android Programming Glossary: alignment
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size of space around a component in a cell group use CENTER alignment or gravity . For complete control over excess space distribution..
How to horizontally align some programmatically added views? button.setText return button android android layout alignment share improve this question The TextViews and Buttons are..
GridView VS GridLayout in Android Apps in the Support Library. Its main purpose is to solve alignment and performance problems in other layouts. Check out this tutorial..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? margin around the ImageView android textview imageview alignment spannablestring share improve this question You can achieve..
Vertical (rotated) label in Android to go completely custom android label textview vertical alignment share improve this question Here is my elegant and simple..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) and more challenging as you add more features texture alignment dealing with line breaks variable width fonts etc. if you take..
Android: Vertical alignment for multi line EditText (Text area) Vertical alignment for multi line EditText Text area I want to have 5 lines for.. character of the text field. android edittext vertical alignment android edittext multiline share improve this question Use..
How to color and alignment spinner item on android? to color and alignment spinner item on android I'm try to change text color and align..
Textview wrap around View the android TextView api android android layout textbox alignment wrap share improve this question I would suggest employing..
How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to “fill parent” Any suggestion how could I archive that android button alignment center share improve this question android drawableLeft..
Android phone orientation overview including compass right or falling down or up . Therefore humans can detect alignment and rotation around the the same X Y and Z axes as the phone...
How to sign an android apk file and signed your package it will also perfom package alignment with zipalign. Because the Export Wizard uses both Keytool and..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? ev private RelativeLayout.LayoutParams getWideLayout int alignment RelativeLayout.LayoutParams returnLayout new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.. LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT 0 returnLayout.addRule alignment return returnLayout public void reset interruptFade false new..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? share improve this question Gravity will only affect alignment and will not set base direction for the text. That it works..
How Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work? Feature Detector Work I want to implement a feature based alignment algorithm using the ORB feature detector and extractor. So far.. links. For opencv documentation use this . android opencv alignment computer vision share improve this question UPDATE Now it..
set view text align at center in spinner in android help or suggestion are appreciated Thanks android text alignment android spinner share improve this question Create a adapter..
application name center alignment in android` name center alignment in android` Can i center align the application name in android..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size nevertheless be accommodated as follows. To place equal amounts of space around a component in a cell group use CENTER alignment or gravity . For complete control over excess space distribution in a row or column use a LinearLayout subview to hold the..
How to horizontally align some programmatically added views? Button button new Button this button.setLayoutParams lparams button.setText return button android android layout alignment share improve this question The TextViews and Buttons are stacked because you probably use a LinearLayout with the orientation..
GridView VS GridLayout in Android Apps It was introduced in API level 14 and was recently backported in the Support Library. Its main purpose is to solve alignment and performance problems in other layouts. Check out this tutorial if you want to learn more about GridLayout. share improve..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? wrap_17.html to have the solution. P.S. I also want 6dp margin around the ImageView android textview imageview alignment spannablestring share improve this question You can achieve this by using the
Vertical (rotated) label in Android what would be a good way to do something like that if I need to go completely custom android label textview vertical alignment share improve this question Here is my elegant and simple vertical text implementation extending TextView. This means..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) while it seems simple and basic features are it get's harder and more challenging as you add more features texture alignment dealing with line breaks variable width fonts etc. if you take this route make it as simple as you can get away with Use..
Android: Vertical alignment for multi line EditText (Text area) Vertical alignment for multi line EditText Text area I want to have 5 lines for the height of the text area. I am using the following code...
How to color and alignment spinner item on android? to color and alignment spinner item on android I'm try to change text color and align item in spinner to center of it how can I do this here is..
Textview wrap around View similar to the following picture. Is this possible using the android TextView api android android layout textbox alignment wrap share improve this question I would suggest employing a WebView for this. You can format the text in a web view..
How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to “fill parent” 20dip android width fill_parent android heigh wrap_content Any suggestion how could I archive that android button alignment center share improve this question android drawableLeft is always keeping android paddingLeft as a distance from the..
Android phone orientation overview including compass to detect if you are falling forward back or falling left right or falling down or up . Therefore humans can detect alignment and rotation around the the same X Y and Z axes as the phone. Now imagine someone now rotates you 90 degrees on the roundabout..
How to sign an android apk file sign and align as discussed above. Once the wizard has compiled and signed your package it will also perfom package alignment with zipalign. Because the Export Wizard uses both Keytool and Jarsigner you should ensure that they are accessible on your..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? MotionEvent.ACTION_UP reset return super.dispatchTouchEvent ev private RelativeLayout.LayoutParams getWideLayout int alignment RelativeLayout.LayoutParams returnLayout new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT 0 returnLayout.addRule.. returnLayout new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT 0 returnLayout.addRule alignment return returnLayout public void reset interruptFade false new GlowShrinker .execute scrollDistanceSinceBoundary scrollDistanceSinceBoundary..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? guide me here. Thanks. android textview hebrew settext share improve this question Gravity will only affect alignment and will not set base direction for the text. That it works on some devices and not others may be a font issue or perhaps..
How Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work? Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work I want to implement a feature based alignment algorithm using the ORB feature detector and extractor. So far I extracted the features using ORB class from OpenCV ORB.. This is my first question. and I can't post more than 2 links. For opencv documentation use this . android opencv alignment computer vision share improve this question UPDATE Now it is in the OpenCV documentation here http
set view text align at center in spinner in android it but didn't find anything does anybody knows about this any help or suggestion are appreciated Thanks android text alignment android spinner share improve this question Create a adapter for your spinner like this ArrayAdapter String adapter..
application name center alignment in android` name center alignment in android` Can i center align the application name in android by default the application name is aligned in the left side...