android Programming Glossary: centerx
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? display windowManager.getDefaultDisplay final float centerX display.getWidth 2.0f final float centerY display.getHeight.. a new Rotate3dAnimation fromDegree toDegree centerX centerY DEPTH reverse a.reset a.setDuration DURATION a.setFillAfter.. 2D space definied by a pair of X and Y coordinates called centerX and centerY. When the animation starts a translation on the..
Rotate MapView in Android float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX.. w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY.. centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point with Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate.. centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate pivotX pivotY Bitmap rotatedBMP Bitmap.createBitmap..
android custom EditText UI centerColor #d4d4d4 android startColor #d4d4d4 android centerX 0.5 android centerY 0.5 android angle 270 stroke android width..
Add shadow to custom shape on Android android angle 180 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerX 0.9 android endColor #99000000 android startColor #00FF0000.. android angle 360 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerX 0.9 android endColor #99000000 android startColor #00FF0000..
Android OpenGL 3D picking gl.glLoadIdentity GLU.gluLookAt gl eyeX eyeY eyeZ centerX centerY centerZ upX upY upZ if pickPointTrigger pickPoint.. _xTranslate _yTranslate _zTranslate gl.glTranslatef centerX centerY centerZ gl.glRotatef _xAngle 1f 0f 0f gl.glRotatef _yAngle.. 0f 1f 0f gl.glRotatef _zAngle 0f 0f 1f gl.glTranslatef centerX centerY centerZ ptCloud.draw gl gl.glPopMatrix Here is my picking..
How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)? DrawableView extends View Context mContext private int centerX private int centerY private int radius private double arrLength.. paint.setColor getResources .getColor R.color.arrowColor centerX getWidth 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX.. getWidth 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX centerY radius centerX margin else radius centerY margin Draw..
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? windowManager final AnimationFinishedListener listener Display display windowManager.getDefaultDisplay final float centerX display.getWidth 2.0f final float centerY display.getHeight 2.0f final Rotate3dAnimation a new Rotate3dAnimation fromDegree.. 2.0f final float centerY display.getHeight 2.0f final Rotate3dAnimation a new Rotate3dAnimation fromDegree toDegree centerX centerY DEPTH reverse a.reset a.setDuration DURATION a.setFillAfter true a.setInterpolator new AccelerateInterpolator if.. The rotation is performed around a center point on the 2D space definied by a pair of X and Y coordinates called centerX and centerY. When the animation starts a translation on the Z axis depth is performed. The length of the translation can..
Rotate MapView in Android this.getWidth final float h this.getHeight final float scaleFactor float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY.. float Math.sqrt h h w w Math.min w h final float centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android google.. centerX w 2.0f final float centerY h 2.0f canvas.rotate bearing centerX centerY canvas.scale scaleFactor scaleFactor centerX centerY super.dispatchDraw canvas canvas.restore android google maps map rotation android mapview share improve this..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point around the bitmaps 0 0 . Here is the code I am having troubles with Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate pivotX pivotY Bitmap rotatedBMP Bitmap.createBitmap.. am having troubles with Matrix mtx new Matrix mtx.reset mtx.preTranslate centerX centerY mtx.setRotate float direction centerX centerY mtx.postTranslate pivotX pivotY Bitmap rotatedBMP Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap 0 0 spriteWidth spriteHeight mtx true..
android custom EditText UI true shape gradient android endColor #8dc73f android centerColor #d4d4d4 android startColor #d4d4d4 android centerX 0.5 android centerY 0.5 android angle 270 stroke android width 1dp color #8dc73f corners android radius 6dp padding android..
Add shadow to custom shape on Android left shadow item shape android shape rectangle gradient android angle 180 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerX 0.9 android endColor #99000000 android startColor #00FF0000 corners android radius 8dp shape item over right shadow item.. right shadow item shape android shape rectangle gradient android angle 360 android centerColor #00FF0000 android centerX 0.9 android endColor #99000000 android startColor #00FF0000 corners android radius 8dp shape item over top shadow item..
Android OpenGL 3D picking screenHeight 10.0f 10000.0f gl.glMatrixMode GL10.GL_MODELVIEW gl.glLoadIdentity GLU.gluLookAt gl eyeX eyeY eyeZ centerX centerY centerZ upX upY upZ if pickPointTrigger pickPoint gl gl.glPushMatrix gl.glTranslatef _xTranslate _yTranslate.. if pickPointTrigger pickPoint gl gl.glPushMatrix gl.glTranslatef _xTranslate _yTranslate _zTranslate gl.glTranslatef centerX centerY centerZ gl.glRotatef _xAngle 1f 0f 0f gl.glRotatef _yAngle 0f 1f 0f gl.glRotatef _zAngle 0f 0f 1f gl.glTranslatef.. centerZ gl.glRotatef _xAngle 1f 0f 0f gl.glRotatef _yAngle 0f 1f 0f gl.glRotatef _zAngle 0f 0f 1f gl.glTranslatef centerX centerY centerZ ptCloud.draw gl gl.glPopMatrix Here is my picking function. I've set the location to the middle of the..
How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)? the arrowhead looks nothing like an arrowhead public class DrawableView extends View Context mContext private int centerX private int centerY private int radius private double arrLength private int radius private double arrHeading private margin.. background Set vars for Arrow Paint Paint paint new Paint paint.setColor getResources .getColor R.color.arrowColor centerX getWidth 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX centerY radius centerX margin else radius centerY margin Draw.. paint.setColor getResources .getColor R.color.arrowColor centerX getWidth 2 centerY getHeight 2 arrLength radius 10 if centerX centerY radius centerX margin else radius centerY margin Draw Shaft int xy findArrowPos arrLength arrHeading canvas.drawLine..