android Programming Glossary: c.getresources
show the information in the middle of the call true inviteButton.setBackgroundDrawable c.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_launcher inviteButton.setOnClickListener..
Contact Bubble EditText @Override public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable R.drawable.oval d.setBounds 0 0 100.. a shape drawable public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.bottom_bar d.setBounds..
Android Gallery zoom in/out 1 a.recycle mDensity c.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density public int getCount return mImageIds.length..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources.. R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources.. R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount TODO Auto generated..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically getStringFromRaw Context c throws IOException Resources r c.getResources InputStream is if MainActivity.PRODUCTION Log.i TAG Inside..
Auto-fit TextView for Android Resources r if c null r Resources.getSystem else r c.getResources mMaxTextSize TypedValue.applyDimension unit size r.getDisplayMetrics..
implement search on a custom listview mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources.. R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources.. R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount if mPostingData null..
Android GalleryView Recycling size not the bitmap itself BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources resId opts int w opts.outHeight h opts.outHeight int maxDim.. down sampled bitmap. Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources resId opts Keep in mind that the original bitmap is unaffected...
show the information in the middle of the call Button inviteButton new Button c inviteButton.setClickable true inviteButton.setBackgroundDrawable c.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_launcher inviteButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View..
Contact Bubble EditText Context c public BubbleSpan Context context super c context @Override public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable R.drawable.oval d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Where my oval.xml drawable is defined as so xml.. BubbleSpan's getDrawable method to use a .png instead of a shape drawable public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.bottom_bar d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Then the .png will show up but..
Android Gallery zoom in/out mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground 1 a.recycle mDensity c.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density public int getCount return mImageIds.length public Object getItem int position return position..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater c.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource.. mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount TODO.. mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount TODO Auto generated method stub if mPostingData null return mPostingData.size..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically LOG_TAG Error parsing template e return null private String getStringFromRaw Context c throws IOException Resources r c.getResources InputStream is if MainActivity.PRODUCTION Log.i TAG Inside Production Raw File is r.openRawResource R.raw.logininfoproduction..
Auto-fit TextView for Android public void setTextSize int unit float size Context c getContext Resources r if c null r Resources.getSystem else r c.getResources mMaxTextSize TypedValue.applyDimension unit size r.getDisplayMetrics mTextCachedSizes.clear adjustTextSize getText .toString..
implement search on a custom listview c 0 mInflater LayoutInflater c.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource.. mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.text_icon mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount if mPostingData.. mIcon2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.image_icon mIcon3 BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount if mPostingData null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData..
Android GalleryView Recycling opts.inJustDecodeBounds true Only get the bitmap size not the bitmap itself BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources resId opts int w opts.outHeight h opts.outHeight int maxDim w h w h Get the bigger dimension Now that we have the size calculate.. inSample Now simply decode the resources and we have our down sampled bitmap. Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeResource c.getResources resId opts Keep in mind that the original bitmap is unaffected. You can decode the image again and set opts.inSampleSize..