android Programming Glossary: centery
Rotate MapView in Android h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor.. final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw.. centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android google maps..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item.. #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog startColor #000001 android centerColor #0b131e android centerY 0.75 android endColor #0d1522 android angle 270 shape item.. android startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a24 android angle 270 shape clip.. startColor #144281 android centerColor #0b1f3c android centerY 0.75 android endColor #06101d android angle 270 shape clip..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate.. centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate pivotX pivotY Bitmap rotatedBMP Bitmap.createBitmap..
Add shadow to custom shape on Android android angle 90 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerY 0.9 android endColor #00FF0000 android startColor #99000000.. android angle 90 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerY 0.9 android endColor #00FF0000 android startColor #99000000..
Android change Horizonal Progress bar color #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item.. #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip..
How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)? View Context mContext private int centerX private int centerY private int radius private double arrLength private int radius.. .getColor R.color.arrowColor centerX getWidth 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX centerY radius centerX.. 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX centerY radius centerX margin else radius centerY margin Draw Shaft..
Rotate MapView in Android h this.getHeight final float scaleFactor float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas.. Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android google maps map.. w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android google maps map rotation android mapview share improve this question..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape.. clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog android id @android id background shape gradient android startColor #000001 android centerColor #0b131e android centerY 0.75 android endColor #0d1522 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape .. id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape gradient android startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a24 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape gradient.. android id @android id progress clip shape gradient android startColor #144281 android centerColor #0b1f3c android centerY 0.75 android endColor #06101d android angle 270 shape clip item layer list Code inside your layout xml ProgressBar android..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point the bitmaps 0 0 . Here is the code I am having troubles with Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate pivotX pivotY Bitmap rotatedBMP Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.. troubles with Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate pivotX pivotY Bitmap rotatedBMP Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap 0 0 spriteWidth spriteHeight mtx true this.bitmap..
Add shadow to custom shape on Android over top shadow item shape android shape rectangle gradient android angle 90 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerY 0.9 android endColor #00FF0000 android startColor #99000000 android type linear corners android radius 8dp shape item.. bottom shadow item shape android shape rectangle gradient android angle 90 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerY 0.9 android endColor #00FF0000 android startColor #99000000 android type linear corners android radius 8dp shape item..
Android change Horizonal Progress bar color shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape.. clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners..
How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)? nothing like an arrowhead public class DrawableView extends View Context mContext private int centerX private int centerY private int radius private double arrLength private int radius private double arrHeading private margin 10 public DrawableView.. vars for Arrow Paint Paint paint new Paint paint.setColor getResources .getColor R.color.arrowColor centerX getWidth 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX centerY radius centerX margin else radius centerY margin Draw Shaft int xy findArrowPos.. getResources .getColor R.color.arrowColor centerX getWidth 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX centerY radius centerX margin else radius centerY margin Draw Shaft int xy findArrowPos arrLength arrHeading canvas.drawLine centerX..