android Programming Glossary: alloc
what does WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked mean? and a gc is already in progress. when code tries to do an allocation but there isn't actually room in memory to accommodate.. . You can find the salient sources in platform dalvik vm alloc particularly Heap.cpp and Alloc.cpp. All that said I can't tell..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer mainImage.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer.. unsigned char rawData unsigned char calloc height width 4 sizeof unsigned char NSUInteger bytesPerPixel.. AS ITS IN PREVIEW max max 2.5 arrAllPoints NSMutableArray alloc init for int i 0 i 255 i ClsDrawPoint objPoint ClsDrawPoint..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize ByteBuffer buffer allocateDirect LARGE_NUMBER buffer null System.gc Log.v Long.toString.. leak Added Following the suggestion by Gregory to handle alloc free on the C side I then defined JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL.. I then defined JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_foo_bar_allocNative JNIEnv env jlong size void buffer malloc size jobject..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory tally of all loaded bitmaps is 26.6 MiB yet the native alloc size is only 25.2 MiB. So I'm counting something wrong. But.. paused 29ms E dalvikvm heap 17641 1111200 byte external allocation too large for this process. E dalvikvm 17641 Out of memory.. 7815KB Trimmed 880KB E GraphicsJNI 17641 VM won't let us allocate 1111200 bytes I dalvikvm heap 17641 Clamp target GC heap..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak the reference to the listener an make whatever memory allocated within that listener to be eligible for GC. This way you.. to be created after the rotation and because of the mem alloc size 10M per junk this will cause OOM. The solution is to break..
what does WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked mean? in a couple of cases when user code explicitly calls gc and a gc is already in progress. when code tries to do an allocation but there isn't actually room in memory to accommodate the request and a gc is already in progress. In either case.. asked to do which might cause further garbage collection . You can find the salient sources in platform dalvik vm alloc particularly Heap.cpp and Alloc.cpp. All that said I can't tell you why you're seeing more pauses in JB than in ICS. share..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer mainImage.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer Move the byte data to the buffer byte array buffer.array.. histogram height d height CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB unsigned char rawData unsigned char calloc height width 4 sizeof unsigned char NSUInteger bytesPerPixel 4 NSUInteger bytesPerRow bytesPerPixel width NSUInteger bitsPerComponent.. maxR maxG maxB 3 DEVIDED BY 8 TO GET GRAPH OF THE SAME SIZE AS ITS IN PREVIEW max max 2.5 arrAllPoints NSMutableArray alloc init for int i 0 i 255 i ClsDrawPoint objPoint ClsDrawPoint alloc init objPoint.x i objPoint.y fltR i scale max arrAllPoints..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory not even when calling System.gc . Example doing Log.v Long.toString Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize ByteBuffer buffer allocateDirect LARGE_NUMBER buffer null System.gc Log.v Long.toString Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize gives two numbers in the.. LARGE_NUMBER larger than the first. How do I get rid of this leak Added Following the suggestion by Gregory to handle alloc free on the C side I then defined JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_foo_bar_allocNative JNIEnv env jlong size void buffer.. the suggestion by Gregory to handle alloc free on the C side I then defined JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_foo_bar_allocNative JNIEnv env jlong size void buffer malloc size jobject directBuffer env NewDirectByteBuffer buffer size jobject globalRef..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory we hit the limit. I'm still a bit confused here as my running tally of all loaded bitmaps is 26.6 MiB yet the native alloc size is only 25.2 MiB. So I'm counting something wrong. But it's all in the ballpark and definately demonstrates the cross.. freed 1K 41 free 4684K 7815K external 24443K 24443K paused 29ms E dalvikvm heap 17641 1111200 byte external allocation too large for this process. E dalvikvm 17641 Out of memory Heap Size 7815KB Allocated 4684KB Bitmap Size 24443KB Limit.. E dalvikvm 17641 Trim info Footprint 7815KB Allowed Footprint 7815KB Trimmed 880KB E GraphicsJNI 17641 VM won't let us allocate 1111200 bytes I dalvikvm heap 17641 Clamp target GC heap from 32.686MB to 32.000MB D dalvikvm 17641 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak 's ListView 's onItemClickListener to null which will release the reference to the listener an make whatever memory allocated within that listener to be eligible for GC. This way you won't get OOM. It's just a workaround and the real solution.. and can be GCed. But at the same time a new junk needs to be created after the rotation and because of the mem alloc size 10M per junk this will cause OOM. The solution is to break any references to the listener the junk owner in this case..