android Programming Glossary: along
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation 1 The undesired translation along Y persists even if the following changes are made objY _uBodyCentreMatrix.. about arbitrary points which has undesired translation along Y http opengles local.php Apk for translation..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer . I was just wondering if its possible.. MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer I set a FilterQueryProvider like this..
Is there an easy way to add a border to the top and bottom of an Android View? View I have a TextView and I'd like to add a black border along its top and bottom borders. I tried adding android drawableTop..
How to inflate one view with an layout view to the RelativeLayout If so you want to do something along the lines of RelativeLayout item RelativeLayout findViewById..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? require the CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE permission or something along those lines. If you do sue the setNetworkPreference function..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? its new state and the app can then pass this information along in one way or another to the currently active activity. You..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) Basically you copy the .so files to your jni lib directory along with any .h files you might need create a JNI wrapper through..
How to center progress indicator in ProgressDialog easily (when no title/text passed along) in ProgressDialog easily when no title text passed along When calling progressDialog this null null..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? question In many cases you have an interface and pass along an object that implements it. Dialogs for example have the OnClickListener...
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? you'll need to do is define your own scheme. Something along the lines of intent filter data android scheme anton action..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project I can be more explicitly helpful for the next guy to come along. android share improve this question Now for the missing..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow for rectangular images. I've used the following NinePatch along with the appropriate padding in XML ImageView android id @ id..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] about it to the Internet. I've linked to his solution along with several others that exist now. rapidandroid question creator..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime chunk. Then you transmit this byte array to your clients along with a regular image no transparent borders not the source ninepatch..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? database I have. This is the database you typically use along with ContentProviders and which resides in data data yourpackage..
Database not copying from assets table seems to be getting copied but the other tables along with the data arent. Any ideas java android sqlite share..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development can be used to return the current acceleration along three axis in meters per second squared m s2 . But I have come..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? nice for separetion of UI logic into some modules. But along with ViewPager it's lifecycle is still misty for me. So Guru..
How does Modem code talk to Android code domain of the handset and is in the airwaves somewhere... Along with sending a broadcast message within Android itself provided..
Augmented reality - Image size transform assumption of its size was from the total pixel count. Along the same lines I could have a 100px by 100px picture of earth..
What's LazyList? You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you can view holder..
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you can view holder..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock like documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock Along with your main project maybe documents Android Workspace TestProject..
Getting null from 'getLastKnownLocation' on SDK What is wrong android share improve this question Along with the permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file have you..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? where their model would hold true. So when you write Along with other messy things I discovered I think that developing..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode do on android systems Primarily it shuts down the CPU. Along the way non essential radios WiFi GPS will have been shut down..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation 0 objX GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0 objY GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 1 The undesired translation along Y persists even if the following changes are made objY _uBodyCentreMatrix 1 _uBodyCentre 1 zAngle 0 ds 0 The value 0.545867f.. opengles global.php Apk for translation rotation about arbitrary points which has undesired translation along Y http opengles local.php Apk for translation rotation about arbitrary points in which updateModel is called..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader simply not possible I have been able to implement a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer . I was just wondering if its possible to implement this using a CursorLoader instead since Strict.. to any suggestions. UPDATE 3 When I implemented a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer I set a FilterQueryProvider like this mAdapter.setFilterQueryProvider new FilterQueryProvider @Override..
Is there an easy way to add a border to the top and bottom of an Android View? way to add a border to the top and bottom of an Android View I have a TextView and I'd like to add a black border along its top and bottom borders. I tried adding android drawableTop and android drawableBottom to the TextView but that only..
How to inflate one view with an layout have followed your question are you trying to attach a child view to the RelativeLayout If so you want to do something along the lines of RelativeLayout item RelativeLayout findViewById View child getLayoutInflater .inflate R.layout.child..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? to require any permissions in the manifest but it might require the CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE permission or something along those lines. If you do sue the setNetworkPreference function it would probably be best to also set the Network Preference..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? than yours but the same idea and it basically tells the app its new state and the app can then pass this information along in one way or another to the currently active activity. You can also maintain a pointer to the currently active activity..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) application. Code is here http opensource Basically you copy the .so files to your jni lib directory along with any .h files you might need create a JNI wrapper through javah and it works. EDIT Since this post was written a few..
How to center progress indicator in ProgressDialog easily (when no title/text passed along) to center progress indicator in ProgressDialog easily when no title text passed along When calling progressDialog this null null true usually the developers wants to only show the progress..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? Thank you for any help. android callback share improve this question In many cases you have an interface and pass along an object that implements it. Dialogs for example have the OnClickListener. Just as a random example The callback interface..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? at the documentation for the data sub element. Basically what you'll need to do is define your own scheme. Something along the lines of intent filter data android scheme anton action android name android.intent.action.VIEW category android name..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project problem and elsewhere there is discussion but I feel that I can be more explicitly helpful for the next guy to come along. android share improve this question Now for the missing class problem. I'm an Eclipse Java EE developer and have been..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow one so what I ended up going with for now is just a solution for rectangular images. I've used the following NinePatch along with the appropriate padding in XML ImageView android id @ id image_test android background @drawable drop_shadow android..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] question solved this problem and posted some interesting stuff about it to the Internet. I've linked to his solution along with several others that exist now. rapidandroid question creator solution GraphView Java Charts for Android Just to summarize..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime Android app to load compiled images and spit out the byte chunk. Then you transmit this byte array to your clients along with a regular image no transparent borders not the source ninepatch image not the compiled ninepatch image. You can directly..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? the provided FileBackupHelper to backup and restore the native database I have. This is the database you typically use along with ContentProviders and which resides in data data yourpackage databases . One would think this is a common case. However..
Database not copying from assets not picking on any exception . To be exact the android metadata table seems to be getting copied but the other tables along with the data arent. Any ideas java android sqlite share improve this question I am giving you the complete code plz..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer can be used to return the current acceleration along three axis in meters per second squared m s2 . But I have come to know that an accelerometer can also be use as speedometer...
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? right way to store fragment's state Fragments seem to be very nice for separetion of UI logic into some modules. But along with ViewPager it's lifecycle is still misty for me. So Guru thoughts are badly needed Edit See dumb solution below Scope..
How does Modem code talk to Android code to the radio firmware and the text has now left the domain of the handset and is in the airwaves somewhere... Along with sending a broadcast message within Android itself provided that READ_PHONE_STATE permission is used and specified in..
Augmented reality - Image size transform that mean that it is huge No but it would look huge if the only assumption of its size was from the total pixel count. Along the same lines I could have a 100px by 100px picture of earth but I would hope that doesn't show up as tiny. Solving for..
What's LazyList? imageurl image options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you can view holder for smooth scrolling and performance. http
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader imageurl image options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you can view holder for smooth scrolling and performance. http
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock As opposed to Eclipse Workspace So you should now have something like documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock Along with your main project maybe documents Android Workspace TestProject 3 Open Android Studio load your TestProject then goto..
Getting null from 'getLastKnownLocation' on SDK loc is always null when getLastKnownLocation is called. What is wrong android share improve this question Along with the permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file have you registered a location listener LocationManager lm LocationManager..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? had to change their model or limit themselves to environments where their model would hold true. So when you write Along with other messy things I discovered I think that developing our app for Android is not going to happen. that would appear..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode is a bit tricky. My question is what exactly does sleep mode do on android systems Primarily it shuts down the CPU. Along the way non essential radios WiFi GPS will have been shut down as well. What does it stop what doesn't it stop etc. About..