android Programming Glossary: almost
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled option I was handling with large bitmaps and it's consume almost the entiry memory available for the application and recycling.. it over navigation and loading new ones works round on almost the full heap available. But when some operations needs a bit.. that only GC_FOR_ALLOC that freed 3.8Mb sometimes but almost never other GC runs freed something. android android image..
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 ^ . nativeGetEnabledTags . Otherwise it is so spammed it's almost useless. Following Laksh suggestion if you want to filter this..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] IDE. I am bored of Eclipse's bugs. They driving me mad. I almost tried everything which suggested as solution by Googling . None..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse Eclipse or changed the location of the projects almost all of my overridden methods are not formatted correctly causing..
handle textview link click in my android app textview share improve this question Coming at this almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my..
Detect application heap size in Android app to devices running 2.2 and above and that means that almost all devices running my app will have a memoryClass of 24 or..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling great except for one problem I need to swipe left to right almost perfectly horizontally for an ACTION_UP to ever register. If..
Change the background color of the options menu guide topics ui menus.html#options menu this hack will almost certainly do nothing no harm and no good on 3.X tablets. STATEMENT.. after we get back to runloop android will overwrite almost any setting we make now final View v view new Handler .post..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites a user to be logged in to view. Users can log out from almost any activity. This is a requirement of the application. At any..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android that and then does the connect to it. The code beneath is almost identical to the Bluetooth Chat App. public void onActivityResult..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size on my HTC Desire with more than 500 MB of memory. With almost none apps installed I can install an apk that is 43MB but an..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue I've tried using PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY and it works almost exactly as I need except that whites get overlayed with the..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application lib to load the scanning function A step to step guide is almost prefered because i just started working in Eclipse. I've tried..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones I've found this article SpeechRecognizer His needs is almost the same as mine. It is a good reference for me I've totally..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View your time. Update I made a little test project and I've almost been able to update the views. I'll paste the class below. What..
When to call activity context OR application context? share improve this question getApplicationContext is almost always wrong. Ms. Hackborn among others have been very explicit..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation in every almost every activity Goods no need to worry about your activity been..
How to navigate in fragments? anotherFragment ft.addToBackStack null ft.commit Almost done. Next you need to do is get a reference to this callback..
Activity side-by-side lifecycle android activity lifecycle share improve this question Almost correct just a minor difference. first A.onPause and then B.onCreate..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e EDIT Almost forgot. Don't forget to replace the ENTER.YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME..
Live Character Count For EditText Android the text box the number of characters a user has entered Almost like stack overflow is doing right now . If someone could write..
How to disable an Android button? false did u try this Update Thanks to Gwen. Almost forgot that android clickable can be used via xml to set whether..
Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft() is Google does not specify what unit is being used. Almost all other measurements are done in mHz would it be fair to assume..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY get Android Market Licensing LVL working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY I am trying to get android licensing to..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled recycle with largeHeap enabled Before enabling largeHeap option I was handling with large bitmaps and it's consume almost the entiry memory available for the application and recycling it over navigation and loading new ones works round on almost.. the entiry memory available for the application and recycling it over navigation and loading new ones works round on almost the full heap available. But when some operations needs a bit more memory the application crashes. So I enabled largeHeap.. more than 390Mb of memory on the device. Reading GC_ logs shown that only GC_FOR_ALLOC that freed 3.8Mb sometimes but almost never other GC runs freed something. android android image android memory android largeheap share improve this question..
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 expression on the by Log Message field of the filter ^ . nativeGetEnabledTags . Otherwise it is so spammed it's almost useless. Following Laksh suggestion if you want to filter this always without having to always write it on the Search for..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] 36 answers I am getting this classic error in Eclipse IDE. I am bored of Eclipse's bugs. They driving me mad. I almost tried everything which suggested as solution by Googling . None of them worked. My project was working normally but not..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse Anytime I have to re import my projects into Eclipse if I reinstalled Eclipse or changed the location of the projects almost all of my overridden methods are not formatted correctly causing the error ' The method must override a superclass method..
handle textview link click in my android app the href value of the link as an input parameter android textview share improve this question Coming at this almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my particular problem. Since I wanted the link to be handled by..
