android Programming Glossary: addition
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android several views or fragments in your case into memory. In addition to the visible view it also loads the view to either side of..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) for this feature but there was talk about making this an addition to an upcoming revision of the support package. With regards..
How to disable orientation change in Android? attributes you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation value. That is you must declare android configChanges..
twitter integration on android app android twitter share improve this question In addition to d.'s solid choices you could Use ACTION_SEND Intents with..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] intentfilter share improve this question In addition to Samuh's answer you need to do an object comparison on the..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? to build Android software components with C and C . In addition to delivering support for native code Google is also extending..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling in addition to Panning and Pinch Zoom. The code below is very dated. You..
Detect application heap size in Android Size set to 64 maxMemory 67108864 getMemoryClass 32 In addition to the above I tested on a Novo7 Paladin tablet running Ice.. upped the heap via a rooted OS i.e. if your app uses the additional memory it probably will not play as nicely with whatever other..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] question Here's my personal top twenty. I use this in addition to the usual lists from I could add another five..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities the application after your last activity closes. In addition if your app does anything with notifications or services these.. will fail because the session has been stopped. In addition there's a bug in Google Analytics up through at least version..
Defining custom attrs name fuzzy value 0x01 flag name cold value 0x02 attr In addition to attributes there is the declare styleable element. This allows..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] in this approach read on... I also had to make some additions to Swathi's code to get what I wanted. In GestureListener.onTouch.. code to get what I wanted. In GestureListener.onTouch in addition to delegating to the gesture detector I also had to return true..
Grid of images inside ScrollView we all know that they have more beneficial features in addition to their scrolling and the recycling of their children. Nonetheless..
onConfigurationChanged not getting called attributes you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation value. That is you must decalare android..
Android: failed to allocate memory one other client hoping to use the emulator to run with in addition to my phone. android android emulator share improve this..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup with them dispatching touch events invalidates etc. So in addition to dispatchDraw you will need to override and appropriate adjust..
Problem to load flv video in webview loadUrl to dynaamically replace the video file name. In addition you should copy the video from your assets folder into the same..
Android REST client, Sample? methods to actually go out and make that REST call. In addition I chose to use a Callback mechanism to communicate the result..
DefaultHttpClient to AndroidHttpClient above code into your main activity's onCreate method. In addition it is always recommended to move network operation off the UI..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android remove your fragments with the code above because it loads several views or fragments in your case into memory. In addition to the visible view it also loads the view to either side of the visible one. This provides the smooth scrolling from view..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) have probably discovered there's currently no native support for this feature but there was talk about making this an addition to an upcoming revision of the support package. With regards to the YouTube and G apps it does seem odd that they behave..
How to disable orientation change in Android? 13 or higher as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation value. That is you must declare android configChanges orientation screenSize . However if your application..
twitter integration on android app into my Android application so that I can post messages to Twitter. android twitter share improve this question In addition to d.'s solid choices you could Use ACTION_SEND Intents with createChooser and if the user has a Twitter application installed..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] I'm running this on Android 2.0.1. android sms broadcastreceiver intentfilter share improve this question In addition to Samuh's answer you need to do an object comparison on the action string or just do no comparison in your manifest file..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? Native Development Kit Android NDK which will allow developers to build Android software components with C and C . In addition to delivering support for native code Google is also extending Android to support popular dynamic scripting languages ...
How can I get zoom functionality for images? this question UPDATE I've just given TouchImageView a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling in addition to Panning and Pinch Zoom. The code below is very dated. You can check out the github project to get the latest code. USAGE..
