android Programming Glossary: addcontentview
Admob on Multiple Activities? AdMob Adv to Bottom of Screen Log.i AdMob End Layout Setup addContentView layout new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Android Camera Surface View surface_view new SurfaceView getApplicationContext addContentView surface_view new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? DIMENSIONS_PORTRAIT DIMENSIONS_LANDSCAPE addContentView mContent new FrameLayout.LayoutParams int dimensions 0 scale..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) display.getHeight DIMENSIONS_PORTRAIT DIMENSIONS_LANDSCAPE addContentView mContent new FrameLayout.LayoutParams int dimensions 0 scale..
How to overlay GLSurfaceView over a MapView in Android? and the MapView to the Layout setContentView glSurfaceView addContentView mapView new ViewGroup.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView mGLSurfaceView new TouchSurfaceView this addContentView mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT.. LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceView new SurfaceView this addContentView mSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Programmatically creating a RelativeLayout in Android lp.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP addContentView m_btnCrown lp m_btnMonkey new ImageButton this m_btnMonkey.setImageResource.. lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF m_btnCrown.getId addContentView m_btnMonkey lp android relativelayout share improve this..
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL each other. If we try to setContentView mCameraPreview addContentView mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT addContentView mInfoView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. shown . If instead we try to setContentView mGLSurfaceView addContentView mCameraPreview new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails this mGLView new MySurfaceView this setContentView mGLView addContentView surface_view new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Admob on Multiple Activities? android.view.Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL To put AdMob Adv to Bottom of Screen Log.i AdMob End Layout Setup addContentView layout new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT adView new AdView this AdSize.BANNER ADV_PUB_ID..
Android Camera Surface View savedInstanceState getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT surface_view new SurfaceView getApplicationContext addContentView surface_view new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT if surface_holder null surface_holder..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? .density float dimensions display.getWidth display.getHeight DIMENSIONS_PORTRAIT DIMENSIONS_LANDSCAPE addContentView mContent new FrameLayout.LayoutParams int dimensions 0 scale 0.5f int dimensions 1 scale 0.5f private void setUpTitle..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) .density float dimensions display.getWidth display.getHeight DIMENSIONS_PORTRAIT DIMENSIONS_LANDSCAPE addContentView mContent new FrameLayout.LayoutParams int dimensions 0 scale 0.5f int dimensions 1 scale 0.5f private void setUpTitle..
How to overlay GLSurfaceView over a MapView in Android? PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT and add the GLSurfaceView and the MapView to the Layout setContentView glSurfaceView addContentView mapView new ViewGroup.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT finally in your..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN mGLSurfaceView new TouchSurfaceView this addContentView mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceView new SurfaceView this addContentView.. mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceView new SurfaceView this addContentView mSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceHolder mSurfaceView.getHolder mSurfaceHolder.addCallback..
Programmatically creating a RelativeLayout in Android RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lp.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP addContentView m_btnCrown lp m_btnMonkey new ImageButton this m_btnMonkey.setImageResource R.drawable.monkey_small m_btnMonkey.setAlpha.. lp.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF m_btnCrown.getId addContentView m_btnMonkey lp android relativelayout share improve this question I have written a quick example to demonstrate how..
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL hard we try both SurfaceViews apparently don't get on well with each other. If we try to setContentView mCameraPreview addContentView mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT addContentView mInfoView new LayoutParams.. mCameraPreview addContentView mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT addContentView mInfoView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT which seems logical everything goes as expected.. just disappears not the InfoView that one is still shown . If instead we try to setContentView mGLSurfaceView addContentView mCameraPreview new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT addContentView mInfoView new LayoutParams..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails Debug.out Welcome surface_view new CameraSurfaceView this mGLView new MySurfaceView this setContentView mGLView addContentView surface_view new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT @Override protected void onPause super.onPause..