android Programming Glossary: c.drawcolor
Android Paint PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR mBitmap Canvas c new Canvas saveBitmap c.drawColor 0xFFFFFFFF c.drawBitmap mBitmap 0 0 null saveBitmap.compress..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps ..
Punch a hole in a rectangle overlay with HW acceleration enabled on View final Canvas c new Canvas b Draw the rectangle colour. c.drawColor backColor Erase a circle. c.drawCircle cx cy radius eraser Draw.. c new Canvas b b.eraseColor Color.TRANSPARENT c.drawColor backColor c.drawCircle cx cy radius eraser canvas.drawBitmap.. needed if backColor is not opaque thanks @JosephEarl c.drawColor backColor c.drawCircle cx cy radius eraser canvas.drawBitmap..
Android and MJPEG destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps ..
Clearing canvas with Canvas.drawColor() persists. i've tried drawColor 0 drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawColor 0 PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR and none of the above works. as such.. Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources bgnd c.drawColor 0 PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR c.drawBitmap b 0 0 null switching false..
How to crop image in android 2F Path.Direction.CW c.clipPath p Region.Op.DIFFERENCE c.drawColor 0x00000000 PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR If the output is required to..
Android Paint PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR try fos new FileOutputStream file Bitmap saveBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mBitmap Canvas c new Canvas saveBitmap c.drawColor 0xFFFFFFFF c.drawBitmap mBitmap 0 0 null saveBitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 fos saveBitmap.recycle .....
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1
Punch a hole in a rectangle overlay with HW acceleration enabled on View Bitmap.createBitmap getWidth getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 final Canvas c new Canvas b Draw the rectangle colour. c.drawColor backColor Erase a circle. c.drawCircle cx cy radius eraser Draw the bitmap on our views canvas. canvas.drawBitmap b 0 0.. null b Bitmap.createBitmap getWidth getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 c new Canvas b b.eraseColor Color.TRANSPARENT c.drawColor backColor c.drawCircle cx cy radius eraser canvas.drawBitmap b 0 0 null The performance is not as good as method 3 but much..
Android and MJPEG synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1
Clearing canvas with Canvas.drawColor() Canvas.drawColor before drawing the new image but the old image persists. i've tried drawColor 0 drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawColor 0 PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR and none of the above works. as such i had to post this for review from more experienced minds than.. break protected void onDraw Canvas c if switching true Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources bgnd c.drawColor 0 PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR c.drawBitmap b 0 0 null switching false else Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources..
How to crop image in android Path p new Path p.addCircle width 2F height 2F width 2F Path.Direction.CW c.clipPath p Region.Op.DIFFERENCE c.drawColor 0x00000000 PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR If the output is required to a specific size then scale or fill if mOutputX 0 mOutputY..