android Programming Glossary: alex
Pinned groups in ExpandableListView String children Arnold Barry Chuck David Stas Oleg Max Alex Romeo Adolf Ace Bandit Cha Cha Deuce Nokki Baron Sharik Toshka..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes there bounds like that in memory allocation Thanks again Alex Lockwood for your response I'm going to read and re read it..
Difference between FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter I would greatly appreciate for your help. Alex. P.S. Sorry for my English android android fragments android..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) in the Dialog. Thats why I cannot use what Erich and Alex suggest since writing code in the onClick methods as suggested..
what will be uri for Sqlite database which is in SDCARD in CursorLoader load data from an Sqlitedatabase and from reading blog of Alex Lockwood. I finally decided to go with CursorLoader LoaderManager...
Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI Android RSSI please help me with this problem Thanks Alex android bluetooth rssi share improve this question At the..
how to read file from the phone memory in android? fos openFileOutput urls.txt Context.MODE_PRIVATE fos.write Alex .getBytes fos.close Here's how to read that file FileInputStream..
SOAP web service on android would be also much appreciated. Thanks a lot guys. Cheers Alex android web services authentication soap ksoap2 share improve..
android: notify activity from service service activity share improve this question As Alex indicated you can bind to the service and pass some sort of..
People can't download our specific product in Android Market have any clue to what the problem can be Best Regards Alex Edit Since the problem is download related we've been speculating..
Android NDK: how to include into another set BASHPATH K cygwin bin bash set PROJECTDIR cygdrive h Alex Alex Work Android remote android set NDKDIR cygdrive h Alex.. BASHPATH K cygwin bin bash set PROJECTDIR cygdrive h Alex Alex Work Android remote android set NDKDIR cygdrive h Alex Programming_Docs.. Alex Work Android remote android set NDKDIR cygdrive h Alex Programming_Docs Android android ndk r6 ndk build set APP_BUILD_SCRIPT..
Can't implement Google API Sample (VoiceRecognition) voice recording share improve this question Hello Alex Please Use Following XML File xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8..
Android Development: How To Replace Part of an EditText with a Spannable have a clue about how I'd go about doing this Thanks Alex. android replace editable spannablestring spannable share..
Pinned groups in ExpandableListView groups People Names Dog Names Cat Names Fish Names private String children Arnold Barry Chuck David Stas Oleg Max Alex Romeo Adolf Ace Bandit Cha Cha Deuce Nokki Baron Sharik Toshka SObaka Belka Strelka Zhuchka Fluffy Snuggles Cate Yasha..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes 6MB it should be fine but 8MB would be pushing it are there bounds like that in memory allocation Thanks again Alex Lockwood for your response I'm going to read and re read it again until this stuff makes sense to me android heap virtual..
Difference between FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter Which adapter should I use FragmentPagerAdapter or FragmentStatePagerAdapter I would greatly appreciate for your help. Alex. P.S. Sorry for my English android android fragments android viewpager fragmentpageradapter fragmentstatepageradapter ..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) call to show the Dialog is dependent on what button is clicked in the Dialog. Thats why I cannot use what Erich and Alex suggest since writing code in the onClick methods as suggested below is not gonna work. The reason is that I cannot continue..
what will be uri for Sqlite database which is in SDCARD in CursorLoader to android and i have read so many things for best way to load data from an Sqlitedatabase and from reading blog of Alex Lockwood. I finally decided to go with CursorLoader LoaderManager. My problem is that many people want to read data without..
Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI function calls in the Android API. Could someone who understands Android RSSI please help me with this problem Thanks Alex android bluetooth rssi share improve this question At the HCI level there is a command to read a Bluetooth link RSSI..
how to read file from the phone memory in android? question Here's how to write in a file.. FileOutputStream fos openFileOutput urls.txt Context.MODE_PRIVATE fos.write Alex .getBytes fos.close Here's how to read that file FileInputStream fis openFileInput urls.txt int c while c 1 k..
SOAP web service on android required data for the call. Any pointer on this direction would be also much appreciated. Thanks a lot guys. Cheers Alex android web services authentication soap ksoap2 share improve this question I have encountered same issue and for that..
android: notify activity from service the Activity from my Service . How can I achieve this android service activity share improve this question As Alex indicated you can bind to the service and pass some sort of listener or callback to the service to use on events. Or you..
People can't download our specific product in Android Market memory on their devices both internal and external. Does anyone have any clue to what the problem can be Best Regards Alex Edit Since the problem is download related we've been speculating in that its the Android Manifest file we've have. What..
Android NDK: how to include into another NDK dir instead of project dir. This is my batch for building set BASHPATH K cygwin bin bash set PROJECTDIR cygdrive h Alex Alex Work Android remote android set NDKDIR cygdrive h Alex Programming_Docs Android android ndk r6 ndk build set APP_BUILD_SCRIPT.. instead of project dir. This is my batch for building set BASHPATH K cygwin bin bash set PROJECTDIR cygdrive h Alex Alex Work Android remote android set NDKDIR cygdrive h Alex Programming_Docs Android android ndk r6 ndk build set APP_BUILD_SCRIPT.. set BASHPATH K cygwin bin bash set PROJECTDIR cygdrive h Alex Alex Work Android remote android set NDKDIR cygdrive h Alex Programming_Docs Android android ndk r6 ndk build set APP_BUILD_SCRIPT cygdrive h Alex Alex Work Android project jni
Can't implement Google API Sample (VoiceRecognition) this Google API sample I really appreciate your help. android voice recording share improve this question Hello Alex Please Use Following XML File xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res..
Android Development: How To Replace Part of an EditText with a Spannable the whole EditText which can be slow with big files . Does anyone have a clue about how I'd go about doing this Thanks Alex. android replace editable spannablestring spannable share improve this question This minimal size example makes the..