android Programming Glossary: additionally
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? be used to calculate the layout which uses more CPU time. Additionally this prevents any confusion over what the layout should look..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState a handler for the adding and removing the DummyFragment. Additionally I've added some more debug output. private class onFriendAddedAsyncTask..
Android app fail to start after adding admob TEST_DEVICE_ID ads loadAdOnCreate true LinearLayout Additionally if the steps above did not work You could do this inside Your..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found for me. The latest Java release can be downloaded here . Additionally make sure the variable JAVA_HOME is also set with the above..
Android Sdk tools Revision 22 issue? when I imported manually again the import was not working. Additionally the project gen folder is empty and cleaning the project workspace..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 emails.close cursor.close Additionally you can loop through your contacts and simply get the name and..
Custom title with image Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE R.layout.my_custom_title Additionally you may need to increase the size of the title if you don't..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? and it is a pain to do it manually every time I release. Additionally removing a Log line is potentially tricky for instance if condition..
How to launch the market intent in 'Give Feedback' mode on Android? startActivity goToMarket Is there a best practice Additionally is there any way to track referalls from my demo application..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? false document.removeEventListener 'touchmove' this false Additionally the index.html he provides isn't exactly what you want so replace..
Multiple Apps use same content provider be unique. I don't think there are any tricks around that. Additionally there's a bug in the Android platform that also prevents using..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? needed to specify image png for the sake of my attachment. Additionally research indicated that putting potentially large images on..
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) are methods like OnCreate OnPause OnDestroy OnClick etc. Additionally this is where all of the updates to the UI are made. Anything..
Android - set a ProgressBar to be a vertical bar instead of horizontal? to set to be vertical but I'm not seeing anything. Additionally I'd like to be able to show ruler like indicator along the side..
How to play online radio in android url so call toExternalForm on the result from getURL . Additionally If things aren't working for you with MediaPlayer via URL you..
Scala Programming for Android which is a show stopper for mobile applications. Additionally the IDE runs out of memory every now and then. I assume dex..
Why doesn't Android use more enums? . That's a lot of code and data just for three integers. Additionally this Shrubbery shrub Shrubbery.GROUND causes a static field..
multilanguage app: best way? [closed] best automatic translators can produce inaccurate output. Additionally you add a fair amount of complexity overhead and dependency..
Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors find any resources on how to change this for Android 3.0. Additionally I'd like to change the text color for the menu items that show..
Android Process Scheduling to run presumably the process that just became runnable . Additionally when a process's timeslice reaches zero it is preempted and..
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? the database is backed up properly when your app exits and additionally call them right before you call getSharedPreferences elsewhere..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader into the onTextChanged method now contains not only the additionally added characters but also the characters from the token which..
Android emulator spams logcat with "Service has leaked ServiceConnection … that was originally bound here How could I fix it Should I be worried I will post codes additionally when someone asks because I don't know where could the problem..
Android GPS My Location finding i.e. when you were outdoors last time. Alternatively or additionally to GPS_Provider you could also use the LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER..
Floating point or fixed-point for Android NDK OpenGL apps? though so I can't offer much more than that. Some devices additionally support the NEON Advanced SIMD extension which provides some..
How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()? finish which then bubbles up through onActivityResult to additionally destroy C and B. For my pre Honycomb fragment version each activity..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android In my case I have to give the bootclasspath additionally because I use Android classes javah bootclasspath path_to_the_used_android_api..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker No assumption about ordering of the input No need to additionally process markers which are not going to be shown The code for..
HTTPS connection with basic auth result into Unauthorized Attention You will need the new HttpClient from Apache and additionally you must rearrange the order that the jar file is before the..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus also provides a listener interface by which you can react additionally to the tab changes. Lastly it also provides a callback for after..
Is it possible to get maximal GPS precision on mobile browser? on Android I've received GPS position accuracy of 14m and additionally altitude and speed data. So as I see I've not received in both..
Implementing user choice of theme I actually have this feature in my application and additionally I allow users to change theme at runtime. As reading a value..
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? the attribute is that if you didn't ignore it it would be used to calculate the layout which uses more CPU time. Additionally this prevents any confusion over what the layout should look like when using a combination of the three attributes. This..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState ft.commitAllowingStateLoss In the next step I use a handler for the adding and removing the DummyFragment. Additionally I've added some more debug output. private class onFriendAddedAsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Void String @Override protected..
Android app fail to start after adding admob MY_AD_UNIT_ID ads adSize BANNER ads testDevices TEST_EMULATOR TEST_DEVICE_ID ads loadAdOnCreate true LinearLayout Additionally if the steps above did not work You could do this inside Your Activity where You want to show the admob. Refer to Your admob..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found
Android Sdk tools Revision 22 issue? in my Activity I was getting compiler errors and even when I imported manually again the import was not working. Additionally the project gen folder is empty and cleaning the project workspace having build automatically option on didn't make any..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 emails.getString emails.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.DATA emails.close cursor.close Additionally you can loop through your contacts and simply get the name and phone number like this Cursor people getContentResolver .query..
Custom title with image setContentView R.layout.my_layout getWindow .setFeatureInt Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE R.layout.my_custom_title Additionally you may need to increase the size of the title if you don't then the bottom of your custom layout may just be covered up..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? methods in your source files. My open source project is large and it is a pain to do it manually every time I release. Additionally removing a Log line is potentially tricky for instance if condition Log.d LOG_TAG Something data.load If I comment..
