android Programming Glossary: adobe
Anyone Have MediaPlayer Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? as in this sample project which works for serving PDFs to Adobe Reader which limits how screwed up my code can be. Specifically..
android: how do i open another app from my app? How do you find all this info out for a specific app say Adobe reader or google maps android api activity share improve..
Android-iPhone single codebase cross development be translated in Java and in Objective C. What about Flash Adobe wasn't supposed to release a tool to create flash based apps..
HTML5 <audio> tag on Android Player is okey but the problem is that on some phones the Adobe Flash player cannot be installed from Android market because.. be installed from Android market because there are some Adobe HW requirements like 1Ghz CPU etc. Some vendors like HTC are..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash question THIS ANSWER ADDED LATER So the problem is that Adobe's Flash Player creates a SurfaceView inside the WebView and.. is also important to suppress the first draw call to the Adobe view. The code for my subclassed WebView is as follows import.. import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout public class FixAdobeWebView extends WebView View whiteView private boolean eatenFirstFlashDraw..
Invoking Adobe Reader from within my Android application Adobe Reader from within my Android application I am writing an Android.. And I need to use the current versioncode 35498 of the Adobe Reader to display the pdf files.I have with code to display.. list of files on the screen. Now I need to invoke the Adobe reader not any other pdf reader installed on the device onclick..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 have a simple WebView to display a website with Flash the Adobe Flash website testing on a Xoom tablet running Android 3.0.1..
Open PDF in android app format. Install any pdf viewer from the Android Market Adobe recently release theirs or else use the above mentioned open..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] applications perhaps using jQuery Mobile or Titanium or Adobe Flash Flex Air. I also don't yet have a Mac which I'll probably..
Android - Package Name convention in the path hierarchy. So for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop.. packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe.. the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just..
How to open a pdf stored either in res/raw or assets folder? want it to be displayed in a separate application such as Adobe Reader I suggest doing the following Store the PDF file in the..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? I have started making graphics for my Android app using Adobe Photoshop. But I am unable to proceed as the resolution in Photoshop..
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? and drawbacks to each option android mobile air adobe textinput share improve this question The current options..
How can I install adobe flash on the android emulator can I install adobe flash on the android emulator I want to use Adobe Flash in..
Turning on camera flash LED in Android? [duplicate] search results for android flash too polluted by adobe flash android share improve this question check this topic..
Reliably detect PDF support on Android device know that at least the HTC default viewer droidreader and adobe acrobat get reported that way and the right result is returned...
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash You have all my code and the demo apk. android flash adobe webview flash player share improve this question THIS ANSWER.. if eatenFirstFlashDraw child.getClass .getName .equals com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface eatenFirstFlashDraw true return..
Invoking Adobe Reader from within my Android application greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance Navin android pdf adobe reader share improve this question I see that you want to..
Flash APIs for Android Platform the requestSoftKeyboard method. Check it out http en_US FlashPlatform beta reference actionscript 3 flash.. InteractiveObject.html#requestSoftKeyboard http cantrell archives 2011 03 everything new in adobe air 2..
Android - Package Name convention for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas.. would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that.. Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration and..
PDF reader in android viewvc andpdf trunk it is the source code for adobe pdf reader. Now if you want to insert voice output in it you..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] on Javascript It is open source but lately acquired by adobe not a good sign Appcelerator Anything from Javascript to PHP..
how to run the .swf file in android emulator? installed. I would recommend reading How can I install adobe flash on the android emulator for information on how to get..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists to download adobe reader programatically if not exists Now I am working on an.. startActivity intent My doubts are How to check there is a adobe reader installed in phone or not How to programatically install.. in phone or not How to programatically install the adobe reader on a phone android share improve this question From..
Anyone Have MediaPlayer Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? is being properly constructed. PipeProvider is the same one as in this sample project which works for serving PDFs to Adobe Reader which limits how screwed up my code can be. Specifically openFile creates a pipe from ParcelFileDescriptor @Override..
android: how do i open another app from my app? do you start that app How do you pass parameters to that app How do you find all this info out for a specific app say Adobe reader or google maps android api activity share improve this question How to see if Intent is available Try calling..
Android-iPhone single codebase cross development would be nice to have some sort of meta language that will be translated in Java and in Objective C. What about Flash Adobe wasn't supposed to release a tool to create flash based apps in iOS Update based on current answers the best cross platform..
HTML5 <audio> tag on Android Google that such a simple thing is a problem. Using the Flex Player is okey but the problem is that on some phones the Adobe Flash player cannot be installed from Android market because there are some Adobe HW requirements like 1Ghz CPU etc. Some.. problem is that on some phones the Adobe Flash player cannot be installed from Android market because there are some Adobe HW requirements like 1Ghz CPU etc. Some vendors like HTC are providing the own Flash players but those are pretty bad and..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash flash adobe webview flash player share improve this question THIS ANSWER ADDED LATER So the problem is that Adobe's Flash Player creates a SurfaceView inside the WebView and there is a delay between the SurfaceView appearing and the Flash.. add a customized SurfaceView to the view tree. Secondly it is also important to suppress the first draw call to the Adobe view. The code for my subclassed WebView is as follows import android.content.Context import import.. import android.view.View import android.webkit.WebView import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout public class FixAdobeWebView extends WebView View whiteView private boolean eatenFirstFlashDraw public FixAdobeWebView Context context AttributeSet..
