android Programming Glossary: cache
What's LazyList? urls. It is like on demand loading images. Images can be cached to local sd card or phone memory. Url is considered the key... sd card else display image by downloading from server and cache the same to location of your choice. The cache limit can set... server and cache the same to location of your choice. The cache limit can set. You can also choose your own location to cache..
Caching images and displaying do is create my own Strings dynamically. Store them onto cache and display all the corresponding images. Here is my code public.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE File cacheDir StorageUtils.getOwnCacheDirectory a MyFolderCache Get singletone.. a You can pass your own memory cache implementation .discCacheExtraOptions 1024 1024 CompressFormat.PNG..
Android View.getDrawingCache returns null, only null null TODO Make this work Log.w View View child's drawing cache is null setImageBitmap child.getDrawingCache TODO MAKE THIS.. TODO MAKE THIS WORK ALWAYS logs that the drawing cache is null and sets the bitmap to null Do I have to actually draw.. to null Do I have to actually draw the view before the cache is set Thanks android caching view share improve this question..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache and refreshed. I've tried setting the WebView not to use cache and clear the cache and history of the WebView. I've also followed.. tried setting the WebView not to use cache and clear the cache and history of the WebView. I've also followed the suggestion.. here http questions 1790254 how to empty cache for webview But none of this works does anyone have any ideas..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile..
Sync data between Android App and webserver Behind your ContentProvider could be a Sqlite database a Cache or any arbitrary storage mechanism. While I would certainly..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication Set Cookie .ASPXAUTH REMOVED FOR BREVITY path HttpOnly Cache Control no cache Pragma no cache Expires 1 Content Type application.. Wed 13 Jun 2012 13 24 41 GMT X AspNet Version 4.0.30319 Cache Control no cache Pragma no cache Expires 1 Content Type application..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled UI after the process is completed. Caching Bitmaps LruCache is available from API 12 but if you are interested it using.. be done efficiently using that. Also you can use DiskLruCache for images where you want then to remain for longer period in.. remain for longer period in extenal storage. Clearing the Cache Sometimes when your image size is too large even caching the..
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing 5000 this.conn.setReadTimeout 10000 this.conn.setUseCaches true conn.addRequestProperty Content Type text xml charset.. is as far as I can say and I verified it too a legit RSS Cache Control private Connection Keep Alive Content Encoding gzip.. 5000 this.conn.setReadTimeout 10000 this.conn.setUseCaches true conn.addRequestProperty Content Type text xml charset..
What's LazyList? You can also choose your own location to cache images. Cache can also be cleared. Instead of user waiting to download large.. imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image from cache using url as key if bitmap null.. adapter constructor File cacheDir StorageUtils.getOwnCacheDirectory a your folder Get singletone instance of ImageLoader..
Blue-tooth file not sent error . my whole code for sending the file is try File dir getCacheDir File f try f File.createTempFile card .Xcard dir Intent.. I am sending being not sent is it because it is created in Cache directory android file bluetooth share improve this question..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache Webview Completely Clear the Cache I have a WebView in one of my Activities and when it loads.. mWebView.clearHistory mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode.. webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time. mInflater..
Perform a task on uninstall in android deleted together with everything in the Aplication Data an Cache folder. The only thing that will persist is the data that is..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout attrs super context attrs TypedArray typedArray null Cache the check box drawable. typedArray context.getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes.. this we don't need any memory leaks. typedArray.recycle Cache the radio button drawable. typedArray context.getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes..
SoftReference gets garbage collected too early improve this question SoftReference are the poor mans Cache. The JVM can hold those reference alive longer but doesn't have..
How to get 20+ result from Google Places API? strict terms of service that specify you cant Pre Fetch Cache or Store Content unless it is the content identifier or key..