How to launch the market intent in 'Give Feedback' mode on Android? Uri.parse market details id startActivity goToMarket Is there a best practice Additionally is there any way to track referalls from my demo application so that I can try to calculate some kind of a conversion rate..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? this false document.removeEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.removeEventListener 'touchmove' this false Additionally the index.html he provides isn't exactly what you want so replace it with this one and then copy the html css js and png..
Multiple Apps use same content provider are identified by the authority so it needs to be unique. I don't think there are any tricks around that. Additionally there's a bug in the Android platform that also prevents using the same classname for two different ContentProviders even..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? been using. Even though I was sending email text I really needed to specify image png for the sake of my attachment. Additionally research indicated that putting potentially large images on the primary memory was not a good idea even if you were going..
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) of your event handling code is run in this UIThread. These are methods like OnCreate OnPause OnDestroy OnClick etc. Additionally this is where all of the updates to the UI are made. Anything that causes the UI to be updated or changed HAS to happen..
Android - set a ProgressBar to be a vertical bar instead of horizontal? to be an easy task and thought that ProgressBar had a property to set to be vertical but I'm not seeing anything. Additionally I'd like to be able to show ruler like indicator along the side of the bar to clearly indicate the current level. Pointers..
How to play online radio in android then connect then getURL . You'll likely need a string url so call toExternalForm on the result from getURL . Additionally If things aren't working for you with MediaPlayer via URL you might have to come up with your own buffering mechanism to..
Scala Programming for Android takes several minutes to compile and needs 900 kb compressed which is a show stopper for mobile applications. Additionally the IDE runs out of memory every now and then. I assume dex is not made for big libraries like the scala library. So my..
Why doesn't Android use more enums? full set is stored in an array a static field called VALUES . That's a lot of code and data just for three integers. Additionally this Shrubbery shrub Shrubbery.GROUND causes a static field lookup. If GROUND were a static final int the compiler would..
multilanguage app: best way? [closed] trust on the fly translation of your strings even the best automatic translators can produce inaccurate output. Additionally you add a fair amount of complexity overhead and dependency e.g. having a network connection by handling translation this..
Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors beneath the tabs It's currently the light blue and I can't find any resources on how to change this for Android 3.0. Additionally I'd like to change the text color for the menu items that show up on the right of the ActionBar as a result of android showAsAction..
Android Process Scheduling If it is the scheduler is invoked to pick a new process to run presumably the process that just became runnable . Additionally when a process's timeslice reaches zero it is preempted and the scheduler is invoked to select a new process. The Scheduling..
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? call these three methods in your onDestroy to make sure the database is backed up properly when your app exits and additionally call them right before you call getSharedPreferences elsewhere in your application as otherwise it will load the .bak file..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at runtime. Use for font sizes you should always use RelativeLayout..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader such as al the value of the arg s that gets passed into the onTextChanged method now contains not only the additionally added characters but also the characters from the token which has previously been terminated the value of s at this point..
Android emulator spams logcat with "Service has leaked ServiceConnection … that was originally bound here logcat I run application with emulator . What could that be How could I fix it Should I be worried I will post codes additionally when someone asks because I don't know where could the problem be and I don't want to post all .java and xml files to spam..
Android GPS My Location finding could still show the last known location known to the device i.e. when you were outdoors last time. Alternatively or additionally to GPS_Provider you could also use the LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER instead which is based on Wifi and or GMS is less..
Floating point or fixed-point for Android NDK OpenGL apps? native side. I don't know much about the GL implementation though so I can't offer much more than that. Some devices additionally support the NEON Advanced SIMD extension which provides some fancy features beyond what the basic VFP support has. However..
How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()? onto one another D has a button 'OK' which when pressed calls finish which then bubbles up through onActivityResult to additionally destroy C and B. For my pre Honycomb fragment version each activity is effectively a wrapper on fragments Af Bf Cf Df. All..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android the full qualified class javah de.dhbw.file.sha1.SHA1HashFileAsyncTask In my case I have to give the bootclasspath additionally because I use Android classes javah bootclasspath path_to_the_used_android_api de.dhbw.file.sha1.SHA1HashFileAsyncTask That..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker cells. Maybe it sounds a bit primitive but No n^2 algorithms No assumption about ordering of the input No need to additionally process markers which are not going to be shown The code for the grid Note I come from the C world got here through algorithm..
HTTPS connection with basic auth result into Unauthorized catch Exception e e.printStackTrace HttpClient 4.x Attention You will need the new HttpClient from Apache and additionally you must rearrange the order that the jar file is before the Android library. package com.test import org.apache.http.HttpEntity..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus while properly swapping between them. Furthermore it also provides a listener interface by which you can react additionally to the tab changes. Lastly it also provides a callback for after a tab has been changed and a runnable has been post to..
Is it possible to get maximal GPS precision on mobile browser? fell to 800 1000 meters. In the same time on GPS Test app on Android I've received GPS position accuracy of 14m and additionally altitude and speed data. So as I see I've not received in both devices in mobile browser either the full data set available..
Implementing user choice of theme in advance. android android theme share improve this question I actually have this feature in my application and additionally I allow users to change theme at runtime. As reading a value from preferences takes some time I'm getting a theme id via..