android Programming Glossary: addheaderview
Android: Adding static header to the top of a ListActivity using getListView from within the class. Then I used addHeaderView View to add a small layout to the top of the screen. Header.xml.. Before I set the adapter I do ListView lv getListView lv.addHeaderView findViewById R.layout.header This results in nothing happening.. ViewGroup infalter.inflate R.layout.header lv false lv.addHeaderView header budget new Budget this try test budget.getTransactions..
how can i automatically size listview so it doesn't scroll with it add header or footer views to the ListView using addHeaderView or addFooterView . If the list content is going to be a small..
How to Use Android addHeaderView to Use Android addHeaderView Can Android's addHeaderView be used to add multiple headers.. to Use Android addHeaderView Can Android's addHeaderView be used to add multiple headers throughout a single ListView..
Hide footer view in ListView? has already been set on the ListView and you can't call addHeaderView addFooterView after setting an adapter. android listview .. this question It seems that you are allowed to call addHeaderView addFooterView after setAdapter as long as you call one of those..
How can I get my ListView to scroll? Add views that should be above ListView as a header addHeaderView View v and that below as a footer addFooterView View v Put everything.. mBottom inflater.inflate R.layout.view_bottom null list.addHeaderView mTop list.addFooterView mBottom add header and footer before..
Best place to addHeaderView in ListFragment place to addHeaderView in ListFragment I'm having some trouble setting up my custom.. you can now call ListFragment.getListView .addHeaderView . Basically something like so super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState.. savedInstanceState if mheaderView null this.getListView .addHeaderView headerView Don't forget to now call setListAdapter this.setListAdapter..
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views ListView addHeaderView nullPointerException for predefined Views Trying to use addHeaderView.. nullPointerException for predefined Views Trying to use addHeaderView and addFooterView for a ListView . If I try to use a View that.. TextView header TextView findViewById lv.addHeaderView header This works fine ListView lv ListView findViewById
ViewPager inside ListView listview before all real list items follow. I tried using addHeaderView or declaring multiple view types in my list adapter however..
Android: Adding static header to the top of a ListActivity list that are always visible. I've attempted to grab the ListView using getListView from within the class. Then I used addHeaderView View to add a small layout to the top of the screen. Header.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android.. android textSize 15dip android layout_weight 1 LinearLayout Before I set the adapter I do ListView lv getListView lv.addHeaderView findViewById R.layout.header This results in nothing happening to the ListView except for it being populated from my database... LayoutInflater infalter getLayoutInflater ViewGroup header ViewGroup infalter.inflate R.layout.header lv false lv.addHeaderView header budget new Budget this try test budget.getTransactions showEvents test finally switchTabSpecial Layout.xml for..
how can i automatically size listview so it doesn't scroll content but also have content above and below that scrolls with it add header or footer views to the ListView using addHeaderView or addFooterView . If the list content is going to be a small portion of your overall layout as you describe this probably..
How to Use Android addHeaderView to Use Android addHeaderView Can Android's addHeaderView be used to add multiple headers throughout a single ListView Can someone give an example of.. to Use Android addHeaderView Can Android's addHeaderView be used to add multiple headers throughout a single ListView Can someone give an example of how to do this I was able to..
Hide footer view in ListView? which case I can't call addFooterView again because an adapter has already been set on the ListView and you can't call addHeaderView addFooterView after setting an adapter. android listview share improve this question It seems that you are allowed.. after setting an adapter. android listview share improve this question It seems that you are allowed to call addHeaderView addFooterView after setAdapter as long as you call one of those methods at least once before . That is a rather poor design..
How can I get my ListView to scroll? inside ScrollView create one ListView with header and footer. Add views that should be above ListView as a header addHeaderView View v and that below as a footer addFooterView View v Put everything what should be above ListView to header of ListView.. this mTop inflater.inflate R.layout.view_top null mBottom inflater.inflate R.layout.view_bottom null list.addHeaderView mTop list.addFooterView mBottom add header and footer before setting adapter list.setAdapter mAdapter In result you'll get..
Best place to addHeaderView in ListFragment place to addHeaderView in ListFragment I'm having some trouble setting up my custom header in my list. I'm creating a ListFragment with a custom.. null return list_root Finally in your ListFragment.onActivityCreated you can now call ListFragment.getListView .addHeaderView . Basically something like so super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState if mheaderView null this.getListView .addHeaderView..
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views ListView addHeaderView nullPointerException for predefined Views Trying to use addHeaderView and addFooterView for a ListView . If I try to use.. ListView addHeaderView nullPointerException for predefined Views Trying to use addHeaderView and addFooterView for a ListView . If I try to use a View that I've predefined in XML for either the header or footer I.. ListView lv ListView findViewById TextView header TextView findViewById lv.addHeaderView header This works fine ListView lv ListView findViewById TextView header new TextView this TextView.setHeight..
ViewPager inside ListView as a listview item I want to add it as a header on top of my listview before all real list items follow. I tried using addHeaderView or declaring multiple view types in my list adapter however the viewpager never shows up whatever way I try. Has anyone..