android Programming Glossary: addfooterview
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen of three items and a FooterView using the ListView's addFooterView I want that footerView to sit at the bottom of the screen. When.. resources.getDrawable R.drawable.cone_footer mMenuListView.addFooterView footerView The things I've tried so far include Adding the footer.. to sit at the bottom of the screen. That is not how addFooterView works. When the ListView contains enough items to scroll the..
how can i automatically size listview so it doesn't scroll or footer views to the ListView using addHeaderView or addFooterView . If the list content is going to be a small portion of your..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround as I got your needs I think you may just use the ListView.addFooterView View v method http reference android widget.. reference android widget ListView.html#addFooterView android.view.View It will allow you to have all your list items.. R.layout.your_a_few_buttons_footer null getListView .addFooterView footer String array new String 50 for int i 0 i 50 array i LoremIpsum..
Hide footer view in ListView? In order to indicate that it is loading more items I used addFooterView to add a simple view that displays a Loading... message and.. I may need to show it again in which case I can't call addFooterView again because an adapter has already been set on the ListView.. been set on the ListView and you can't call addHeaderView addFooterView after setting an adapter. android listview share improve..
How can I get my ListView to scroll? a header addHeaderView View v and that below as a footer addFooterView View v Put everything what should be above ListView to header.. R.layout.view_bottom null list.addHeaderView mTop list.addFooterView mBottom add header and footer before setting adapter list.setAdapter..
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views for predefined Views Trying to use addHeaderView and addFooterView for a ListView . If I try to use a View that I've predefined.. getListView listView.addHeaderView header listView.addFooterView footer setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice..
Android ListView Footer View not being placed on the bottom of the screen do not fill the page. For example I have a page with a ListView of three items and a FooterView using the ListView's addFooterView I want that footerView to sit at the bottom of the screen. When the ListView contains enough items to scroll the screen.. .setBackgroundDrawable resources.getDrawable R.drawable.cone_footer mMenuListView.addFooterView footerView The things I've tried so far include Adding the footer view as a shown above Adding the drawable resource as.. footer share improve this question I want that footerView to sit at the bottom of the screen. That is not how addFooterView works. When the ListView contains enough items to scroll the screen the footerView should sit at the end of the list not..
how can i automatically size listview so it doesn't scroll have content above and below that scrolls with it add header or footer views to the ListView using addHeaderView or addFooterView . If the list content is going to be a small portion of your overall layout as you describe this probably isn't the best..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround scrollview share improve this question Ok as far as I got your needs I think you may just use the ListView.addFooterView View v method http reference android widget ListView.html#addFooterView android.view.View It will.. just use the ListView.addFooterView View v method http reference android widget ListView.html#addFooterView android.view.View It will allow you to have all your list items a few buttons footer to be scrolled as a single block. So.. LinearLayout footer LinearLayout factory.inflate R.layout.your_a_few_buttons_footer null getListView .addFooterView footer String array new String 50 for int i 0 i 50 array i LoremIpsum i setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.list_item..
Hide footer view in ListView? items whenever the user scrolls all the way to the bottom. In order to indicate that it is loading more items I used addFooterView to add a simple view that displays a Loading... message and a spinner. Now when I'm out of data no more data to fetch I.. properly hiding this view I can't use removeFooterView because I may need to show it again in which case I can't call addFooterView again because an adapter has already been set on the ListView and you can't call addHeaderView addFooterView after setting.. call addFooterView again because an adapter has already been set on the ListView and you can't call addHeaderView addFooterView after setting an adapter. android listview share improve this question It seems that you are allowed to call addHeaderView..
How can I get my ListView to scroll? header and footer. Add views that should be above ListView as a header addHeaderView View v and that below as a footer addFooterView View v Put everything what should be above ListView to header of ListView and the same with footer. LayoutInflater inflater.. R.layout.view_top null mBottom inflater.inflate R.layout.view_bottom null list.addHeaderView mTop list.addFooterView mBottom add header and footer before setting adapter list.setAdapter mAdapter In result you'll get one scrollable view...
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views ListView addHeaderView nullPointerException for predefined Views Trying to use addHeaderView and addFooterView for a ListView . If I try to use a View that I've predefined in XML for either the header or footer I get a null pointer.. getLayoutInflater .inflate R.layout.footer null ListView listView getListView listView.addHeaderView header listView.addFooterView footer setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice names..