android Programming Glossary: cache.img
Emulator not running cache home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd cache.img emulator autoconfig sdcard home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd.. home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd cache.img disk.cachePartition.size 66m hw.lcd.width 800 hw.lcd.height.. 0x4200000 file home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd cache.img emulator Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support Failed..
Android emulator segmentation fault autoconfig cache home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd cache.img emulator Physical RAM size 343MB Content of hardware configuration.. home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd cache.img disk.cachePartition.size 66m hw.lcd.width 480 hw.lcd.height.. size 0x4200000 file home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd cache.img emulator Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support Segmentation..
No space left on device - android You should only need to delete userdata qemu.img and maybe cache.img . You can try deleting other image files if necessarily but..
Emulator not running .android avd JellyBelly.avd userdata.img emulator autoconfig cache home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd cache.img emulator autoconfig sdcard home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd sdcard.img emulator Physical RAM size 1024MB Content.. JellyBelly.avd sdcard.img disk.cachePartition yes disk.cachePartition.path home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd cache.img disk.cachePartition.size 66m hw.lcd.width 800 hw.lcd.height 1280 hw.lcd.depth 16 hw.lcd.density 213 hw.lcd.backlight yes.. 'back' emulator nand_add_dev cache size 0x4200000 file home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd cache.img emulator Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support Failed to create Context 0x3005 emulator Can't start OpenGLES..
Android emulator segmentation fault home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd userdata.img emulator autoconfig cache home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd cache.img emulator Physical RAM size 343MB Content of hardware configuration file hw.cpu.arch arm hw.cpu.model cortex a8 hw.ramSize.. yes hw.sdCard yes disk.cachePartition yes disk.cachePartition.path home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd cache.img disk.cachePartition.size 66m hw.lcd.width 480 hw.lcd.height 800 hw.lcd.depth 16 hw.lcd.density 240 hw.lcd.backlight yes.. 'qemu.sf.fake_camera' 'none' emulator nand_add_dev cache size 0x4200000 file home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd cache.img emulator Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support Segmentation fault core dumped android android emulator emulator..
No space left on device - android Under your profiles it's .android avd My_Avd_Name.avd You should only need to delete userdata qemu.img and maybe cache.img . You can try deleting other image files if necessarily but note sdcard.img won't be re created automatically. You need..