android Programming Glossary: c.getcount
uploading video upto 50MB to the server null null null null null if c.getCount 0 c.moveToLast for int i c.getCount 1 i 0 i value c.getString.. null null null if c.getCount 0 c.moveToLast for int i c.getCount 1 i 0 i value c.getString 0 String urlString value upload_file.php..
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 String artistIds new ArrayList String if c null int count c.getCount if count 0 final int ARTIST_IDX c.getColumnIndex Audio.Artists.ARTIST..
differentiate inbox and sentsms from all sms thread_id 3 null date ASC if c.moveToFirst count.add c.getCount for int j 0 j c.getCount j System.out.println c.getString.. ASC if c.moveToFirst count.add c.getCount for int j 0 j c.getCount j System.out.println c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow body..
update contact details on Android Contacts.Organizations.TITLE null null null if c.getCount 0 uri ContentUris.withAppendedId uri c.getString 0 ContentValues..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android int numCol c.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER int nContacts c.getCount do Do something while c.moveToNext However this will only return..
Get number of unread sms SMS_INBOX null read 0 null null int unreadMessagesCount c.getCount c.deactivate You will also need the READ_SMS permission uses..
Select query to check the existing record in the SQLite Database in android db.rawQuery SELECT FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE name name null if c.getCount 0 return false else return true This is the place where I need..
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified startManagingCursor c Log.d TAG NZBReport cursor.getCount c.getCount int title c.getColumnIndex NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_TITLE.. c.getColumnIndex NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_GROUP if c.getCount 0 c.moveToFirst do URL url null try url new URL c.getString..
sqlite example program in android [closed] .query Constants.CONTENT_URI null null null null int a c.getCount Log.v Count a int columnIndex c.getColumnIndex Constants.TITLE..
How to get Missed call & SMS count selection where null null c.moveToFirst Log.d CALL c.getCount do some other operation if c.getCount SOME_VALUE_TO_START_APP_ONE.. Log.d CALL c.getCount do some other operation if c.getCount SOME_VALUE_TO_START_APP_ONE ...etc etc In the where clause you.. null null null null c.moveToFirst Log.d SMS COUNT c.getCount do some other operation Here proceed with the what you wanted..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? division ' catch Exception e e.printStackTrace int in c.getCount c.moveToFirst for int i 0 i in i idk.add c.getString 0 data.add.. ' division ' catch Exception e e.printStackTrace int in c.getCount c.moveToFirst Log.d size in for int i 0 i in i idk.add c.getString..
Android How to save camera images in database and display another activity in list view? help new Imagehelper this Cursor c help.getAll int i 0 if c.getCount 0 Bitmap array new Bitmap c.getCount c.moveToFirst while c.isAfterLast.. int i 0 if c.getCount 0 Bitmap array new Bitmap c.getCount c.moveToFirst while c.isAfterLast false byte bytes c.getBlob..
uploading video upto 50MB to the server .query MainscreenActivity.TABLE_Name new String MainscreenActivity.COL_HwdXml null null null null null if c.getCount 0 c.moveToLast for int i c.getCount 1 i 0 i value c.getString 0 String urlString value upload_file.php try CLIENT.. new String MainscreenActivity.COL_HwdXml null null null null null if c.getCount 0 c.moveToLast for int i c.getCount 1 i 0 i value c.getString 0 String urlString value upload_file.php try CLIENT REQUEST UUID uniqueKey UUID.randomUUID..
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 .query uri projection null null sortOrder ArrayList String artistIds new ArrayList String if c null int count c.getCount if count 0 final int ARTIST_IDX c.getColumnIndex Audio.Artists.ARTIST for int i 0 i count i c.moveToPosition i artistIds.add..
differentiate inbox and sentsms from all sms content sms c getContentResolver .query SMS_INBOX null thread_id 3 null date ASC if c.moveToFirst count.add c.getCount for int j 0 j c.getCount j System.out.println c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow body .toString System.out.println new.. .query SMS_INBOX null thread_id 3 null date ASC if c.moveToFirst count.add c.getCount for int j 0 j c.getCount j System.out.println c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow body .toString System.out.println new person c.getColumnIndex..
update contact details on Android new String Contacts.Organizations._ID Contacts.Organizations.COMPANY Contacts.Organizations.TITLE null null null if c.getCount 0 uri ContentUris.withAppendedId uri c.getString 0 ContentValues val1 new ContentValues val1.put Contacts.Organizations.COMPANY..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol c.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER int nContacts c.getCount do Do something while c.moveToNext However this will only return the primary number for each contact but I want to get the..
Get number of unread sms Uri.parse content sms inbox Cursor c getContentResolver .query SMS_INBOX null read 0 null null int unreadMessagesCount c.getCount c.deactivate You will also need the READ_SMS permission uses permission android name android.permission.READ_SMS Keep in..
Select query to check the existing record in the SQLite Database in android properly. public boolean ifExisting String name Cursor c db.rawQuery SELECT FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE name name null if c.getCount 0 return false else return true This is the place where I need to perform the function of checking for the Duplication Process...
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified null null null NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_ROWID DESC startManagingCursor c Log.d TAG NZBReport cursor.getCount c.getCount int title c.getColumnIndex NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_TITLE int desc c.getColumnIndex NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_DESCRIPTION.. NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_DATE_ADDED int group c.getColumnIndex NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_GROUP if c.getCount 0 c.moveToFirst do URL url null try url new URL c.getString link catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch..
sqlite example program in android [closed] Log.v Error e to retrieve from Db Cursor c getContentResolver .query Constants.CONTENT_URI null null null null int a c.getCount Log.v Count a int columnIndex c.getColumnIndex Constants.TITLE int columnIndex2 c.getColumnIndex Constants.CITYID if..
How to get Missed call & SMS count Cursor c this.getContentResolver .query CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI selection where null null c.moveToFirst Log.d CALL c.getCount do some other operation if c.getCount SOME_VALUE_TO_START_APP_ONE ...etc etc In the where clause you set condition for selection.. CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI selection where null null c.moveToFirst Log.d CALL c.getCount do some other operation if c.getCount SOME_VALUE_TO_START_APP_ONE ...etc etc In the where clause you set condition for selection of data. In our case we need.. content sms Cursor c this.getContentResolver .query sms_content null null null null c.moveToFirst Log.d SMS COUNT c.getCount do some other operation Here proceed with the what you wanted if c.getCount SOME_VALUE_TO_START_APP_ONE ...etc etc You can..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? channel ' distch ' and Kunnr like ' search ' and division ' division ' catch Exception e e.printStackTrace int in c.getCount c.moveToFirst for int i 0 i in i idk.add c.getString 0 data.add c.getString 1 name1.add c.getString 2 inco1.add c.getString.. salesorg ' salorg ' and channel ' distch ' and division ' division ' catch Exception e e.printStackTrace int in c.getCount c.moveToFirst Log.d size in for int i 0 i in i idk.add c.getString 0 data.add c.getString 1 name1.add c.getString..
Android How to save camera images in database and display another activity in list view? byteArray To retrieve Form the Database Imagehelper help new Imagehelper this Cursor c help.getAll int i 0 if c.getCount 0 Bitmap array new Bitmap c.getCount c.moveToFirst while c.isAfterLast false byte bytes c.getBlob c.getColumnIndex imageblob.. Database Imagehelper help new Imagehelper this Cursor c help.getAll int i 0 if c.getCount 0 Bitmap array new Bitmap c.getCount c.moveToFirst while c.isAfterLast false byte bytes c.getBlob c.getColumnIndex imageblob array i BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..