android Programming Glossary: c1.getstring
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” I have ... myItems theItems new myItems theItems.setID c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex _id theItems.setTitle c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex.. c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex _id theItems.setTitle c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex title ... theItems.setComments c1.getString.. c1.getColumnIndex title ... theItems.setComments c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex comments byte blob c1.getBlob c1.getColumnIndex..
start navigating to position which is stored in database c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex.. c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex longitude Double lat Double.parseDouble mylatitude.. public void navigation final View v .... String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex.. c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex longitude mylat mylatitude mylon mylongitude..
how to store image in sqlite database select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add c1.getString 0 .toString while c1.moveToNext c1.close lv1 ListView findViewById..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” the imageblob value 2 In MainActivity where the list view is I have ... myItems theItems new myItems theItems.setID c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex _id theItems.setTitle c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex title ... theItems.setComments c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex.. is I have ... myItems theItems new myItems theItems.setID c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex _id theItems.setTitle c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex title ... theItems.setComments c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex comments byte blob c1.getBlob c1.getColumnIndex.. c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex _id theItems.setTitle c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex title ... theItems.setComments c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex comments byte blob c1.getBlob c1.getColumnIndex imageblob ByteArrayInputStream inputStream new ByteArrayInputStream..
start navigating to position which is stored in database MEMORIES Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex longitude Double lat Double.parseDouble mylatitude.. c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex longitude Double lat Double.parseDouble mylatitude Double lon Double.parseDouble mylongitude while c1.moveToNext.. protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState ... ... public void navigation final View v .... String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex longitude mylat mylatitude stored coordinates..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action FROM MEMS Cursor c1 sqlHandler.selectQuery query if c1 null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex longitude mylat mylatitude mylon mylongitude.. null c1.getCount 0 if c1.moveToFirst do String mylatitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex latitude String mylongitude c1.getString c1.getColumnIndex longitude mylat mylatitude mylon mylongitude while c1.moveToNext c1.close if gps.canGetLocation current_latitude..
how to store image in sqlite database R.layout.main db database.getReadableDatabase c1 db.rawQuery select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add c1.getString 0 .toString while c1.moveToNext c1.close lv1 ListView findViewById adapter new EfficientAdapter this lv1.setAdapter..