android Programming Glossary: c.drawrect
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask Canvas c new Canvas bm p.setColor overlayBackgroundColor c.drawRect 0 0 bwidth bheight p p.setColor overlayTextColor c.drawText..
Curl page from left to right android border border Paint p new Paint p.setColor 0xFFC0C0C0 c.drawRect r p r.left border r.right border border r.bottom border..
Android and MJPEG Canvas c new Canvas bm p.setColor overlayBackgroundColor c.drawRect 0 0 bwidth bheight p p.setColor overlayTextColor c.drawText..
Android Edit Bitmap Channels new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.DST_IN c.setBitmap resultImage c.drawRect 0 0 width height redPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height greenPaint.. resultImage c.drawRect 0 0 width height redPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height greenPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height bluePaint.. height redPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height greenPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height bluePaint c.drawBitmap alphaImg 0 0 alphaPaint..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps c new Canvas c.setBitmap result c.drawBitmap base 0 0 null c.drawRect 0 0 base.getWidth base.getHeight p With that you aren't doing..
cut the portion of bitmap [duplicate] Canvas c new Canvas bmOverlay c.drawBitmap bmp2 0 0 null c.drawRect 30 30 100 100 p return bmOverlay share improve this answer..
Android canvas draw rectangle myPaint.setColor Color.rgb 0 0 0 myPaint.setStrokeWidth 10 c.drawRect 100 100 200 200 myPaint It draws rectangle and fill it with..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask bm Bitmap.createBitmap bwidth bheight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas bm p.setColor overlayBackgroundColor c.drawRect 0 0 bwidth bheight p p.setColor overlayTextColor c.drawText text b.left 1 bheight 2 p.ascent p.descent 2 1 p return bm ..
Curl page from left to right android r.height imageHeight 2 border r.bottom imageHeight border border Paint p new Paint p.setColor 0xFFC0C0C0 c.drawRect r p r.left border r.right border border r.bottom border d.setBounds r d.draw c if y null return null else return..
Android and MJPEG bm Bitmap.createBitmap bwidth bheight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas bm p.setColor overlayBackgroundColor c.drawRect 0 0 bwidth bheight p p.setColor overlayTextColor c.drawText text b.left 1 bheight 2 p.ascent p.descent 2 1 p return bm ..
Android Edit Bitmap Channels new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG alphaPaint.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.DST_IN c.setBitmap resultImage c.drawRect 0 0 width height redPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height greenPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height bluePaint c.drawBitmap alphaImg.. alphaPaint.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.DST_IN c.setBitmap resultImage c.drawRect 0 0 width height redPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height greenPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height bluePaint c.drawBitmap alphaImg 0 0 alphaPaint save off resultImage.. Mode.DST_IN c.setBitmap resultImage c.drawRect 0 0 width height redPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height greenPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height bluePaint c.drawBitmap alphaImg 0 0 alphaPaint save off resultImage display it etc... With the above code..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps new BitmapShader blend TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Canvas c new Canvas c.setBitmap result c.drawBitmap base 0 0 null c.drawRect 0 0 base.getWidth base.getHeight p With that you aren't doing the per pixel calculations but you are limited to the preset..
cut the portion of bitmap [duplicate]
Android canvas draw rectangle paint Thanks. I try this example Paint myPaint new Paint myPaint.setColor Color.rgb 0 0 0 myPaint.setStrokeWidth 10 c.drawRect 100 100 200 200 myPaint It draws rectangle and fill it with black color but I want just frame around like this image android..