Detect application heap size in Android occurs. In my case for reasons of performance I'm limiting my app to devices running 2.2 and above and that means that almost all devices running my app will have a memoryClass of 24 or higher. So I can design to occupy up to 20MB of heap and feel..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling to one screen when you lift your finger. This all works great except for one problem I need to swipe left to right almost perfectly horizontally for an ACTION_UP to ever register. If I swipe vertically in the very least which I think many people..
Change the background color of the options menu of Options Menus as explained here http guide topics ui menus.html#options menu this hack will almost certainly do nothing no harm and no good on 3.X tablets. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM read this before trigger replying with.. null hack failed use normal inflater apply our own View settings after we get back to runloop android will overwrite almost any setting we make now final View v view new Handler .post new Runnable public void run v.setBackgroundColor Color.BLACK..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites in only Activites All activities in my application require a user to be logged in to view. Users can log out from almost any activity. This is a requirement of the application. At any point if the user logs out I want to send the user to the..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android and then my Bluetooth class waits for it to handle that and then does the connect to it. The code beneath is almost identical to the Bluetooth Chat App. public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if m_BluetoothAdapter.isEnabled..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size intl de sdk android 2.2.html#api I tested on my HTC Desire with more than 500 MB of memory. With almost none apps installed I can install an apk that is 43MB but an apk that is 57MB is too large even i got plenty of available..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue of some sort to overlay a color on top of the drawable. I've tried using PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY and it works almost exactly as I need except that whites get overlayed with the color as well. What I'm ideally looking for is something like..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application through Eclipse When integrated ... how to make use of the lib to load the scanning function A step to step guide is almost prefered because i just started working in Eclipse. I've tried to make my code project dependant of the Android folder from..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones Can anybody give me some suggestions on how to do that Thanks I've found this article SpeechRecognizer His needs is almost the same as mine. It is a good reference for me I've totally got this problem solved. I googled a usable sample code from..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View textviews remain unchanged from the original data. Thanks for your time. Update I made a little test project and I've almost been able to update the views. I'll paste the class below. What doesn't appear to update however is the 2nd view the 'B'..
When to call activity context OR application context? the application context will be useless wrong android context share improve this question getApplicationContext is almost always wrong. Ms. Hackborn among others have been very explicit that you only use getApplicationContext when you know why..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? orientation&rdquo I was wondering why not use android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation in every almost every activity Goods no need to worry about your activity been rotated it's faster Not so nice need to change your layouts..
How to navigate in fragments? ft getFragmentManager .beginTransaction ft.add anotherFragment ft.addToBackStack null ft.commit Almost done. Next you need to do is get a reference to this callback in your fragment. This is typically achieved in the onAttached..
Activity side-by-side lifecycle 6. A onPause 7. B onResume 8. A onStop Is this correct android activity lifecycle share improve this question Almost correct just a minor difference. first A.onPause and then B.onCreate ... etc A onCreate A onStart A onResume on A startActivity..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error Base64.encodeToString md.digest Base64.DEFAULT catch NameNotFoundException e catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e EDIT Almost forgot. Don't forget to replace the ENTER.YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME with your app's package name. UPDATE Solution 1 Try this link..
Live Character Count For EditText Android this with an input filter however I want to show right below the text box the number of characters a user has entered Almost like stack overflow is doing right now . If someone could write a small snippet of example code or point me in the right..
How to disable an Android button? android layout button share improve this question myButton.setEnabled false did u try this Update Thanks to Gwen. Almost forgot that android clickable can be used via xml to set whether a button can be clickable or not share improve this answer..
Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft() staring at a bunch of graphs it looks like part of my problem is Google does not specify what unit is being used. Almost all other measurements are done in mHz would it be fair to assume that the FTT output is also in mHz Is there a place where..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY get Android Market Licensing LVL working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY I am trying to get android licensing to work in my first Android application. I have followed the..