android Programming Glossary: center
Android selector & text color android layout_width fill_parent android gravity center android focusable true android minHeight android attr listPreferredItemHeight..
Android TextView Justify Text here but it does not work even if you change vertical center to center_vertical etc . android text format textview justify.. but it does not work even if you change vertical center to center_vertical etc . android text format textview justify share..
Caching images and displaying android layout_height wrap_content android layout_centerHorizontal true android layout_centerVertical true android src.. android layout_centerHorizontal true android layout_centerVertical true android src @drawable ic_launcher ProgressBar android.. ic_launcher ProgressBar android id @ id pb android layout_centerInParent true android layout_gravity center android layout_width..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? Pressing Home twice will always take a user back to the center panel of the Home Screen so whatever application they're running..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? matter what the length of the array MIDDLE can be used to center the ListView in the mid of the list. getCount is overrided to.. ArrayAdapter in the file creating the ListView. To center the ListView the fallowing line must be inserted in your file.. constant previously initialized for the list the view is centered with the top item of the list at the top of the screen. ~..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order layout_alignWithParentIfMissing true android gravity center RelativeLayout Thank you for your time java android listview..
Horizontal ListView in Android? Using Gallery view. But the Selected item comes to the center of the Screen Automatically. I want to avoid it. the selected..
set the absolute position of a view in Android and I want to put an ImageView which is 20x20px with its center at the position 100 100 . What do I have to do Thanks for the..
Defining custom attrs android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center whatever my_custom_attribute Hello world LinearLayout Finally..
Android - gravity and layout_gravity value to the android gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding.. to the android gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding.. gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) float lon return newPoint And now create your query PointF center new PointF x y final double mult 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable.. 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult.. center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF p3 calculateDerivedPosition center mult..
Android read text raw resource file android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center android layout_weight 1.0 android layout_below @ id logoLayout..
How to add a footer in ListView? 7dip android orientation horizontal android gravity center LinearLayout android id @ id footer_layout android layout_width.. android orientation horizontal android gravity center android layout_gravity center TextView android text @string.. horizontal android gravity center android layout_gravity center TextView android text @string footer_text_1 android id @ id..
How do I make a splash screen in android android src @drawable splash android layout_gravity center TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height Center the child SurfaceView within the parent. if width previewHeight..
How can we add buttons at dynamic positions in layout Left with Margin Creating a new Center Button Button buttonCenterParent new Button this buttonCenterParent.setText.. Left with Margin Creating a new Center Button Button buttonCenterParent new Button this buttonCenterParent.setText Center Creating.. Button Button buttonCenterParent new Button this buttonCenterParent.setText Center Creating a new Bottom Button Button buttonBottom..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity scale scale setImageMatrix matrix saveScale 1f Center the image redundantYSpace float height scale float bmHeight..
ActionBar - custom view with centered ImageView, Action Items on sides share improve this question If you want imageview in Center of ActionBar then use just replace getActionBar to getSupportActionBar..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? the server. You can read about it in the 6.0 Information Center http infocenter wrklight v6r0m0 index.jsp topic..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? initView from Franco do not align the TextView in the Center but puts it in the top left corner. The solution from Konstantin.. The solution from Konstantin puts it correctly in the Center of the View public class ViewNumber extends RelativeLayout .....
Android Left,Center and Right Alignment Left Center and Right Alignment I am pretty new to android and trying to..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator supported on Windows host only since both the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator are Windows apps. Need to download all.. SDK addon OpenNFC core Edition which has the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator apps. The echo server EchoTool Install.. and create an AVD using the SDK Addon. start Connection Center run Connection Center.exe and config it to accept client connections..
Android Crop Center of Bitmap Crop Center of Bitmap I have bitmaps which are squares or rectangles. I..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? scale scale setImageMatrix matrix saveScale 1f Center the image redundantYSpace float height scale float bmHeight..
Where does Android View.scrollTo(x, y) scroll to? to know and can't find anywhere is where is x y Top left Center I tried a few tests and can't figure it out. android view scrollto..
How to crop Bitmap Center like imageview? [duplicate] to crop Bitmap Center like imageview duplicate Possible Duplicate How to crop the.. in the resulting Bitmap. Hope it helps public Bitmap scaleCenterCrop Bitmap source int newHeight int newWidth int sourceWidth..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView.. mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView look.. Math.max MINIMUM_SCALE_VALUE Math.min mScaleFactor 5.0f mCenterScaleX focusX mCenterScaleY focusY invalidate return true The..
