android Programming Glossary: c.getlong
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization Data.CONTACT_ID while c.moveToNext long id c.getLong c.getColumnIndex Data.CONTACT_ID String name c.getString c.getColumnIndex..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] c.first for int i 0 i numRows i Row row new Row row._Id c.getLong 0 row.code c.getString 1 c.getString 2 ret.add row.. rowId null null null null if c.count 0 c.first row._Id c.getLong 0 row.code c.getString 1 c.getString 2 return row else..
App Crashes On Startup Due To java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist this Cursor c Cursor DataHelper.selectAll long id c.getLong c.getColumnIndex _id startManagingCursor c ListView lv ListView..
I want read call logs in the android [duplicate] DESC last record first while c.moveToNext dialed c.getLong c.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls.DATE Log.i CallLog type c.getString..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter .getCursor c.moveToPosition position You can then use the c.getLong 0 to get the id assuming you fetched the id column as the first..
Why do I get an InstantiationException if I try to start a service? [duplicate] 1 View.VISIBLE View.GONE starred icon double procent c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.TRANSACTION_SUM procent procent.. this ViewCategory.class i.putExtra CashDB.CATEGORY_ID c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.CATEGORY_ID i.setAction cashtrackViewCategory.. CashDB.CATEGORY_ID i.setAction cashtrackViewCategory c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.CATEGORY_ID pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken check size and delete if f.exists CurrentFile.length c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try ..
Android Sqlite get last insert row id [duplicate] Cursor c db.rawQuery query if c null c.moveToFirst lastId c.getLong 0 The 0 is the column index we only have 1 column so the index..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera check size and delete if f.exists CurrentFile.length c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try..
Getting the next record into view from database
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization Data.MIMETYPE new String Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE Data.CONTACT_ID while c.moveToNext long id c.getLong c.getColumnIndex Data.CONTACT_ID String name c.getString c.getColumnIndex Data.DISPLAY_NAME String data1 c.getString c.getColumnIndex..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] _id code name null null null null null int numRows c.count c.first for int i 0 i numRows i Row row new Row row._Id c.getLong 0 row.code c.getString 1 c.getString 2 ret.add row catch SQLException e Log.e Exception on query e.toString.. c db.query true DATABASE_TABLE new String _id code name _id rowId null null null null if c.count 0 c.first row._Id c.getLong 0 row.code c.getString 1 c.getString 2 return row else row.rowId 1 row.code null return row public void..
App Crashes On Startup Due To java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist setContentView R.layout.main DataHelper new DataHelper this Cursor c Cursor DataHelper.selectAll long id c.getLong c.getColumnIndex _id startManagingCursor c ListView lv ListView findViewById String from new String com.gantt.shoppinglist.DataHelper.getDatabaseName..
I want read call logs in the android [duplicate] .query Uri.parse content call_log calls columns null null Calls._ID DESC last record first while c.moveToNext dialed c.getLong c.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls.DATE Log.i CallLog type c.getString 4 Call to number number registered at new Date dialed..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter is this Cursor c SimpleCursorAdapter l.getAdapter .getCursor c.moveToPosition position You can then use the c.getLong 0 to get the id assuming you fetched the id column as the first column which is generally the case . However note that the..
Why do I get an InstantiationException if I try to start a service? [duplicate] c.getInt c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.CATEGORY_STARRED 1 View.VISIBLE View.GONE starred icon double procent c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.TRANSACTION_SUM procent procent value 1 expenseAmount incomeAmount procent Math.abs procent.. resizedbitmap procent bar i new Intent this ViewCategory.class i.putExtra CashDB.CATEGORY_ID c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.CATEGORY_ID i.setAction cashtrackViewCategory c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.CATEGORY_ID.. i.putExtra CashDB.CATEGORY_ID c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.CATEGORY_ID i.setAction cashtrackViewCategory c.getLong c.getColumnIndexOrThrow CashDB.CATEGORY_ID pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 i PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken Then delete it File f new File c.getString 2 Ensure it's there check size and delete if f.exists CurrentFile.length c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null FileChannel..
Android Sqlite get last insert row id [duplicate] query SELECT ROWID from MYTABLE order by ROWID DESC limit 1 Cursor c db.rawQuery query if c null c.moveToFirst lastId c.getLong 0 The 0 is the column index we only have 1 column so the index is 0 Note that although the SQL Lite docs call ROWID and..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera delete it File f new File c.getString 2 Ensure it's there check size and delete if f.exists CurrentFile.length c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel source null..
Getting the next record into view from database