android Programming Glossary: adjusts
Auto-fit TextView for Android one that has just a constant number of lines of text and adjusts its font according to its size yet never have weird glitches..
How to scale a website for mobile devices? share improve this question Android automatically adjusts to the size of your site try to use width 100 or smaller than..
How to center buttons on screen horizontally and vertically plus equidistant apart? from a Windows programming background where the device adjusts the 'absolute' positioning for you and GUI layout was a non..
Is there a listener to listen for changes in the volume in android?
Using clipRect - explantion drawing code I found that canvas.translate x y also adjusts the clipRect. The interaction of clipRect and the drawing matrix..
Activity restart on rotation Android it so onCreate is not called again and the layout just adjusts or 3. Limit the app to just portrait so that onCreate is not..
Android 2.2: Adjusting screen brightness means to use the preferred screen brightness. 0 to 1 adjusts the brightness from dark to full bright. share improve this..
basics of device-independent-pixels is not exactly DPI. It is an abstract scaling factor that adjusts for screen dpi but does not try to exactly reflect it. You would..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds import android.widget.TextView Text view that auto adjusts text size to fit within the view. If the text size equals the..
Auto-fit TextView for Android much less features that what I've written about for example one that has just a constant number of lines of text and adjusts its font according to its size yet never have weird glitches and having the text get too large small compared to its available..
How to scale a website for mobile devices? size i want it to be Thanks in advanced Koby iphone css android share improve this question Android automatically adjusts to the size of your site try to use width 100 or smaller than around 310 pixels scrollbar takes space for normal viewmode...
How to center buttons on screen horizontally and vertically plus equidistant apart? AbsoluteLayout which is what this was created with. I'm coming from a Windows programming background where the device adjusts the 'absolute' positioning for you and GUI layout was a non issue. The first layout works great in the emulator but doesn't..
Is there a listener to listen for changes in the volume in android?
Using clipRect - explantion with the apparently largely undocumented View ViewGroup drawing code I found that canvas.translate x y also adjusts the clipRect. The interaction of clipRect and the drawing matrix is very confusing. It is helpful to print out canvas.getMatrix..
Activity restart on rotation Android function so it's not all lost on device rotation or 2. Make it so onCreate is not called again and the layout just adjusts or 3. Limit the app to just portrait so that onCreate is not called. android rotation android activity share improve..
Android 2.2: Adjusting screen brightness
basics of device-independent-pixels various densities are similar to DPI mdpi is 160 etc density is not exactly DPI. It is an abstract scaling factor that adjusts for screen dpi but does not try to exactly reflect it. You would use in mm etc for exact sizes but 99.9 that is not what..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds import android.util.AttributeSet import android.util.TypedValue import android.widget.TextView Text view that auto adjusts text size to fit within the view. If the text size equals the minimum text size and still does not fit append with an ellipsis...