android Programming Glossary: c.getcolumnindexorthrow
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader convertToString Cursor c String contactName c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME return contactName ..
get contact info from android contact picker null null null if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Intent intent new Intent.. intent 0 But if i add in String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER it force closes..
Android Api - get mobile number from contacts null null null if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME mNameTextView.setText..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? View v Context context Cursor c String title c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_IMG int deletion c.getInt c.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity sms_dt.clear try if c.moveToFirst do if c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow address null c.moveToNext continue String Number c.getString.. null c.moveToNext continue String Number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow address .toString Log.e Number Number if Number.equalsIgnoreCase.. 918000912692 String _id c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow _id .toString String dat c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
Android: how to use SectionIndexer AlphabetIndexer indexer indexer new AlphabetIndexer c c.getColumnIndexOrThrow DbHelper.COUNTRIES_NAME ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Is is possible..
how to access contacts in my android program null null null if c.moveToFirst String id c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String hasPhone c.getString c.getColumnIndex..
Fetch Contacts in android application String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER Log.v name name.. that contact. EDIT if i use this String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow People.NUMBER line in code the I get following exception 01..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app null null null if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME tv1.setText name or.. null null null null if c.moveToFirst String id c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String hasPhone c.getString c.getColumnIndex..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader new CursorToStringConverter @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor c String contactName c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME return contactName addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher @Override public void..
get contact info from android contact picker data.getData Cursor c managedQuery contactData null null null null if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Intent intent new Intent CurrentActivity.this NewActivity.class intent.putExtra.. intent.putExtra name name startActivityForResult intent 0 But if i add in String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER it force closes Maybe theres another way to get their number android contacts..
Android Api - get mobile number from contacts data.getData Cursor c managedQuery contactData null null null null if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME mNameTextView.setText name Hope anyone can help android api contacts share improve..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? query results we will display. @Override public void bindView View v Context context Cursor c String title c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString.. context Cursor c String title c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_IMG int deletion c.getInt.. String date c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_IMG int deletion c.getInt c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DELETION int priority c.getInt c.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity 0 sms_id.clear sms_num.clear sms_Name.clear sms_body.clear sms_dt.clear try if c.moveToFirst do if c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow address null c.moveToNext continue String Number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow address .toString Log.e Number.. do if c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow address null c.moveToNext continue String Number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow address .toString Log.e Number Number if Number.equalsIgnoreCase 918000912692 String _id c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. address .toString Log.e Number Number if Number.equalsIgnoreCase 918000912692 String _id c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow _id .toString String dat c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow date .toString String as String get_dt dat dd MM yyyy..
Android: how to use SectionIndexer indexer. Here is a sample code for AlphabetIndexer private AlphabetIndexer indexer indexer new AlphabetIndexer c c.getColumnIndexOrThrow DbHelper.COUNTRIES_NAME ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Is is possible to pass a stringArray instead of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ..
how to access contacts in my android program contactData data.getData Cursor c managedQuery contactData null null null null if c.moveToFirst String id c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String hasPhone c.getString c.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER if..
Fetch Contacts in android application String name c.getString c .getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER Log.v name name number TODO Whatever you want to do with the selected contact.. help me on how can i get the number associated with that contact. EDIT if i use this String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow People.NUMBER line in code the I get following exception 01 09 13 33 23.008 E AndroidRuntime 786 FATAL EXCEPTION main 01..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app data.getData Cursor c managedQuery contactData null null null null if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME tv1.setText name or this code for getting all contacts but i cant have the number.. contactData data.getData Cursor c managedQuery contactData null null null null if c.moveToFirst String id c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String hasPhone c.getString c.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER if..