android Programming Glossary: adjustments
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + 260 dp so work it across all screen i first make layout adjustments so that it work across all screens resolution filterAnimation.initializeFilterAnimations..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy a community wiki so anyone and everyone feel free to make adjustments. Thanks edit With the most latest PhoneGap you'll need to have..
SearchView taking all the space in the new ActionBarCompat to ActionBarCompat support library v7 . After some adjustments almost everything is working fine by now. But I'm in trouble..
Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle? is changed or the keyboard is hidden. If you need to make adjustments when either of these events happen you can override onConfigurationChanged..
android:drawableLeft margin and/or padding and right padding separately you can make very detailed adjustments to the layout. Here's an example button that uses padding to..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode res layout land copy main.xml into it and make the needed adjustments. See also http android portrait amp landscape..
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed]
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? background to keep the music stream in context for volume adjustments. I think the 3rd option is probably best since it cedes control..
Android - Custom Dialog - Can't get text from EditText about such problems however I'm not really sure what adjustments should I make here. I'm quite new to Android programming so..
Android Intent-Filter custom filetype it dose not return data like the other ones so some adjustments have to be made just saw this in debugging didnt write code..
Video processing in Android pixel data. Since the data comes back as raw bytes making adjustments to the data is relatively easy...the difficulty here is applying..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + the layout params for my filter.xml because its has width 260 dp so work it across all screen i first make layout adjustments so that it work across all screens resolution filterAnimation.initializeFilterAnimations filterLayout final ViewTreeObserver..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy with Androids WebView Lastly I have enabled this answer as a community wiki so anyone and everyone feel free to make adjustments. Thanks edit With the most latest PhoneGap you'll need to have your init method look more like this public void init CordovaWebView..
SearchView taking all the space in the new ActionBarCompat space in the new ActionBarCompat I switched from ActionBarSherlock to ActionBarCompat support library v7 . After some adjustments almost everything is working fine by now. But I'm in trouble with the SearchView in the ActionBar. When it's expanded actually..
Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle? and call onConfigurationChanged instead when the orientation is changed or the keyboard is hidden. If you need to make adjustments when either of these events happen you can override onConfigurationChanged in your activity if not all you have to do is..
android:drawableLeft margin and/or padding inward towards the center of the button. By adjusting the left and right padding separately you can make very detailed adjustments to the layout. Here's an example button that uses padding to push the text and icon closer together than they would be by..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode for example res layout main.xml you can add a new folder res layout land copy main.xml into it and make the needed adjustments. See also http android portrait amp landscape differeent layouts and http wireless Article..
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed]
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? this would work. Play a silent looping piece of audio in the background to keep the music stream in context for volume adjustments. I think the 3rd option is probably best since it cedes control of the volume to the user but if there were some way to..
Android - Custom Dialog - Can't get text from EditText etc however text is always an empty String. I read some topics about such problems however I'm not really sure what adjustments should I make here. I'm quite new to Android programming so I'd be grateful if sb could explain the problem to me. Thanks..
Android Intent-Filter custom filetype work for all the file browsers I tried if your using file manager it dose not return data like the other ones so some adjustments have to be made just saw this in debugging didnt write code to fix it but instead I am just working on creating a custom..
Video processing in Android the frame in a number of possible image formats. Modify the pixel data. Since the data comes back as raw bytes making adjustments to the data is relatively easy...the difficulty here is applying an algorithm for the particular image processing you want..