

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:58

android Programming Glossary: c1

Android color picker to be included in the activity


part 0...1 and i is the index int c0 colors i int c1 colors i 1 int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave.. i int c1 colors i 1 int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green.. c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue..

preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action


String query SELECT latitude longitude FROM MEMS Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst.. FROM MEMS Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString.. MEMS Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString..

Multiple DatePickers in same activity


END_DATE_DIALOG_ID get the current date final Calendar c1 Calendar.getInstance mYear c1.get Calendar.YEAR mMonth c1.get.. current date final Calendar c1 Calendar.getInstance mYear c1.get Calendar.YEAR mMonth c1.get Calendar.MONTH mDay c1.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH.. c1 Calendar.getInstance mYear c1.get Calendar.YEAR mMonth c1.get Calendar.MONTH mDay c1.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH display..

android color between two colors, based on percentage?


at 50 . I tried this private int getColor int c0 int c1 float p int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave.. int c0 int c1 float p int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green.. c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue..

how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android?


t.setPadding 4 t.setSpacing 4 t.setBorderWidth 1 PdfPCell c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Job Name c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER.. 1 PdfPCell c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Job Name c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1.. Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Test 001 c1.setHorizontalAlignment..

how to store image in sqlite database


db static EfficientAdapter adp static Cursor c1 static Vector String IMAGE new Vector String @Override public.. R.layout.main db database.getReadableDatabase c1 db.rawQuery select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add.. c1 db.rawQuery select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add c1.getString 0 .toString while c1.moveToNext..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


p unit colors.length 1 int i int p p i now p is just the fractional part 0...1 and i is the index int c0 colors i int c1 colors i 1 int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green.. the fractional part 0...1 and i is the index int c0 colors i int c1 colors i 1 int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1.. the index int c0 colors i int c1 colors i 1 int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int..

preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action


if he wants to navigate to saved position. Inside dialog String query SELECT latitude longitude FROM MEMS Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex.. position. Inside dialog String query SELECT latitude longitude FROM MEMS Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString.. Inside dialog String query SELECT latitude longitude FROM MEMS Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString..

Multiple DatePickers in same activity


View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v showDialog END_DATE_DIALOG_ID get the current date final Calendar c1 Calendar.getInstance mYear c1.get Calendar.YEAR mMonth c1.get Calendar.MONTH mDay c1.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH display the.. void onClick View v showDialog END_DATE_DIALOG_ID get the current date final Calendar c1 Calendar.getInstance mYear c1.get Calendar.YEAR mMonth c1.get Calendar.MONTH mDay c1.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH display the current date this method is.. END_DATE_DIALOG_ID get the current date final Calendar c1 Calendar.getInstance mYear c1.get Calendar.YEAR mMonth c1.get Calendar.MONTH mDay c1.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH display the current date this method is below updateEndDisplay private..

android color between two colors, based on percentage?


can I calculate that last thing It would be OK if yellow appears at 50 . I tried this private int getColor int c0 int c1 float p int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green.. if yellow appears at 50 . I tried this private int getColor int c0 int c1 float p int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1.. private int getColor int c0 int c1 float p int a ave Color.alpha c0 Color.alpha c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int..

how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android?


table new PdfPTable 3 t.setBorderColor BaseColor.GRAY t.setPadding 4 t.setSpacing 4 t.setBorderWidth 1 PdfPCell c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Job Name c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase.. BaseColor.GRAY t.setPadding 4 t.setSpacing 4 t.setBorderWidth 1 PdfPCell c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Job Name c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Test 001 c1.setHorizontalAlignment.. 1 PdfPCell c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Job Name c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Test 001 c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new..

how to store image in sqlite database


adapter adapter1 static ListView lv1 static SQLiteDatabase db static EfficientAdapter adp static Cursor c1 static Vector String IMAGE new Vector String @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main db database.getReadableDatabase c1 db.rawQuery select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add c1.getString 0 .toString while c1.moveToNext c1.close.. setContentView R.layout.main db database.getReadableDatabase c1 db.rawQuery select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add c1.getString 0 .toString while c1.moveToNext c1.close lv1 ListView findViewById R.id.List..