android Programming Glossary: adjusting
Gradient Radius as percentage of screen size the p it works but then the radius will be static thus not adjusting to the screen size...Any idea what's wrong android android..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View the view between its expanded and collapsed states by adjusting the layout parameters of the containing object and requesting..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View there is a catch. This rotates your carBitmap without adjusting its position on screen properly. Depending on how you're drawing..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button to this particular question. Especially considering that adjusting the RadioButton layout to place the button on the far right..
android:drawableLeft margin and/or padding and drawable inward towards the center of the button. By adjusting the left and right padding separately you can make very detailed..
is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout setting the gravity of the linearlayout to center and then adjusting the padding of the buttons but this works for a fixed width..
Gallery default item selected is in center [duplicate] question hey I kinda got around the very same issue with adjusting the left margin like so DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width Update I solved this issue..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing adapted the code to work for other devices. First i tried adjusting the device filter xml. I added my device a keyboard usb device..
Android Expandable list metrics width metrics.widthPixels this code for adjusting the group indicator into right side of the view expList.setIndicatorBounds..
Starting the Android emulator in SDK tools, revision 12 simpler and possibly slightly less cumbersome is simply adjusting the path in Eclipse to use 8 dot 3 directory name s . Since..
DialogFragment.getDialog returns null is called called when the Fragment is visible to the user adjusting the layout of the fragment at that point looks fine.... for..
Trying to port Apache POI to Android made dexing my classes crash most of the time fixed by adjusting the Xmx and xms values in Eclipse.ini the 64k method limit for..
Dialog themed activity with action bar theme e.g. Theme.Holo.Dialog to have an action bar I tried adjusting the windowIsFloating Attribute but that caused an exception..
Android gridview adjusting to screen size gridview adjusting to screen size The grid view of my application has 3 rows and..
how to set android layout to support all screen sizes? screens when am trying it with small screen it is not adjusting the layout to fit the screen. i used this code in the manifest..
Gradient Radius as percentage of screen size type radial shape But it doens't seem to work. if I remove the p it works but then the radius will be static thus not adjusting to the screen size...Any idea what's wrong android android xml radial gradients shapedrawable share improve this question..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View child. else super.addView child width height Handles animating the view between its expanded and collapsed states by adjusting the layout parameters of the containing object and requesting a layout pass. private class LayoutAnimation extends Animation..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View in the time specified the time to draw the last frame. However there is a catch. This rotates your carBitmap without adjusting its position on screen properly. Depending on how you're drawing your bitmaps you could end up with your carBitmap rotating..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button ironic to bring up Human Interface Guidelines in response to this particular question. Especially considering that adjusting the RadioButton layout to place the button on the far right would achieve consistency with the layout of the Spinner menu...
android:drawableLeft margin and/or padding paddingLeft and android paddingRight to force the text and drawable inward towards the center of the button. By adjusting the left and right padding separately you can make very detailed adjustments to the layout. Here's an example button that..
is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout across the width of the linear layout. I can manage this by setting the gravity of the linearlayout to center and then adjusting the padding of the buttons but this works for a fixed width and won't work for changing devices or orientations. LinearLayout..
Gallery default item selected is in center [duplicate] If yes then how come android gallery share improve this question hey I kinda got around the very same issue with adjusting the left margin like so DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics ctx.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width Update I solved this issue by using the method described in this answer I'm a bit stuck..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing at least get it the USB_Device_Attached to fire. No go. I adapted the code to work for other devices. First i tried adjusting the device filter xml. I added my device a keyboard usb device vendor id 1050 product id 0010 I got the vendor and product..
Android Expandable list new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics width metrics.widthPixels this code for adjusting the group indicator into right side of the view expList.setIndicatorBounds width GetDipsFromPixel 50 width GetDipsFromPixel..
Starting the Android emulator in SDK tools, revision 12 paths that do not contains spaces as already mentioned ... but simpler and possibly slightly less cumbersome is simply adjusting the path in Eclipse to use 8 dot 3 directory name s . Since I'm running Win7 I have two Program Files directories the second..
DialogFragment.getDialog returns null but not in onCreate or onCreateDialog . Eventhough onStart is called called when the Fragment is visible to the user adjusting the layout of the fragment at that point looks fine.... for example setting the width and height using getDialog .getWindow..
Trying to port Apache POI to Android at least 2 kinds of problems not enough RAM on Eclipse which made dexing my classes crash most of the time fixed by adjusting the Xmx and xms values in Eclipse.ini the 64k method limit for each DEX file made things complicated. I had to split all..
Dialog themed activity with action bar is it possible for an activity that has a dialog theme e.g. Theme.Holo.Dialog to have an action bar I tried adjusting the windowIsFloating Attribute but that caused an exception along the lines of actionbarimpl not compatible indicating that..
Android gridview adjusting to screen size gridview adjusting to screen size The grid view of my application has 3 rows and 3 columns. I want this to fill the screen irrespective of..
how to set android layout to support all screen sizes? i designed a layout file that supports for large and normal screens when am trying it with small screen it is not adjusting the layout to fit the screen. i used this code in the manifest also. supports screens android resizeable true android smallScreens..