Detect application heap size in Android set to 32 maxMemory 33554432 getMemoryClass 32 With VM Heap Size set to 64 maxMemory 67108864 getMemoryClass 32 In addition to the above I tested on a Novo7 Paladin tablet running Ice Cream Sandwich. This was essentially a stock version of ICS.. as would using the space made available by a user who has upped the heap via a rooted OS i.e. if your app uses the additional memory it probably will not play as nicely with whatever other apps the user is running at the same time . Note that the..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] of useful UI Performance tips. android share improve this question Here's my personal top twenty. I use this in addition to the usual lists from I could add another five though the list is long enough. Add Two Numbers Your first..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities long visits since Android makes no guarantees to terminate the application after your last activity closes. In addition if your app does anything with notifications or services these background tasks can start up your app and result in phantom.. your subsequent attempts to write events to GA in other activities will fail because the session has been stopped. In addition there's a bug in Google Analytics up through at least version 1.2 that causes it to keep a strong reference to the context..
Defining custom attrs so they can be bit ored together attr name my_flag_attr flag name fuzzy value 0x01 flag name cold value 0x02 attr In addition to attributes there is the declare styleable element. This allows you to define attributes a custom view can use. You do..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] fling So alas this did not work for me. But if you're interested in this approach read on... I also had to make some additions to Swathi's code to get what I wanted. In GestureListener.onTouch in addition to delegating to the gesture detector I also.. read on... I also had to make some additions to Swathi's code to get what I wanted. In GestureListener.onTouch in addition to delegating to the gesture detector I also had to return true for ACTION_UP and ACTION_CANCEL events. That successfully..
Grid of images inside ScrollView and GridViews can't be expanded to wrap their children because we all know that they have more beneficial features in addition to their scrolling and the recycling of their children. Nonetheless you can hack around this or create your own layout to..
onConfigurationChanged not getting called 13 or higher as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation value. That is you must decalare android configChanges orientation screenSize . However if your application..
Android: failed to allocate memory on however since it is a network based game I need at least one other client hoping to use the emulator to run with in addition to my phone. android android emulator share improve this question Solution to running a faster emulator http
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup appropriate scale factor to all of the other interactions with them dispatching touch events invalidates etc. So in addition to dispatchDraw you will need to override and appropriate adjust the behavior of at least these other methods. To take care..
Problem to load flv video in webview have to write your html file to the sdcard before calling loadUrl to dynaamically replace the video file name. In addition you should copy the video from your assets folder into the same path on the sdcard as you can see from my exaple I created..
Android REST client, Sample? This is the lower level AsyncTask layer which uses HTTP client methods to actually go out and make that REST call. In addition I chose to use a Callback mechanism to communicate the result of the AsyncTask s back to the app. Enough of text. Let's..
DefaultHttpClient to AndroidHttpClient .permitAll .build StrictMode.setThreadPolicy policy Add the above code into your main activity's onCreate method. In addition it is always recommended to move network operation off the UI thread for example using AsyncTask. hope this help. share..
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor affected do compile and if I close re open them this problem goes away for the moment. Any ideas on what's happening Addition Jeff Axelrod provided a link to a new bug report with Google. android xml eclipse share improve this question This..
Android Location Listener call very often parameters. However you can use requestSingleUpdate with a Looper and Handler to run the updates once an hour. Addition To start you can read more about Loopers and Handlers here . You are using API 8 which is a good choice but this limits..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows In iOS there is a very easy and powerful facility to animate the addition and removal..
How to use NDK in android project? jstring Java_com_myNDKDemo_MainActivity_getString JNIEnv env jobject this jint value1 jint value2 char szFormat Addition i char szResult jlong sum value1 value2 szResult malloc sizeof szFormat 20 sprintf szResult szFormat sum jstring result..
retain the fragment object while rotating function like this @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState End Addition setContentView R.layout.main FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getFragmentManager .beginTransaction Fragment homeFragment..
Adding/Removing the language entries in the “Settings” -> “Select Locale” from Android phone I'll talk more below. How to add new locale and it's associated font in android source How to add new L0cale Addition and Removal of language from Android Phone Localization committing new language Additional languages support Localization.. source How to add new L0cale Addition and Removal of language from Android Phone Localization committing new language Additional languages support Localization new locale HELP Back to the entry a listed above. In the OS localization message thread..