Invoking Adobe Reader from within my Android application Adobe Reader from within my Android application I am writing an Android application to display pdf files on the device. And I.. an Android application to display pdf files on the device. And I need to use the current versioncode 35498 of the Adobe Reader to display the pdf files.I have with code to display list of files on the screen. Now I need to invoke the Adobe.. Reader to display the pdf files.I have with code to display list of files on the screen. Now I need to invoke the Adobe reader not any other pdf reader installed on the device onclick of each document. I am not sure how I code that. I am an..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 I have a simple WebView to display a website with Flash the Adobe Flash website testing on a Xoom tablet running Android 3.0.1 with newly released Flash 10.2 After referring to every question..
Open PDF in android app activity application that can read a 'application pdf' filetype format. Install any pdf viewer from the Android Market Adobe recently release theirs or else use the above mentioned open source pdf viewer and your problem will most probably will..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] how well they work in practice. I've been thinking about web applications perhaps using jQuery Mobile or Titanium or Adobe Flash Flex Air. I also don't yet have a Mac which I'll probably have to invest in. So my Questions What cross platform development..
Android - Package Name convention separator all applications from a publisher would sit together in the path hierarchy. So for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note.. would sit together in the path hierarchy. So for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration and these.. hierarchy. So for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration and these may not be the exact package names...
How to open a pdf stored either in res/raw or assets folder? application actually implemented a PDF reader. Since you want it to be displayed in a separate application such as Adobe Reader I suggest doing the following Store the PDF file in the assets directory. When the user wants to view it copy it..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images I have started making graphics for my Android app using Adobe Photoshop. But I am unable to proceed as the resolution in Photoshop is set in pixels per inch where as the official Google..
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? text input on Android using Adobe AIR What are the advantages and drawbacks to each option android mobile air adobe textinput share improve this question The current options available to AIR developers on Android for handling text input..
How can I install adobe flash on the android emulator can I install adobe flash on the android emulator I want to use Adobe Flash in the development of Android applications. But how do I install..
Turning on camera flash LED in Android? [duplicate] like flashlight apps and is it possible to vary the brightness search results for android flash too polluted by adobe flash android share improve this question check this topic will help a lot. How Turn on only Camera flash light programmatically..
Reliably detect PDF support on Android device else return false And that has been working great so far. I know that at least the HTC default viewer droidreader and adobe acrobat get reported that way and the right result is returned. However I now got a comment on the market console by a user..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash I am the only one to face this issue. Thank a lot for any help. You have all my code and the demo apk. android flash adobe webview flash player share improve this question THIS ANSWER ADDED LATER So the problem is that Adobe's Flash Player.. drawChild Canvas canvas View child long drawingTime if eatenFirstFlashDraw child.getClass .getName .equals com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface eatenFirstFlashDraw true return true return super.drawChild canvas child drawingTime The..
Invoking Adobe Reader from within my Android application how I code that. I am an Android newbie. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance Navin android pdf adobe reader share improve this question I see that you want to open Adobe specifically but you may want to consider doing..
Flash APIs for Android Platform base type somewhere in inheritance InteractiveObject. You used the requestSoftKeyboard method. Check it out http en_US FlashPlatform beta reference actionscript 3 flash display InteractiveObject.html#requestSoftKeyboard http
Android - Package Name convention a publisher would sit together in the path hierarchy. So for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration.. in the path hierarchy. So for instance packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration and these may not be the exact.. packages from Adobe would be of the form com.adobe.reader Adobe Reader com.adobe.photoshop Adobe Photoshop com.adobe.ideas Adobe Ideas Note that this is just an illustration and these may not be the exact package names. These could internally..
PDF reader in android improve this question This might help. http viewvc andpdf trunk it is the source code for adobe pdf reader. Now if you want to insert voice output in it you can update this application using TTS Text to Speech Class..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] flimsy dev environment. PhoneGap It seems easy and mostly based on Javascript It is open source but lately acquired by adobe not a good sign Appcelerator Anything from Javascript to PHP and to python have a nice range of API Access but we heard..
how to run the .swf file in android emulator? see is the missing plugin icon you don't have the Flash Player installed. I would recommend reading How can I install adobe flash on the android emulator for information on how to get Flash up and running on the emulator. share improve this answer..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists to download adobe reader programatically if not exists Now I am working on an application. Through my app users can read pdf files and if.. Uri.fromFile file intent.setDataAndType uri application pdf startActivity intent My doubts are How to check there is a adobe reader installed in phone or not How to programatically install the adobe reader on a phone android share improve this.. intent My doubts are How to check there is a adobe reader installed in phone or not How to programatically install the adobe reader on a phone android share improve this question From your code some complication.. Use this code Intent intent..