Animated Icon for ActionItem null And you're done Some additional things to do Cache the action view layout inflation and animation inflation. They..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts context R.layout.simplerow planetList Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time. inflater..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? here's a brief explanation of the two storage types Cache This is an app specific directory on the filesystem. The intent.. You typically access this directory with Context.getCacheDir . This will show up as Cache on your app settings. Files.. directory with Context.getCacheDir . This will show up as Cache on your app settings. Files Like the cache directory your app..
What's LazyList? is lazy loading of images from sd card or from server using urls. It is like on demand loading images. Images can be cached to local sd card or phone memory. Url is considered the key. If the key is present in sd card display images from sd card.. key. If the key is present in sd card display images from sd card else display image by downloading from server and cache the same to location of your choice. The cache limit can set. You can also choose your own location to cache images. Cache.. images from sd card else display image by downloading from server and cache the same to location of your choice. The cache limit can set. You can also choose your own location to cache images. Cache can also be cleared. Instead of user waiting..
Caching images and displaying hardcoded strings stored in an Array. What I would like to do is create my own Strings dynamically. Store them onto cache and display all the corresponding images. Here is my code public class Tools_ListItemActivity extends ListActivity private.. a String d activity a data d inflater LayoutInflater activity.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE File cacheDir StorageUtils.getOwnCacheDirectory a MyFolderCache Get singletone instance of ImageLoader imageLoader ImageLoader.getInstance.. are optional ImageLoaderConfiguration config new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder a You can pass your own memory cache implementation .discCacheExtraOptions 1024 1024 CompressFormat.PNG 100 .discCache new UnlimitedDiscCache cacheDir You can..
Android View.getDrawingCache returns null, only null false child.buildDrawingCache if child.getDrawingCache null TODO Make this work Log.w View View child's drawing cache is null setImageBitmap child.getDrawingCache TODO MAKE THIS WORK ALWAYS logs that the drawing cache is null and sets the.. child's drawing cache is null setImageBitmap child.getDrawingCache TODO MAKE THIS WORK ALWAYS logs that the drawing cache is null and sets the bitmap to null Do I have to actually draw the view before the cache is set Thanks android caching.. ALWAYS logs that the drawing cache is null and sets the bitmap to null Do I have to actually draw the view before the cache is set Thanks android caching view share improve this question I was having this problem also and found this answer..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache in the application is the same on each time the app is opened and refreshed. I've tried setting the WebView not to use cache and clear the cache and history of the WebView. I've also followed the suggestion here http questions.. the same on each time the app is opened and refreshed. I've tried setting the WebView not to use cache and clear the cache and history of the WebView. I've also followed the suggestion here http questions 1790254 how to empty.. history of the WebView. I've also followed the suggestion here http questions 1790254 how to empty cache for webview But none of this works does anyone have any ideas of I can overcome this problem because it is a vital part..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return..
Sync data between Android App and webserver other applications to interact with your data if you wanted. Behind your ContentProvider could be a Sqlite database a Cache or any arbitrary storage mechanism. While I would certainly recommend using a ContentProvider with a Sqlite database you..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication Date Wed 13 Jun 2012 13 24 41 GMT X AspNet Version 4.0.30319 Set Cookie .ASPXAUTH REMOVED FOR BREVITY path HttpOnly Cache Control no cache Pragma no cache Expires 1 Content Type application json charset utf 8 Content Length 4 Connection Close.. 1.1 200 OK Server ASP.NET Development Server Date Wed 13 Jun 2012 13 24 41 GMT X AspNet Version 4.0.30319 Cache Control no cache Pragma no cache Expires 1 Content Type application json charset utf 8 Content Length 66 Connection Close..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled its always better to do that in a background thread and update UI after the process is completed. Caching Bitmaps LruCache is available from API 12 but if you are interested it using below versions it is also available in Support Library too... available in Support Library too. So caching of Images should be done efficiently using that. Also you can use DiskLruCache for images where you want then to remain for longer period in extenal storage. Clearing the Cache Sometimes when your image.. you can use DiskLruCache for images where you want then to remain for longer period in extenal storage. Clearing the Cache Sometimes when your image size is too large even caching the image causes OutOfMemoryError so in that case its better to..
