android Programming Glossary: c.movetonext
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask _id recipient null null String _id String address while c.moveToNext _id c.getString ID2_COLUMN_INDEX address c.getString ADDRESS_COLUMN_INDEX.. _id mRecipient null null String _id String address while c.moveToNext _id c.getString ID2_COLUMN_INDEX address c.getString ADDRESS_COLUMN_INDEX..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? results. Nothing to query return c.moveToPosition 1 while c.moveToNext String pkg c.getString 1 String clazz c.getString 2 int badgeCount..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 .query deleteUri null null null null while c.moveToNext try Delete the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android int nContacts c.getCount do Do something while c.moveToNext However this will only return the primary number for each contact..
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? Uri.parse content sms outbox threadId null null null null c.moveToNext int p cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex person Log.d SMS SMS SEND..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] c.moveToFirst do s1 c.getString 0 s2 c.getString 1 while c.moveToNext dba.close public Cursor ExampleSelect string myVariable String..
How to get thumbnail for video in my /sdcard/Android/data/mypackage/files folder? findViewById iv.setImageBitmap b while c.moveToNext c.close android video thumbnails share improve this question..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? c getContentResolver .query uri null null null null while c.moveToNext for int i 0 i c.getColumnCount i Log.d TAG c.getColumnName..
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified c.getString size c.getInt catid c.getString group while c.moveToNext return reports android listview data adapter notify share..
sqlite example program in android [closed] int columnIndex2 c.getColumnIndex Constants.CITYID if c.moveToNext cityName c.getString columnIndex city_id c.getString columnIndex2..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact Cursor c cr.query uri null null null null try while c.moveToNext Uri lookupUri Uri.withAppendedPath Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken add to the list. app.GalleryList.add c.getString 0 while c.moveToNext Here's a method to return a unique file name for my new image..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera sotred in the mobile phone Internal and SD card while c.moveToNext Log.i INFOLOG gallery size GalleryList.size and this is where..
How to add submenu items to ActionBar action in code? FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns._ID int cnt 0 while c.moveToNext cnt Log.d ID ID c.getInt ixId misusing the group id for the..
Android - Update a contact new ArrayList Relation int a 0 Relation relation while c.moveToNext a CARD_LIMIT relation new Relation relation.setBook_id new.. COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c if c.moveToNext r.setBook_id new Integer c.getString 0 .intValue else r.setBook_id..
Android How to save camera images in database and display another activity in list view? imageblob array i BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray bytes 0 0 c.moveToNext i Log.e Bitmap length array.length Pass this Bitmap array..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask Uri.parse content mms sms canonical addresses null _id recipient null null String _id String address while c.moveToNext _id c.getString ID2_COLUMN_INDEX address c.getString ADDRESS_COLUMN_INDEX c.close int contactId if address null contactId.. Uri.parse content mms sms canonical addresses null _id mRecipient null null String _id String address while c.moveToNext _id c.getString ID2_COLUMN_INDEX address c.getString ADDRESS_COLUMN_INDEX c.close int contactId if address null contactId..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? try finally block if c null return try if c.moveToFirst No results. Nothing to query return c.moveToPosition 1 while c.moveToNext String pkg c.getString 1 String clazz c.getString 2 int badgeCount c.getInt 3 Log.d BadgeTest package pkg class clazz count..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 Uri.parse content sms int count 0 Cursor c context.getContentResolver .query deleteUri null null null null while c.moveToNext try Delete the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver .delete..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol c.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER int nContacts c.getCount do Do something while c.moveToNext However this will only return the primary number for each contact but I want to get the secondary numbers as well. How can..
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? SMS SMS SEND ID threadId Cursor c getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content sms outbox threadId null null null null c.moveToNext int p cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex person Log.d SMS SMS SEND person p getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse content sms..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] Rawr contextObject.startManagingCursor c String s1 s2 if c.moveToFirst do s1 c.getString 0 s2 c.getString 1 while c.moveToNext dba.close public Cursor ExampleSelect string myVariable String query SELECT locale FROM android_metadata return mDb.rawQuery..
How to get thumbnail for video in my /sdcard/Android/data/mypackage/files folder? Log.d My Thumbnail onCreate bitmap b ImageView iv ImageView findViewById iv.setImageBitmap b while c.moveToNext c.close android video thumbnails share improve this question If you are on android 8 Froyo or above you can use ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? code below Uri uri ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI Cursor c getContentResolver .query uri null null null null while c.moveToNext for int i 0 i c.getColumnCount i Log.d TAG c.getColumnName i c.getString i Log.d TAG I do get a column value like contact_status_res_package..
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified title url c.getString desc c.getString cat c.getString date c.getString size c.getInt catid c.getString group while c.moveToNext return reports android listview data adapter notify share improve this question You have to do all your updating..
sqlite example program in android [closed] Count a int columnIndex c.getColumnIndex Constants.TITLE int columnIndex2 c.getColumnIndex Constants.CITYID if c.moveToNext cityName c.getString columnIndex city_id c.getString columnIndex2 try some thing like will help you share..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNumber Cursor c cr.query uri null null null null try while c.moveToNext Uri lookupUri Uri.withAppendedPath Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI c.getString c.getColumnIndex PhoneLookup.LOOKUP_KEY Cursor..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken have the id . if c null c.moveToFirst do Loop each and add to the list. app.GalleryList.add c.getString 0 while c.moveToNext Here's a method to return a unique file name for my new image private String getTempFileString Only one time will we grab..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera the list. GalleryList.add c.getString 0 adding all the images sotred in the mobile phone Internal and SD card while c.moveToNext Log.i INFOLOG gallery size GalleryList.size and this is where the method is doing all magic Method will check all the photo..
How to add submenu items to ActionBar action in code? FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns.DISPLAY_NAME int ixId c.getColumnIndex FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns._ID int cnt 0 while c.moveToNext cnt Log.d ID ID c.getInt ixId misusing the group id for the form id menu.getItem 1 .getSubMenu .addSubMenu c.getInt ixId..
Android - Update a contact ASC context.startManagingCursor c ArrayList Relation cList new ArrayList Relation int a 0 Relation relation while c.moveToNext a CARD_LIMIT relation new Relation relation.setBook_id new Integer c.getString 0 .intValue String name_splitted c.getString.. select null ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c if c.moveToNext r.setBook_id new Integer c.getString 0 .intValue else r.setBook_id 1 Updates the given relation in the stock phone..
Android How to save camera images in database and display another activity in list view?