Center VideoView in landscape mode VideoView in landscape mode How can I center a VideoView in..
Clickable area after Scaling with respect to positions of touch event? [duplicate] mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView.. mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView look.. Math.max MINIMUM_SCALE_VALUE Math.min mScaleFactor 5.0f mCenterScaleX focusX mCenterScaleY focusY invalidate return true The..
Android selector & text color apk res android android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android gravity center android focusable true android minHeight android attr listPreferredItemHeight android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge..
Android TextView Justify Text on the left and right hand sides I found a possible solution here but it does not work even if you change vertical center to center_vertical etc . android text format textview justify share improve this question I do not believe Android.. left and right hand sides I found a possible solution here but it does not work even if you change vertical center to center_vertical etc . android text format textview justify share improve this question I do not believe Android supports full..
Caching images and displaying android id @ id imageView1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_centerHorizontal true android layout_centerVertical true android src @drawable ic_launcher ProgressBar android id @ id pb android.. layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_centerHorizontal true android layout_centerVertical true android src @drawable ic_launcher ProgressBar android id @ id pb android layout_centerInParent true android.. android layout_centerVertical true android src @drawable ic_launcher ProgressBar android id @ id pb android layout_centerInParent true android layout_gravity center android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content TextView..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? want to override Home Home is like an emergency escape button. Pressing Home twice will always take a user back to the center panel of the Home Screen so whatever application they're running it's easy for a user to get back to somewhere they know...
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? a constant called middle. This is the middle of the list. No matter what the length of the array MIDDLE can be used to center the ListView in the mid of the list. getCount is overrided to return a huge value as is done above creating a huge list... looping manner. At this point CircularArrayAdapter simply replaces ArrayAdapter in the file creating the ListView. To center the ListView the fallowing line must be inserted in your file creating the ListView after the ListView object has been initialized.. nameOfAdapterObject.MIDDLE 0 and using the MIDDLE constant previously initialized for the list the view is centered with the top item of the list at the top of the screen. ~ Cheers I hope this solution is useful. share improve this answer..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order layout_alignParentTop true android paddingRight 4dp android layout_alignWithParentIfMissing true android gravity center RelativeLayout Thank you for your time java android listview share improve this question This is not an issue there..
Horizontal ListView in Android? any Possible to make the ListView horizontally I done this Using Gallery view. But the Selected item comes to the center of the Screen Automatically. I want to avoid it. the selected item at the same spot i have clicked. How to Rectify this..
set the absolute position of a view in Android but it's deprecated... Lets say I have a screen 240x320px and I want to put an ImageView which is 20x20px with its center at the position 100 100 . What do I have to do Thanks for the help this is driving me crazy. android view css position..
Defining custom attrs org.example.mypackage.MyCustomView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center whatever my_custom_attribute Hello world LinearLayout Finally to access that custom attribute you normally do so in the..
Android - gravity and layout_gravity gravity and layout_gravity I know we can set the following value to the android gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what is the difference between the usage.. and layout_gravity I know we can set the following value to the android gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what is the difference between the usage of android.. I know we can set the following value to the android gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what is the difference between the usage of android gravity and..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) lon Math.toDegrees lon PointF newPoint new PointF float lat float lon return newPoint And now create your query PointF center new PointF x y final double mult 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF.. query PointF center new PointF x y final double mult 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF p3 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius.. 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF p3 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 180 PointF p4 calculateDerivedPosition center mult..
Android read text raw resource file apk res android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center android layout_weight 1.0 android layout_below @ id logoLayout android background @drawable list_background ScrollView..
How to add a footer in ListView? wrap_content android paddingTop 7dip android paddingBottom 7dip android orientation horizontal android gravity center LinearLayout android id @ id footer_layout android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android.. android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal android gravity center android layout_gravity center TextView android text @string footer_text_1 android id @ id footer_1 android layout_width.. android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal android gravity center android layout_gravity center TextView android text @string footer_text_1 android id @ id footer_1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height..
How do I make a splash screen in android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height fill_parent android src @drawable splash android layout_gravity center TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Hello World splash LinearLayout..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display int previewHeight height if mPreviewSize null previewWidth mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height Center the child SurfaceView within the parent. if width previewHeight height previewWidth final int scaledChildWidth previewWidth..
How can we add buttons at dynamic positions in layout with Margin Button buttonLeftWithMargin new Button this buttonLeftWithMargin.setText Left with Margin Creating a new Center Button Button buttonCenterParent new Button this buttonCenterParent.setText Center Creating a new Bottom Button Button buttonBottom.. new Button this buttonLeftWithMargin.setText Left with Margin Creating a new Center Button Button buttonCenterParent new Button this buttonCenterParent.setText Center Creating a new Bottom Button Button buttonBottom new Button this.. Left with Margin Creating a new Center Button Button buttonCenterParent new Button this buttonCenterParent.setText Center Creating a new Bottom Button Button buttonBottom new Button this buttonBottom.setText Bottom Add a..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX scaleY matrix.setScale scale scale setImageMatrix matrix saveScale 1f Center the image redundantYSpace float height scale float bmHeight redundantXSpace float width scale float bmWidth redundantYSpace..
ActionBar - custom view with centered ImageView, Action Items on sides item menu android android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question If you want imageview in Center of ActionBar then use just replace getActionBar to getSupportActionBar in below code public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? needs e.g. translations dijit widgets are being served from the server. You can read about it in the 6.0 Information Center http infocenter wrklight v6r0m0 index.jsp topic 2Ftopics 2Fcdojolibprjsetupwl.html..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? correctly without overriding it. Now the solution for the Method initView from Franco do not align the TextView in the Center but puts it in the top left corner. The solution from Konstantin puts it correctly in the Center of the View public class.. the TextView in the Center but puts it in the top left corner. The solution from Konstantin puts it correctly in the Center of the View public class ViewNumber extends RelativeLayout ... private void initView Context context View.inflate context..
Android Left,Center and Right Alignment Left Center and Right Alignment I am pretty new to android and trying to do a sample app where 3 elements 2 buttons and 1 text view..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator controller NFCC simulator. The stack with NFCC simulator is supported on Windows host only since both the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator are Windows apps. Need to download all 3 packages OpenNFC Android SDK addon OpenNFC core Edition.. Windows apps. Need to download all 3 packages OpenNFC Android SDK addon OpenNFC core Edition which has the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator apps. The echo server EchoTool Install the SDK addon and create an AVD using the SDK Addon. start.. simulator apps. The echo server EchoTool Install the SDK addon and create an AVD using the SDK Addon. start Connection Center run Connection Center.exe and config it to accept client connections from other machines. start NFCC simulator run NfcSimulator.exe..
Android Crop Center of Bitmap Crop Center of Bitmap I have bitmaps which are squares or rectangles. I take the shortest side and do something like this int value..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX scaleY matrix.setScale scale scale setImageMatrix matrix saveScale 1f Center the image redundantYSpace float height scale float bmHeight redundantXSpace float width scale float bmWidth redundantYSpace..
Where does Android View.scrollTo(x, y) scroll to? origin. t Current vertical scroll origin. What I would like to know and can't find anywhere is where is x y Top left Center I tried a few tests and can't figure it out. android view scrollto android view share improve this question After extensive..
How to crop Bitmap Center like imageview? [duplicate] to crop Bitmap Center like imageview duplicate Possible Duplicate How to crop the parsed image in android How does one crop the same way as Androids.. the original bitmap to the new size and draw it centered in the resulting Bitmap. Hope it helps public Bitmap scaleCenterCrop Bitmap source int newHeight int newWidth int sourceWidth source.getWidth int sourceHeight source.getHeight Compute the..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in public boolean onScale ScaleGestureDetector detector if mScaleAllowed mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView look like this public boolean scale float scaleFactor float.. onScale ScaleGestureDetector detector if mScaleAllowed mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView look like this public boolean scale float scaleFactor float focusX.. Don't let the object get too small or too large. mScaleFactor Math.max MINIMUM_SCALE_VALUE Math.min mScaleFactor 5.0f mCenterScaleX focusX mCenterScaleY focusY invalidate return true The drawing of the scaled image is achieved by overriding the onDraw..
Center VideoView in landscape mode VideoView in landscape mode How can I center a VideoView in landscape mode I tried this on Manifest file I have android..
Clickable area after Scaling with respect to positions of touch event? [duplicate] public boolean onScale ScaleGestureDetector detector if mScaleAllowed mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView look like this public boolean scale float scaleFactor float.. onScale ScaleGestureDetector detector if mScaleAllowed mCustomImageView.scale detector.getScaleFactor mCenterX mCenterY return true The scale function of the CustomImageView look like this public boolean scale float scaleFactor float focusX.. Don't let the object get too small or too large. mScaleFactor Math.max MINIMUM_SCALE_VALUE Math.min mScaleFactor 5.0f mCenterScaleX focusX mCenterScaleY focusY invalidate return true The drawing of the scaled image is achieved by overriding the onDraw..