android Programming Glossary: addjavascriptinterface
How can I call native functions in Phonegap through Javascript? Write your own plugin or provide JavaScript interface with addJavascriptInterface method of WebView Access to webview in your phonegap activity..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview void loadData String data String mimeType String encoding addJavascriptInterface super.loadData data mimeType encoding @Override public void.. data String mimeType String encoding String historyUrl addJavascriptInterface super.loadDataWithBaseURL baseUrl data mimeType encoding historyUrl.. historyUrl @Override public void loadUrl String url addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url @Override public void loadUrl String url Map..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? mode to 2 07 08 19 51 22.852 I CordovaWebView 664 Disabled addJavascriptInterface bridge since Android version is old. 07 08 19 51 22.852 E dalvikvm..
Passing a JavaScript object using addJavascriptInterface() on Android a JavaScript object using addJavascriptInterface on Android Is it possible to pass a JavaScript object from.. to pass a JavaScript object from JavaScript to Java using addJavascriptInterface Something along these lines var javaScriptObject field1 string1.. javascript android share improve this question AFAIK addJavascriptInterface only works with primitive types and Strings and so you cannot..
Adding JavaScript Interface to a Browser want to invoke java code android API's from javascript use addJavascriptInterface webview.addJavascriptInterface new MyJSJavaBridge api All of.. API's from javascript use addJavascriptInterface webview.addJavascriptInterface new MyJSJavaBridge api All of this is shown in the example url..
Is there a way to get the HTML in a webview in an Android app? in an Android app Not easily. javascript URLs work and addJavascriptInterface allows you to set up callbacks that the Javascript can call...
shouldOverrideUrlLoading does not work/catch link clicks while page is loading to your own Java object injected into the WebView via addJavascriptInterface . Then you will no longer be reliant upon shouldOverrideUrlLoading..
Why is PhoneGap Android app crashing while inserting bunch of data into SQL? to java via an object bound into the webview context with addJavascriptInterface. Although I am not explicitly using JNI apparently under the..
How to call javascript from Android? so that it can be called from Javascript with WebView addJavascriptInterface javaObjectCallback JavaCallback Force execute javascript within..
How can I call native functions in Phonegap through Javascript?
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview client super.setWebChromeClient client @Override public void loadData String data String mimeType String encoding addJavascriptInterface super.loadData data mimeType encoding @Override public void loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType.. public void loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType String encoding String historyUrl addJavascriptInterface super.loadDataWithBaseURL baseUrl data mimeType encoding historyUrl @Override public void loadUrl String url addJavascriptInterface.. super.loadDataWithBaseURL baseUrl data mimeType encoding historyUrl @Override public void loadUrl String url addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url @Override public void loadUrl String url Map String String additionalHttpHeaders addJavascriptInterface..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? IZ V 07 08 19 51 22.852 D JsMessageQueue 664 Set native JS mode to 2 07 08 19 51 22.852 I CordovaWebView 664 Disabled addJavascriptInterface bridge since Android version is old. 07 08 19 51 22.852 E dalvikvm 664 Could not find class 'android.webkit.WebResourceResponse'..
Passing a JavaScript object using addJavascriptInterface() on Android a JavaScript object using addJavascriptInterface on Android Is it possible to pass a JavaScript object from JavaScript to Java using addJavascriptInterface Something along.. using addJavascriptInterface on Android Is it possible to pass a JavaScript object from JavaScript to Java using addJavascriptInterface Something along these lines var javaScriptObject field1 string1 field2 string2 JavaScriptInterface.passObject javaScriptObject.. when I send an object I receive null on the Java end. java javascript android share improve this question AFAIK addJavascriptInterface only works with primitive types and Strings and so you cannot pass arbitrary Javascript objects. share improve this answer..
Adding JavaScript Interface to a Browser true This is from java to javascript. If you want to invoke java code android API's from javascript use addJavascriptInterface webview.addJavascriptInterface new MyJSJavaBridge api All of this is shown in the example url you posted as well. share..
Is there a way to get the HTML in a webview in an Android app? this question Is there a way to get the HTML in a webview in an Android app Not easily. javascript URLs work and addJavascriptInterface allows you to set up callbacks that the Javascript can call. You may be able to create a snippet of Javascript loaded by..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading does not work/catch link clicks while page is loading is your own you can replace all traditional links with calls to your own Java object injected into the WebView via addJavascriptInterface . Then you will no longer be reliant upon shouldOverrideUrlLoading . Otherwise perhaps try to prevent the user from interacting..
Why is PhoneGap Android app crashing while inserting bunch of data into SQL? performance testing in android javascript that calls across to java via an object bound into the webview context with addJavascriptInterface. Although I am not explicitly using JNI apparently under the covers the bound interface uses JNI to marshall the data across..
How to call javascript from Android? improve this question There is a hack Bind some Java object so that it can be called from Javascript with WebView addJavascriptInterface javaObjectCallback JavaCallback Force execute javascript within an existing page by WebView.loadUrl javascript var result..