android Programming Glossary: allday
how to edit the calendar events via android application we would set the entry to be an all day event event.put allDay 1 0 for false 1 for true This information is sufficient for..
How to set a reminder in Android? beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay false intent.putExtra rrule FREQ DAILY intent.putExtra endTime.. calendar_id 1 values.put title Reminder Title values.put allDay 0 values.put dtstart cal.getTimeInMillis 11 60 1000 event starts..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay true intent.putExtra rrule FREQ YEARLY intent.putExtra endTime.. calendarId String title long startTime long endTime int allDay ContentValues event new ContentValues event.put calendar_id.. event.put description event.put eventLocation event.put allDay allDay event.put eventStatus 1 event.put transparency 0 event.put..
how to edit the calendar events via android application event.put dtend endTime If we are adding a birthday or holiday we would set the entry to be an all day event event.put allDay 1 0 for false 1 for true This information is sufficient for most entries. However there are a number of other useful calendar..
How to set a reminder in Android? intent.setType event intent.putExtra beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay false intent.putExtra rrule FREQ DAILY intent.putExtra endTime cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 intent.putExtra title A Test.. insert ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put calendar_id 1 values.put title Reminder Title values.put allDay 0 values.put dtstart cal.getTimeInMillis 11 60 1000 event starts at 11 minutes from now values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar intent.setType event intent.putExtra beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay true intent.putExtra rrule FREQ YEARLY intent.putExtra endTime cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 intent.putExtra title A Test.. an event could be like this public String addEvent String calendarId String title long startTime long endTime int allDay ContentValues event new ContentValues event.put calendar_id calendarId for insert event.put title title event.put description.. calendar_id calendarId for insert event.put title title event.put description event.put eventLocation event.put allDay allDay event.put eventStatus 1 event.put transparency 0 event.put dtstart startTime event.put dtend endTime ContentResolver..