android Programming Glossary: cached
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager cases ViewPager only show one page at a time but the pre cached fragments are also put to visible state actually invisible if..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled or not used for longer period so that other images can be cached. I had created a demo example for the same you can download..
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? pulling the host's plug. The getPurchases method returns a cached result if possible please note that we're not talking about.. . Of course this means that one will almost always get a cached result except when the Service is being re initialized due to.. Update There's now evidence that getSkuDetails can access cached information within the local service too. It looks as if getBuyIntent..
Exception: attempt to acquire a reference on a close SQLiteClosable and writing. Once opened successfully the database is cached so you can call this method every time you need to write to..
What's LazyList? urls. It is like on demand loading images. Images can be cached to local sd card or phone memory. Url is considered the key... lazy list loads images on demand. Since images are cached you can display images offline. https thest1 LazyList..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android make sure that background processes are killed before the cached RAM is consumed too much by them to result in such paging. ..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache it I can get the webpage back up to date i.e. a non cached version. The main problem is the changes are made to links in..
Android file uploader with server-side php true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput true Don't use a cached copy. conn.setUseCaches false Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod..
Android Host is unresolved (strategy question) run situation because the DNS for our servers are not cached already on the device those first series of connections fail..
How can I get the size of a folder on SD card in Android? of images and would like to present the total size of all cached images. Is there a way to this other than iterating over each..
Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord?
how to customize listview row android getItem position if convertView null If the View is not cached Inflates the Common View from XML file convertView this.inflater.inflate..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput true Don't use a cached copy. conn.setUseCaches false Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput true Don't use a cached copy. conn.setUseCaches false Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images Thread.NORM_PRIORITY 1 Find the dir to save cached images if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals.. Thread.NORM_PRIORITY 1 Find the dir to save cached images if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals..
android webview geolocation origin true false Geolocation uses databases to persist cached positions and permissions between sessions. The location of..
AsyncTask called from Handler will not execute doInBackground SlideshowActivity.this url url else Log.d TAG Cached url catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error while downloading...
Synchronize Android client and REST server detail information about the user and associated comments. Cached comments get loaded via a CursorLoader . 1 A synchronization..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android MemTotal 395144 kB MemFree 184936 kB Buffers 880 kB Cached 84104 kB SwapCached 0 kB MemTotal is the total amount of memory.. kB MemFree 184936 kB Buffers 880 kB Cached 84104 kB SwapCached 0 kB MemTotal is the total amount of memory available to the.. we try to use available memory to keep processes running Cached is the RAM being used for filesystem caches and other such things...
Upload Video from android to server? true Allow Outputs conn.setUseCaches false Don't use a Cached Copy conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection..
Upload progress bar in android? true Allow Outputs conn.setUseCaches false Don't use a Cached Copy conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? true Allow Outputs conn.setUseCaches false Don't use a Cached Copy Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty..
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager described by gorn's answer. The outdated answer In most use cases ViewPager only show one page at a time but the pre cached fragments are also put to visible state actually invisible if you are using FragmentStatePagerAdapter in Android Support..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? V3.10.10 GP Services 2.0.12 G Services Framework 4.1.2 by pulling the host's plug. The getPurchases method returns a cached result if possible please note that we're not talking about a cache outside of the Service here but a direct call of getPurchases.. outside of the Service here but a direct call of getPurchases . Of course this means that one will almost always get a cached result except when the Service is being re initialized due to the loss of local data a case which is not very likely and.. getSkuDetails appears to behave just like consumePurchase . Update There's now evidence that getSkuDetails can access cached information within the local service too. It looks as if getBuyIntent works fine without connectivity if the item is already..
Exception: attempt to acquire a reference on a close SQLiteClosable Create and or open a database that will be used for reading and writing. Once opened successfully the database is cached so you can call this method every time you need to write to the database. The answer was right there the whole time. share..
What's LazyList? is lazy loading of images from sd card or from server using urls. It is like on demand loading images. Images can be cached to local sd card or phone memory. Url is considered the key. If the key is present in sd card display images from sd card.. of user waiting to download large images and then displaying lazy list loads images on demand. Since images are cached you can display images offline. https thest1 LazyList . Lazy List In your getview imageLoader.DisplayImage imageurl..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache snippets 45 If I delete my application and re install it I can get the webpage back up to date i.e. a non cached version. The main problem is the changes are made to links in the webpage so the front end of the webpage is completely..
Android file uploader with server-side php url.openConnection Allow Inputs conn.setDoInput true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput true Don't use a cached copy. conn.setUseCaches false Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive..
Android Host is unresolved (strategy question) seems and this is just a seems at the moment that in this first run situation because the DNS for our servers are not cached already on the device those first series of connections fail with dreaded UnknownHostException Host is unresolved. And of..
How can I get the size of a folder on SD card in Android? size of a folder on the SD card I use a folder for caching of images and would like to present the total size of all cached images. Is there a way to this other than iterating over each file They all reside inside the same folder android size..
Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord?
how to customize listview row android int position View convertView ViewGroup parent String myText getItem position if convertView null If the View is not cached Inflates the Common View from XML file convertView this.inflater.inflate null Select your color and..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues url.openConnection Allow Inputs conn.setDoInput true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput true Don't use a cached copy. conn.setUseCaches false Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Allow Inputs conn.setDoInput true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput true Don't use a cached copy. conn.setUseCaches false Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images way it will not affect the UI performance photoLoaderThread.setPriority Thread.NORM_PRIORITY 1 Find the dir to save cached images if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED cacheDir new File.. way it will not affect the UI performance photoLoaderThread.setPriority Thread.NORM_PRIORITY 1 Find the dir to save cached images if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED cacheDir new File..
android webview geolocation GeolocationPermissions.Callback callback callback.invoke origin true false Geolocation uses databases to persist cached positions and permissions between sessions. The location of the database is set using WebSettings.setGeolocationDatabasePath..
AsyncTask called from Handler will not execute doInBackground url Cache.cacheStream SlideshowActivity.this SlideshowActivity.this url url else Log.d TAG Cached url catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error while downloading. e Log.d TAG Downloading slideshows finished. return urls..
Synchronize Android client and REST server users 23 . A user activity displays detail information about the user and associated comments. Cached comments get loaded via a CursorLoader . 1 A synchronization process loads comments from the remote server. 2 Scenario 2..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android few people about them often resulting in conflicting explanations MemTotal 395144 kB MemFree 184936 kB Buffers 880 kB Cached 84104 kB SwapCached 0 kB MemTotal is the total amount of memory available to the kernel and user space often less than the.. often resulting in conflicting explanations MemTotal 395144 kB MemFree 184936 kB Buffers 880 kB Cached 84104 kB SwapCached 0 kB MemTotal is the total amount of memory available to the kernel and user space often less than the actual physical RAM.. on an Android system this would be only a few MB since we try to use available memory to keep processes running Cached is the RAM being used for filesystem caches and other such things. Typical systems will need to have 20MB or so for this..
Upload Video from android to server? to the URL conn.setDoInput true Allow Inputs conn.setDoOutput true Allow Outputs conn.setUseCaches false Don't use a Cached Copy conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty ENCTYPE multipart..
Upload progress bar in android? to the URL conn.setDoInput true Allow Inputs conn.setDoOutput true Allow Outputs conn.setUseCaches false Don't use a Cached Copy conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty ENCTYPE multipart..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? conn.setDoInput true Allow Inputs conn.setDoOutput true Allow Outputs conn.setUseCaches false Don't use a Cached Copy Use a post method. conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty..