android Programming Glossary: center.x
Custom Android Image Crop .getIntrinsicHeight f Matrix.MSCALE_Y return point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.y.. return point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.y center.y imageScaledHeight 2 point.y.. drawable BitmapDrawable getDrawable float x leftTop.x center.x drawable.getBitmap .getWidth 2 float y leftTop.y center.y drawable.getBitmap..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times leftGeo left projection.toPixels myLoc center int radius center.x left.x accuracyPaint.setColor 0xff6666ff accuracyPaint.setStyle.. accuracyPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawCircle center.x center.y radius accuracyPaint accuracyPaint.setColor 0x186666ff.. accuracyPaint.setStyle Style.FILL canvas.drawCircle center.x center.y radius accuracyPaint drawable.setBounds center.x width..
Android - How to draw an arc based gradient red This is my code SweepGradient shader new SweepGradient center.x center.y resources.getColor R.color.startColor resources.getColor..
Custom Android Image Crop f Matrix.MSCALE_X imageScaledHeight Math.round getDrawable .getIntrinsicHeight f Matrix.MSCALE_Y return point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.y center.y imageScaledHeight 2 point.y center.y imageScaledHeight.. Math.round getDrawable .getIntrinsicHeight f Matrix.MSCALE_Y return point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.x center.x imageScaledWidth 2 point.y center.y imageScaledHeight 2 point.y center.y imageScaledHeight 2 true false private void adjustRectangle.. else return DRAG public byte getCroppedImage BitmapDrawable drawable BitmapDrawable getDrawable float x leftTop.x center.x drawable.getBitmap .getWidth 2 float y leftTop.y center.y drawable.getBitmap .getHeight 2 Bitmap cropped Bitmap.createBitmap..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times accuracy longitudeLineDistance 1e6 projection.toPixels leftGeo left projection.toPixels myLoc center int radius center.x left.x accuracyPaint.setColor 0xff6666ff accuracyPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawCircle center.x center.y radius.. int radius center.x left.x accuracyPaint.setColor 0xff6666ff accuracyPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawCircle center.x center.y radius accuracyPaint accuracyPaint.setColor 0x186666ff accuracyPaint.setStyle Style.FILL canvas.drawCircle center.x.. center.y radius accuracyPaint accuracyPaint.setColor 0x186666ff accuracyPaint.setStyle Style.FILL canvas.drawCircle center.x center.y radius accuracyPaint drawable.setBounds center.x width 2 center.y height 2 center.x width 2 center.y height 2 drawable.draw..
Android - How to draw an arc based gradient goes from one color to another. From example from blue to red This is my code SweepGradient shader new SweepGradient center.x center.y resources.getColor R.color.startColor resources.getColor R.color.endColor Paint paint new Paint paint.setStrokeWidth..