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing HttpURLConnection url.openConnection this.conn.setConnectTimeout 5000 this.conn.setReadTimeout 10000 this.conn.setUseCaches true conn.addRequestProperty Content Type text xml charset utf 8 is new InputStreamReader url.openStream What comes back.. utf 8 is new InputStreamReader url.openStream What comes back is as far as I can say and I verified it too a legit RSS Cache Control private Connection Keep Alive Content Encoding gzip Content Length 5958 Content Type text xml Date Wed 06 Mar 2013.. HttpURLConnection url.openConnection this.conn.setConnectTimeout 5000 this.conn.setReadTimeout 10000 this.conn.setUseCaches true conn.addRequestProperty Content Type text xml charset utf 8 is new InputStreamReader new BOMInputStream conn.getInputStream..
What's LazyList? the same to location of your choice. The cache limit can set. You can also choose your own location to cache images. Cache can also be cleared. Instead of user waiting to download large images and then displaying lazy list loads images on demand... String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image from cache using url as key if bitmap null if image exists imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap dispaly iamge.. Can cache on disc or memory. Can compress image. In your custom adapter constructor File cacheDir StorageUtils.getOwnCacheDirectory a your folder Get singletone instance of ImageLoader imageLoader ImageLoader.getInstance Create configuration for..
Blue-tooth file not sent error to other devices they may or may not be be android phones . my whole code for sending the file is try File dir getCacheDir File f try f File.createTempFile card .Xcard dir Intent i new Intent i.setAction Intent.ACTION_SEND i.setType i.putExtra.. with the non android phone . Then why not the file that I am sending being not sent is it because it is created in Cache directory android file bluetooth share improve this question This worked for me String root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache Webview Completely Clear the Cache I have a WebView in one of my Activities and when it loads a webpage the page gathers some background data from Facebook... mUIHandler mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.clearHistory mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time.. mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time time.setToNow mWebView.loadUrl mSocialProxy.getSignInURL time time.format..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] private LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time. mInflater LayoutInflater.from context Icons bound to the rows...
Perform a task on uninstall in android All the settings that are set via the SharedPreferences are deleted together with everything in the Aplication Data an Cache folder. The only thing that will persist is the data that is written to the SD Card and any changes to phone settings that..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout public CheckableLinearLayout Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs TypedArray typedArray null Cache the check box drawable. typedArray context.getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes new int android.R.attr.listChoiceIndicatorMultiple.. of null. mCheckDrawable null Careful with resources like this we don't need any memory leaks. typedArray.recycle Cache the radio button drawable. typedArray context.getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes new int android.R.attr.listChoiceIndicatorSingle..
SoftReference gets garbage collected too early java android garbage collection soft references share improve this question SoftReference are the poor mans Cache. The JVM can hold those reference alive longer but doesn't have to. As soon as there's no hard reference anymore the JVM..
How to get 20+ result from Google Places API? place search to see the next set of 20 results. There is also strict terms of service that specify you cant Pre Fetch Cache or Store Content unless it is the content identifier or key you are permitted to store i.e. reference token from a places..
Animated Icon for ActionItem refreshItem.getActionView .clearAnimation refreshItem.setActionView null And you're done Some additional things to do Cache the action view layout inflation and animation inflation. They are slow so you only want to do them once. Add null checks..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts Context context List Contact planetList super context R.layout.simplerow planetList Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time. inflater LayoutInflater.from context @Override public View getView..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? share improve this question Before I get to your question here's a brief explanation of the two storage types Cache This is an app specific directory on the filesystem. The intent for this directory is store temporary data your application.. around between sessions but may not be vital to keep them forever. You typically access this directory with Context.getCacheDir . This will show up as Cache on your app settings. Files Like the cache directory your app also has an app specific directory.. not be vital to keep them forever. You typically access this directory with Context.getCacheDir . This will show up as Cache on your app settings. Files Like the cache directory your app also has an app specific directory for holding files. Files..