android Programming Glossary:
Add text to image in android programmatically Paint paint new Paint paint.setStyle Style.FILL paint.setColor Color.WHITE paint.setTypeface tf paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER paint.setTextSize convertToPixels mContext 11 Rect textRect new Rect paint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length textRect Canvas..
Android 4.2 on Nexus 7: canvas.drawText() not working correctly color paint.setTextSize size some size paint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER In the logCat 4.2.1 emulator I see a lot of 12 18 20 42 21.096 W Trace 276 Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags 0.. color paint.setTextSize size paint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER paint.setLinearText true Here the link that saves my day http p android issues detail id 39755 I hope it..
Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing) titlePaint.setTextSize 0.125f titlePaint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD titlePaint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER titlePaint.setLinearText true If I don't use titlePaint.setLinearText true I get a strange result on 4.2.1 as you can see..
How to use a custom typeface in a widget? clock paint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL paint.setColor Color.WHITE paint.setTextSize 65 paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER myCanvas.drawText time 80 60 paint return myBitmap That's the part doing the font to image thingie and this is how to use..
android - adding a String over a Drawable image? new Canvas canvasBitmap Set up the paint for use with our Canvas Paint imagePaint new Paint imagePaint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER imagePaint.setTextSize 16f Draw the image to our canvas backgroundImage.draw imageCanvas Draw the text on top of our image..