRepositoryUrl..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] a SyncAdapter without a ContentProvider . With AccountManager SyncAdapter ContentProvider AccountManager gives users a central point Settings Accounts to define their credentials Android decides when synchronization can be done via SyncAdapter. This..
Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android? iOS and Android. Cross platform is almost always a waste of time and resources unless the cross platform capability is central to the apps functioning. That is especially true for platforms such as iPhone and Android which have custom OS and work..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) filter on data It is better to calculate 4 locations that are in radius meter of the north west east and south of your central point in your java code and then check easily by less than and more than sqlite operators to determine if your points in.. p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf p4.y So you have some data that are near your central point with a good approximation. 2 Now you can loop on these filtered data and determine if they are really near your point..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port or to an app in the PC are more than welcome. Going through the web could be an option although there'd have to be a central server that I own as a middle man I believe . But i'd prefer if the communication was direct between the two devices. Thank..
Android: How can i use the layer-list and shape elements to draw a horizontal rule when set as background? or LinearLayout to a custom drawable. I want the shape to draw two horizontal lines across the bottom leaving the central part transparent empty . The following draws the horizontal lines centered vertically where as i need them to be aligned.. you add a rectangle as an item you can see the shape expands to the dimenstions of the parent but the lines are still centrally aligned . xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 layer list xmlns android http apk res android item shape..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? MainMenu.this requestCode intent 0 locationManager.addProximityAlert latitude the latitude of the central point of the alert region longitude the longitude of the central point of the alert region POINT_RADIUS the radius of the.. latitude the latitude of the central point of the alert region longitude the longitude of the central point of the alert region POINT_RADIUS the radius of the central point of the alert region in meters PROX_ALERT_EXPIRATION.. of the alert region longitude the longitude of the central point of the alert region POINT_RADIUS the radius of the central point of the alert region in meters PROX_ALERT_EXPIRATION time for this proximity alert in milliseconds or 1 to indicate..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 Is there a way that we can connect an Android application to a central database server e.g. MSSQLServer 2008 I have a MySQL database that is accessed by both website and Android. Connecting to..
How to find Location near by my Current location? PlacesService service new PlacesService past your key Hear you should call the method find nearst place near to central park new delhi then we pass the lat and lang of central park. hear you can be pass you current location lat and lang.The.. key Hear you should call the method find nearst place near to central park new delhi then we pass the lat and lang of central park. hear you can be pass you current location lat and lang.The third argument is used to set the specific place if you..
how can meteor be coupled to an android app? that takes care of client state including collection handling. It's on github and includes Maven artifacts in Maven Central my version of the java ddp client also is in Maven Central https kenyee android ddp client share improve this..
Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on Android (device/OS specific) r if eocd_offset 0 eocd_offset 16 offset of first CDE in EOCD long cde_offset readInt r read offset of first Central Directory Entry long lfh_offset 0 long fskip dskip while true cde_offset if readInt r CDE_SIGNATURE got off sync.. bug is fixed so we're checking is bug exists. lfh_offset 7 r.write realFlagsHi calculate offset of next Central Directory Entry cde_offset 28 offset of variable CDE parts length in CDE dskip 46 length of fixed CDE part dskip.. static final int CDE_SIGNATURE 0x02014b50 private static final int EOCD_SIGNATURE 0x06054b50 Find an offset of End Of Central Directory record in file private static long findEOCDRecord RandomAccessFile f throws IOException long result f.length 22..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically 340 Fort Worth USA partynumber DHL type sponsors sites companyname sitecode DHLTXUSA 2 siteaddress 11311 N Central Expy Dallas USA companyname sitecode DHLNYUSA 7 siteaddress 150 W 22nd St Fl 5 New York USA companyname
How can I create tests in Android Studio? From within the IDE it's possible to try and run the same test class. You'll need to Update build.gradle to list Maven Central as a repo Update build.gradle add JUnit 3.8 as a instrumentTestCompile dependency e.g. instrumentTestCompile 'junit junit..
Layout_width of a ListView Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cote d'Ivoire Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView..
Message text in android dialog box as View AlertDialog.Builder popupBuilder new AlertDialog.Builder this TextView myMsg new TextView this myMsg.setText Central myMsg.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL popupBuilder.setView myMsg You can control all other text parameters style color..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Keeling Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo the Democratic Republic..
Central sources of NinePatche Images? sources of NinePatche Images Are there any central spots or collection in the net from created NinePatches I think they..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market account to link to Google Checkout as well as Tax related information. I have registered my company from El Salvador Central America and then a company from USA on the Android Market and the merchant accounts where approved and I was able to publish..